
This post has been resteemed from MSP3K courtesy of @isaria from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).

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thank you very much @isaria for the mention! I really appreciate your constant support ! Much Love - Pechi !

an incredible project, an interest that brings success and invites other friends to succeed together, is incredible, I love your way

great post dear @isaria...

nice music thanks for sharing this with us

I like you❤


wow, glad I made the list.

@isaria you sure know how to put a smile on my face

Thank you

You got a 4.39% upvote from @buildawhale courtesy of @swelker101!
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I love hearing these open-hearted perspectives about Open Mic, especially because I’m so new to Steemit and Open Mic.
Thanks for sharing this list!

Thanks for the recent supportive upvote on my voice of open mic video my friend. Appreciate that truly, all these wonderful submissions shows the strength of the music community here

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