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RE: I Don't Fit In

in #music4 years ago

i am a weirdo amongst weirdos

LOL... Can it get any more weird? LOL hahahaha :)

Your singing and production is far from being weird though. Maybe I would say the same about you, but dont know you, so I cant tell. That said, being out-of-the-normal is THE way to go! Its boring when being the same as others :)

An Alien: Well, maybe we are all Aliens :)


Thanks! 〜(^∇^〜)(〜^∇^)〜
I appreciate the feedback on my production. I've been writing songs for 20 years but only producing for two so i'm still learning!

and you've reminded me that I should redo an introduction post cause last time i posted was last year and on steem!

You're welcome and looking fwd to your renewed intro post :)