
This will be answered Biblically according to my believe as a Christian.

God created man with no suffering in the beginning. That was when he kept Adam and Eve in the garden. So there was a world of no suffering in the genesis of creation.

Gen 2 :7-8 Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

8 Now the Lord God had planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he had formed.

During this time, there was no suffering, Adam as the first man lived a stress free life till Eve was taken from his Ribs. The serpent entered and made them to sin and God sent them out of the garden. Ever since then man has been struggling till date.

Why I took us into the beginning was to let us know the genesis of our problems which is the devil that deceived Adam and Eve. Did you know that Cain killed Abel? Those were Adam and Eves children. Evil has been occurring right after the garden was lost as a result of their sin against God.

This fact shows that God is not the creator of evil and suffering though he knows about it. Nothing will happen without him being aware.

Let's look at the case of Job in the bible. Job was a rich man and a believer but the devil never believed he was. Read Gen 1 : 9-12 below, Satan talking to God.

9 Satan replied, “Would Job worship you if he got nothing out of it?

10 You have always protected him and his family and everything he owns. You bless everything he does, and you have given him enough cattle to fill the whole country.

11 But now suppose you take away everything he has, he will curse you to your face!”

12 “All right,” the Lord said to Satan, “everything he has is in your power, but you must not hurt Job himself.” So Satan left.

If you read further you will discover that Job became poor. I mean very poor and sick. He lost all his children and properties and he was left with nothing.

Now the question is where was God when all these happened to him? Surely he was sitting in his throne watching the film.

When Jobs friend saw how he was suffering they said "why will your God allow you to suffer like this".

They didn't know the reason behind his suffering but God knows

That is how we see things from our own perspective but God sees it differently. When we see our friends going through a hard time or we see bad things happen to innocent people we begin to question our mind. The largest part is not revealed to us. only God knows why.

Abel offered the best burnt offering to God but

Cain succeeded in killing him why?

John the Baptist was a disciple of Jesus preaching the gospel and doing miracles but he was beheaded at last. Why did God allow it?

Stephen was stoned to death but God could have saved him,why didn't he?

The ways of the lord is not the way of man.

Jesus Christ said it himself in John 16:33 he said, "You will have suffering in this world." He didn't say you might,he said it is going to happen.

God has a way he uses our situations to accomplish his purpose for our lives.


Surely its as a result of our sins that evil befall us but why God allow it is understood only by him. I believe the day is coming when suffering will cease and God will judge evil. The day is coming when people will be held accountable for the evil they've committed.

God knows best.

I hope this helps.

That is the most interesting question isn't it.

I think some people believe that everything happens for a reason, or is part of someone's plan, and so that's how they cope with tragedy. Although I often wonder if that thought process is potentially more harmful.... I think if it helps people see the silver lining out of every terrible situation then it's probably good.  If it means they question their faith, that's probably a good idea too.  I do believe everything should be questioned.  If there is a good answer, then it doesn't hurt to ask the questions... and if there is no good answer then it stops you from blindly believe something that might cause you harm.

I personally think it would be easier for people to cope with, if they realized that sometimes bad things happen... just like sometimes good things happen... and sometimes a really bad thing (like a car crash) nearly happens but you get out of it luckily.  Things just happen.  The best rational then is to try and be as prepared as possible... and accept the things that you have no control over.  If a bad thing happens and it teaches you a valuable lesson, then it wasn't for nothing.

excellent your answer i share your point of view we simply take god out of the equation.

Which god?