Eugene - Busy

in #music6 months ago (edited)


Been quite busy on clients projects the past week. Ended up stumbling upon this track and thought it was pretty flippin' slick. Sounds like some type of demented circus parade or something that has been compressed and bass boosted into oblivion. If you like nasty bass this will suffice. If you play this on your iPhone speakers you're gonna miss over half the bassy glory.

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When I was young I liked loud music. I liked loud guitars, loud explosions, loud engines, and loud parties. I loved hearing things and the gulf between quiet and loud was a thing of joy. I never wore earmuffs shooting, I went to an Iron Maiden concert and marveled, standing within arms reach of a 4' (or larger) speaker that was visibly moving back and forth over a foot, and I loved riding loud 2-cycle motorcycles as hard and as fast as I could. All my favorite girls were screamers.

Now that I'm old I say 'What?' a lot. My volume is maxed and my speakers are too feeble, distorting and rattling like the garbage they are. My neighbors complain about me playing AIC and the Deftones at 2am at full volume, for some reason. I try to explain that there will be plenty of time to sleep when we're dead, but they are not convinced.


used to be the same.. Loud guitars / jams with friends, then to DJing in Rave shows.. then working on the railways had done a shitload of damage to my hearing. Right ear has never been as loud as the left since then.

Heh, yeah we used to have massive subwoofers in paired boxes that would shake you so much you'd damn near piss yourself. Good times. Love loud bass.

Neighbours suck if they aren't understanding of the loud tunes.. I know when I have my studio stuff set up in a place where I can blast tunes.. the subs and monitors never shut off.

Thanks for sharing the nostalgia.