
Gambling itself is not a bad thing but the addiction to it is what is very bad,i have a friend that was a gambling addict and i was really sad with his lifestyle during that time before he now finally stopped the addiciton

I believe that the gambler is the best person to help himself in terms of stopping the gambling addiction because no matter how much people advice him or her,the person is still rhe one that have the final decision as to whether they want to stop gambling or not but they still need the help of people who will give them good advice and give them tips to stop the addiction

When trying to stop gambling addiction you first of all have to admit that it won’t just stop all of a sudden in a day,it will have to stop in a gradual process,you need to first of alll start loosing interest in gambling little by little till you finally get to a point that you Don’t have interest in gambling anymore...

If you want to stop gambling i will first of all advice you to keep yourself very busy with a job,the reason js because when you are very busy the thoughts of gambling gets reduced and that is a good way to reduce the gambling,secondly i will advice you to always be around people who hate gambling so much because that will make you to not be able to freely gamble whenever you want especially when you are around these people

And finally the most important advice is that you should visit a psychologist who can help you with professional tips on how you can stop addiction to gambling....goodluck

just decide you wanna quit and then stop playing and start paying the balance you have, once you pay the whole balance , do a small party with your close friends just like few beers and snacks, and then tell them that this party is of the reason of me stop gambling. And brother i am not saying it with just a thought, i quit the same way and now tell everyone with proud how i came out of it.

For those who are addicted to gambling, winning or losing is no problem. They win, will continue to bet to seek victory if the city is always winning, why not just all risk it all. Gambling addiction can ultimately destroy your life, financially, physically, emotionally, and socially. Gambling addiction does not even pose a danger to the addict himself. It can even happen to suicide with the people closest to also associated with gambling opium. You or your nearest person is addicted to gambling to start eradicating the problem. And how to break away from gambling addiction to be honest that you are addicted to gambling, freedom is by introspection and graceful to accept the fact that you are really addicted to gambling. Common addicts get caught in the denial stage. Emotional turmoil is so common on one side of your personality can act rationally and admit that gambling destroys your life, while your dark side craves gambling with even stronger intensity. Facing the reality of the gamble has gone out of control by realizing wholeheartedly that you need to get back on the straight path, you'll be better prepared to try. A addict, and a gambling addiction expert and the point at which the problem is so obviously plowing the gambler's life, they can usually stop trying to reject it. Introspect yourself how your life changed completely after gambling
nostalgic about past victory times, if there really is. Need to concentrate on how your gambling habits carry a negative influence on your life. The only way to start back from problems caused by gambling addiction is to reflect on your current situation. All your debts and delinquent payments, money borrowed from family and friends, credit and cash balance, blank checks and debts you have to pay to the city. lost home or are in foreclosure process, prioritize this most highly in life. The same is true if your luxury goods, such as cars, jewelry, or land, have been taken over as penalties for delinquent installments. How does your physical health suffer from your gambling? lose weight a lot or even more weight increase due to indiscriminate diet and lack of exercise? addicted to smoking, drugs, or liquor, as a friend, are you often depressed, anxious or scared? engaging in self-justification or lying to cover up the action, you are filled with guilt and shame over the decline that occurs in your family life, losing friends, spouses, your job, failing to get promoted or being demoted in the office for gambling? Have you ever been picked up and caught by police while gambling, and have other legal issues as a result of your addiction.