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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

Bot are mostly similar, they are built on steem platform, but the main difference is that DLive has support for live stream; much live Twitch TV and also support video sharing. Dtube can only be used to share videos.


  • Can't go live.
  • Can share video.
  • takes 25% beneficiary.
  • Hosted on IPFS.


  • Can go live
  • Can share video.
  • Takes no beneficiary.
  • Hosted on ( I DON'T KNOW)

I'm fairly certain DLive uses Amazon servers, which is why the streaming quality and video load time is significantly better than DTube. That being said, it does mean that their service is more centralized than DTube, which some people are fine with and others are not.

IPFS has a long way to go, so if you do upload to DTube, make sure you have alternative viewing portals like YouTube or Vimeo, because you could lose viewers, especially those who have lower speed Internet connections.