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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

That's a though question and I think it has thousands of answers to it so I am gonna give mine also. I would say that when you are searching for a life partner you are searching for someone to love you and be there for you for a lifetime so I don't think age would matter that much because it's the persons personality that can make someone love for a lifetime and not just the body and the age. There can't be a too big age difference also because if for example the man is 60 an the woman is 20 there would definitely be a lot of differences between the two and I don't see that couple "living too much". With a difference of 10-15 years between partners I think there could be a lifetime relationship going on. I wouldn't mind to find myself a life partner that is 10 years younger than me. I do consider though that the best couples are the ones close in age.