
Exercise was able to relieve negative emotions such as stress in a person. This can happen because the sport is able to release the hormone serotonin that can make a person feel happy. In fact, the Mental Health Foundation, which is a non-profit health organization in the UK, has proven that exercise is very good for treating depression. Some of the powerful exercises to relieve stress include:

Swimming, can make a person become more calm. This positive emotion can grow when you invite the people closest to swimming together, while enjoying the game of water volleyball or the other. In fact, swimming is also very well done to maintain heart and lung health. Dancing, is a very effective way to make a person feel better. This activity can be done at will by choosing music and dance of interest. But if confused, salsa dance can be an option because the dance is a powerful dance favorite to release stress. Outdoor sports, can also be an option for someone who wants to relieve stress. Therefore, this sport capable of adrenaline rush so it is suitable to release stress. The types of outdoor sports include bungee jumping, surfing, jumping rope, mountain climbing, rock climbing. The path is healthy, able to give a good time to someone to feel the peace. Healthy road that is routinely done to clear the mind and make it more relaxed than before so that the mood of a person to be better. Jump rope, was able to become an alternative sport that can cause feelings of pleasure. This happens because jump rope is an intense exercise that is able to release the hormone endorphin to give feelings of pleasure.

Deep breath.
Stress and fatigue can be removed by taking a deep breath from the nose and then throwing it out of the mouth slowly repeat up to five times.

Have fun with family or friends.
Another way to get rid of stress is to get together with family or friends and do fun together, such as traveling or trying to enjoy the sensation of spa treatments.

Aroma theraphy.
At home you can try to inhale aroma theraphy with a fragrant soft flowers can relieve stress and fatigue.

Consume grapes and strawberries.
Grapes and strawberries are rich in antioxidants that can help relieve fatigue.

A warm bath with a drip of aromatherapy. Warm water with aroma therapy can make you more relaxed.

chocolate with the content is believed to increase the happy hormone, so keep the stress and fatigue on you.

fatigue comes from stress. to overcome both you have to reduce stress first.

Think of this as a collateral process, the first thing you have to do Is work around your stress related isuues.. These could be you workplace, family, finance etc related. Focus more on work than other things.

After resolving these, to reduce fatigue you have to work out.. Running or walking, free hand workout, yoga and meditation or any other types of workout would be able to reduce them a lot and at faster pace.

Create a disciplined daily routine and follow it regularly. You will overcome anything in no time.

How to remove stress can be learned and done easily. Stress should not be taken lightly. Unfortunately, many people ignore the various symptoms of stress because assume stress will end by itself. In fact, anything that concerns the health of the soul should be given special attention so as not to drag on.

Many things can cause stress. Whether it's pressure in the work environment or personal problems. The main stress relief way is to find out is to find out the cause of stress.

Try how to remove the following stress:

Lots of activity and move

A vibrant life will make your body and mind more focused so you can keep away from stress. The trick is to exercise so that emotions are more controllable and clear your mind so you are more calm.

Take over

Do not let your life be controlled by stress. For example by thinking, "There's nothing I can do to solve this problem." This kind of thinking will only make you feel helpless. Though believing that yourself is capable of doing anything will help you find a solution to the problem.

Establish communication

Never keep your own problems. How to relieve stress is to get the support of friends, family, and people closest. So, take the time to meet and communicate with them so you feel relaxed. After all, having a positive social life will make you happier.

I would like to share my personal experience in dealing with stress and fatigue issues. Usually when more stress I prefer to walk to places that have beautiful scenery. I sit back and enjoy drinking a glass of coffee or other soft drinks. Usually I often go to the beach, here I can release all my mind burden.

If I do not have time to go for a walk, I often rest while listening to music. I let go of all the burden of the mind, I focus on listening to music and living it. Usually this often helps me to remove strees.

The last thing I did was relax with my wife and kids. Usually we cook together. cooking a meal we like. it provides comfort for the condition of the soul that is stressed. So, a little of my experience, hopefully can answer this question.

See stress can be removed with meditation, having cold shower , listening good music , exercise and doing gym, dance, swimming and many other ways but for most of them you need to get out of fatigue but for this you need to have a strong reason. its very easy to get motivated and start something and then after a week the balloon deflate and again you sit , so for continue motivation you need to have a strong reason it can be anything your child,family, lover for whom you have to do it.,

Whenever I have stress I go for vacation on a hilly area.You know the best medicine of stress and fatigue is to get fresh air and forget everything and anything.

Relaxation with Aromatherapy

Tired and stressed out after a day of activity? It's time to relax muscles and tense minds with the help of aromatherapy. Aromatherapy derived from lavender oil that is scientifically proven to reduce the frequency of heartbeat and blood pressure so the body can be more relaxed.

The results of a study published by prove that people who breathe in lavender before bed have better sleep quality. The study further explains that the scents that a person inhales before sleep can have a direct effect on their dreams. So, the researchers advise you to keep the room clean and use soft fabric softener softener.


Meditation is believed to help people with depression calmer and shaping positive thoughts in overcoming daily problems. Mayo Clinic explained that meditation has some psychological benefits such as:

Sharpen the mind to focus Establish a positive attitude when facing a problemReduce negative thoughts Help depressed sufferers recognize their emotions

During meditation, we are also trained to regulate breathing patterns. Respiratory techniques are known to be effective in reducing levels of the hormone cortisol and helping the mind to be more calm.

Stress is an issue that causes alot of health problems and that is why need to reduce the stress you go through,one of the best ways to reduce the stress is to make sure you get enough sleep