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wooh. That is super nice! Such video is supposed to be trending for few days. I will check it out.

Great explanation. I personally love the end of summer as well, when the temperature drops a little bit and the leaves start to change color. I love running outside and this is the best time for it.

Good to see you here C. Interesting that you picked the rainy season, as most people hate the rain. I however like the rain as well, great chance to grab a cup of coffee and read by the window.

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Those are some big numbers! Did you get many new followers?

If I remember correctly, I got around 25 followers or so. I wasn't really paying attention that much. I was paid to write the article so was really only interested in receiving payment.

Thanks for your input. Manchester United later won the game and that against the odds.

And Manchester United later won the game. It was a great feat although it came out of sheer luck. Thanks for answering though. It was important to know what others thought.

Luck is sometimes all you need.

This quite very helpful and comforting. Thanks a bunch for this prompt and seemingly assuring reply

This quite very helpful and comforting. Thanks a bunch for this prompt and seemingly assuring reply

My pleasure.

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