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RE: A World Without Mondays (1980s Throwback)

in #music6 years ago

Black Monday, Blue Monday, Stormy Monday. Hahahaha. Mondays have always been depressing for most people, especially after the restful weekend, the body struggle to adapt. Like you rightly said sir, the same amount of work for that week, would still be done, as good as it sounds to have a free Monday, it's like no free Monday at all, as the work schedule gets piled up for four days, and you might have to take some home. Haha.
This got me sir;

Adversity drives creativity like nothing else. Much of the best art, literature, and music in history has been created by tormented souls.

This is absolutely true. I wrote something about this yesterday, but not entirely on this view. Really love this.
P.S: I actually don't feel any odd about Mondays, maybe because I don't even have Saturdays as a free day, so it doesn't make much difference to me.