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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago (edited)

You are late. 

Some dapps like chainbb, eostalk esteem. they will upvote comments on their dapps.  maybe 0.5-1$. Those days many people use multi accounts to comment.  maybe can get 50$ per day.

and before, when you register steem account, you will get 30sp in your account , if you get 10000 account ,you can get 30w steem. i know many people get much sp by this way .

so , you can get rich by this way ,but late. If you miss the chance, it will never come back.

Now, i can tell you , if you want to be a steemwhale, the only way you can do is keeping writing/sharing.

This question is the same theme:

SO, what you can do is sharing your knowledge and your life.  your serious sharing will be excavated here.