
Wow nice lyrics and track , you have a talent and I think you need to work on it build yourself more. I love the song and the lyric. Great sound


I love your choice of unusual chord progressions and the ambient production! Great stuff! And the eerie video is great, too! Thumbs up :)

Thank you so much!

I loss my language how expression my feel.Really that is very very awesome song,Sound combination,voice control,and sentence of the song is outstanding.I very appreciate your music,i enjoyed it now 2 times.I will wait for your next song

Thank you so much, I appreciate that!

Music is the friut of the soul if only you can keep it goin, you will save many people's life so please keep it up

This is outstanding, I really like this kind of direction. Must hear other your songs. Keep good work!

Thank you!

Thank you for sharing. Music that captured my attention was the last thing I expected to find here when I joined a month ago. As petrajordan noted, your chord progressions hook one into the song.

In the end, I think it is an illusion that we lose our way. We are always wherever we end up. It is just easy to forget that and get caught up in all the energy outside of us. I am adding this to my favorites as I have the other 2 I saw you shared.

Thank you so much! Very true as well.

Hi @isaria how are you? Really cool piece of music and video! I would like to connect with other cool steemians, artists and musicians. I’m posting music tutorials and other things related to music (and bitcoins:p). I’m the founder of the free music school communicasound. I'm really pleased to meet you. So i give you my vote, follow you and i will be happy to read your next posts in the futur. If you want, you can do the same and follow me. It’s important to have a family in Steemit :) Greetings from Paris. Peace.

Thanks, followed you as well!


Thanks for sharing, is outstanding

Loved it! 🌹👏👏👏

Thank you!!!

your voice is beautiful...
well done

Thank you!!!

Yes!!! I've been waiting for you to post this forever 🤣 - my favorite tune off of Descend. Confession - I actually had to recreate this chord progression in my workstation just to figure out what the hell you were doing to get such awesome chord changes lol.

Amazing work, you already know.

Thank you!!! That's quite a compliment that you took the time to work it out! <3

Really nice song. Thanks for posting the lyrics and video. I like the effects on your video also. I've been snooping around steemit trying to figure out the best way to use it to promote music- you totally nailed it, and you're incredibly talented.

Thank you so much!

Very good video and good music, something very original your style I like. regards
