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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

First, you have to change your mind. You come to musing / steemit to share your knowledge / life, not to make money. But your sharing will bring you reward.

More than 90% of users earn only a small profit. Everyone wants to be 10%,This is very difficult, or even impossible. But the interesting thing is that your serious sharing will be excavated here.

No matter where, Making money is not a easy thing. 

Nobody will  tell you how to make money here,Because fewer people know better. And, if someone actually know how to make more money in steemit or other dapp, i think he doesnt want to waste time to answer , because time is money .

SO, what you can do is sharing your knowledge and your life.  your serious sharing will be excavated here.