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Is use of bid-bots unethical? If yes, why this platform allows bid-bots to work?

Some people argue that bid-bots are curse to this platform. According to them it is the raping of the reward pool. It is unethical in their view. On the other hands, many witnesses are the owner of bid-bots. If bid-bots are bad, then who should be the guilty party? The user or the bot owner? Why user should be culprit if the Steem platform doesn't ban bid-bots?

There is two sides to this issue. The good and bad side.

The fight against bidbots is due to the fact that many posts that are of little or no value often find themselves at trending page or having huge rewards which should not be so. That is the bad side.

Now the good side, some innovations need to be boosted so everyone can see it which will pitch it to investors.

Coming to who to blame if it's the user or bot owner. I will say both are to be blamed. The user promoting sub-par post for his or her own personal gain andtl the bot owner not vetting posts submitted. Steemit is decentralised and ban on bid bots means negating that decentralisation.

Now what is been done to make sure bidbots are used positively. Some bidbots owner such as @smarsteem owned by @therealwolf has other parts @smartmarket that whitelist users based on their original posts and credibility. @minnowbooster is also another bot that has a whitelist.

This are some of the steps been taking to ensure positive usage of bidbots and it has been successful.

There are both ethical and unethical side of using bid bots. It depends on users how they will use it.

Let's talk about unethical side first.

You will see there are some users on this platform sharing very low quality content which doesn't add any value to the platform. But still they have plenty of rewards in there posts. They are just using bid-bots on their post. It can be said that, they are stealing from reward pool as they are adding nothing to the platform but getting many.

Let's talk about ethical side now.

Bid-bots are brought in place of promote. You can see a promote option below of your post. By sending sbd you can promote your post. But this promotion doesn't ever cover half of the spend money. Then bid-bots came and now a good content creator can boost his post through bid-bots and it gets more influence than that promotion option.

Without these bid-bots also have blacklist and whitelist. The user who continuously share low quality content and keep using bid-bots on them, get blacklisted by the bot owner.And this system is getting more optimized day by day.

In this world everything has a good and a bad side. You can cut fruits by a knife and can also kill a people with it. It will depend on you, how you will use it.

Maybe I err - but my point of view on Bid-Bots:

As far as I know from beginning of in 2016 far over 90 percent of the Steemtokens were/are in the hands of the developer and some early birds.

So using Bid-Bots serves smart and active people on Steemit because it enhances the redistribution of the tokens. 

Many bots also set certain quality standarts, so they can't be used on scam and spam.

You may say, bid-bots also enhance the inflation of tokens and hurt the Steemprice.

Well, that is true to some extend, but please bear in mind, that there is also the possibillity to destroy Steemtokens and taking them out of the system by transferring them to @null.

So I guess Steemit is a very clever thing :-)

The cumulation of most of Steemtokens in the hand of a few people also gurantees the quality standarts and longlivity of Steemit if they handle their property well.

Bidbots make it possible to gain more visibility and also more income on your post.

I guess it is with bid-bots like with everything in life: Use it but do not abuse it.

As long as they are tolerated by the developers, it is just clever to use them to build up  a good Steempower and a strong account.

As there are various bots for all ranges of SBD even newbies can make profit as there are some already starting at 0.001 SBD and so you can grow a strong account out of nothing with just work and time.

I wish you all the best :-)

Honestly, I don't agree with bid bots.

Trending, Hot page should be for posts with "normal" upvotes from people, not for any post with bid bots help.

I think steemit need to change their UI. The front page need to be change, so people will be able to find posts without bid bots.

Bid bots only make the owner to become richer, this is not decentralized anymore, but centralized on specific people.

When bid bots vote on a post, they don't lose any money and they got curation rewards too from the post they vote, so why we need to pay for this kind of service?  

Hello @Akdx,

@zoneboy and @futuremind already answered the bid bot part, but I felt like I need to answer the 2nd part of your question better:

"Why does the platform allow bidbots".

Well, it has to do with what the platform is: a Decentralized Blockchain.

If we were on a centralized platform, there would be an administration running things, banning and allowing features left and right.

However, this is a decentralized platform (the Steem Blockchain) so there's no administration banning stuff.

Sure, witnesses with a consensus could do it if they wanted to, but even if they all wanted to it would be counter-intuitive since the attractiveness of the blockchain is decentralization, which means people here expect not to have their freedoms limited - like by bans and getting their actions to be prohibited.


I believe that the steemit platform allows bid-bots to be

used because bid-bots has its advantages on the platform though it also has some features which some

people do abuse and make it have negative effect on steemit,bid-bots are good tools that can be used to

promote a content on steemit,there are some users that have good contents but they do not get the visibility

which they really desire and want and that is why bid-bots can be useful for someone on steemit....the reason

why many people believe that using bid-bots are unethical because so many spammers now take

advantage of bid bots by using the bid bots to upvote their spammy contents and earn undeserved rewards....i believe that bid-bots can still be used on the steemit

platform but the only steps that should be taken is that there should be a creative way to ensure that it would be more difficult for a spammer to use bid-bots or it

would be unprofitable for them and i believe that the new steemit hardfork will solve all that...

The most obvious voices to answer with here will be Sir David Attenborough and Morgan Freeman. But it depends on your life and its story, also on how you would want to story to be.

Spectacular, romantic, adventurous,... ?

Personally, I think I would like to consider Edward Norton and that not only because of his acting skills and past roles but definitely because of his personality as well.

Yet, if I wanted a more exciting narrative then the two obvious choices would be the two most recent (animated) Jokers: Mark Hamill and Tony Hale. Mark Hamill is a legendary Joker and an obvious voice.

Tony Hale has recently surprised in the “Batman Ninja” but you may remember him as Buster Bluth in “Arrested Development” or, also, Gary Walsh in “Veep”. You can easily check out some of his work on his IMDb profile:

And, of course, not to forget in this list is Jack Nicholson. When I say Jack Nicholson I don’t mean it because of his Joker performance btw, although he is a very memorable Joker. But I’m more thinking about “The Shining”, “One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, and also his Oscar-winning performance in “As Good As It Gets”.

Lastly, Kevin Spacey, No, not for Frank Underwood performance but for previous work. Aside from being an awesomely written dialogue (monologue) the drive to the desert area in “Se7en”, as well as his entrance when handing himself over in that same movie(“Inspectorrr!”. But the standout performance for me when it comes to Kevin Spacey and voice is American Beauty.

Yes, while like many others I love the voice of both Morgan Freeman and Sir David Attenborough, I would like my life to sound slightly more adventurous.

If my life get narrated, Chetan Bhagat should be the narrator. He is such an interesting writer whom I believe as the most entertained writer. If he write my story , I'm sure that it will be real as my life story and will reach to everyone.

Morgan Freeman. That man would make sound epic even a Coca-Cola add. Considering that my life is not epic at all I guess at least it would sound if he would narrated. Yes, definitely Morgan Freeman. 

I would love my mother to be the narrator of my life. This is because she knows every single thing about me since my childhood. She is the only best person who can narrate my life correctly and completely. She already knows what I can do and what I can't. I believe no one can know you better other than your parents and I am proud to make them narrate my life.

Thanks for reading and I hope this helps.

I want to narrate my life myself because no one knows me as much I know myself and no one can feel my feelings as much I can. But if it is compulsory to be narrated by someone else then it'd be Shah Rukh Khan, he has a charm in his voice. But the truth is, I'm not that famous to be listen my life story by people .

 Woody Harrelson, I like his voice. Or maybe Sam Elliott.      

As for me, I believe that the scientific and religious origins of life on earth are one and the same. Or at least, closely related. The Bible doesn't really say that God created the Earth. According to the Bible it was already there, albeit shapeless, but already there. He just did a remodelling of it. Also it says he did it in a week and to the scientific mind that may seem preposterous but that's from God's point of view. And the same Bible says that a thousand years are like a day in the eyes of the lord. So basically, we can say it took God 6000 years to do it all. So let's say he did it in 60000 years.

Science says that life came from the sea and evolution happened and then eventually, man. The Bible says that God said, and I quote "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky" this also agrees with what science said about evolution. He did the same thing with the animals on land too. He didn't just say appear and the did, he called them forth and it took a thousand years for them to take the form he wanted. That's sounds a lot like evolution to me. And when it got to man the Bible says he moulded man from the dust of the Earth. This is the only part that seems off but let me try and break it down a bit. For a thousand years, God was working on man. Man must have started at one form through out those years and ended at another. And when God was satisfied, he gave him the breath of life and gave him domain over everything. So everything on earth was his to control. That's what the Bible says. And look at the history of man. From caveman to modern man, we have slowly but surely gotten to a point where we control almost everything on this planet. What separates us from the rest of the animals isn't our form, but rather our brain. And that's why we can control our surroundings.

I believe in evolution and I am also a Christian. Therefore I believe that God guided the evolution of all things.

What would a centralized Steemit look like?

Is the model where content creators / social media participants get paid a model that would work in the non-cryptocurrency world? In other words, does steemit pass the "This needs a blockchain" test? But actually, it already passes this test for many reasons that have to do with a (somewhat) decentralization of governance and censorship resistance, and forking risk... blah blah. But let's take away the currency aspect of it, and just ask, what happens if traditional social media platforms started just giving away Fiat to participants with some mechanism to attract just the right amount of people? Does this make sense?

I asked this to myself in my own blog recently (feel free to take a look) and am curious what people on musing think, especially now that more people are here.

My dear friend it is definitely preferable to buy SBD and Steen and I tell you why, hardforms are bitcoin bifurcations, which means that this refers to the process by which a source code is copied from a program that in this case would be the bitcoin platform. Forks can have two intentions: to clone the bitcoin code to create a new cryptomoney from it or to perform an update to the existing code.

In both cases, being bitcoin an open source system, anyone can access the code. So anyone with advanced blockchain knowledge can run a bifurcation. To create a new blockchain project based on open source bitcoin there are no impediments, but to update the existing code and implement it definitively requires a previous consensus.

In other words, you wouldn't have any real support, but the chain of steen blocks is extremely solid and I don't think we need to tell you more.

recalling a hardfork that occurred in 2013 when a miner created an additional block chain that was not compatible with previous versions of Bitcoin Core software. To solve this problem, an agreement had to be reached with the main miner pools to install an old version of the software while they developed a new one that would be released days later. Such errors can create distrust in the bitcoiners community and therefore a drop in the price of the asset in the market.

Like Steemit, just with a better user experience and also manual curation.

If only, it will look like or

If steem + all apps, it will be like Google.

Why does Steemworld only show two digits after the decimal point?

On a vote breakdown with Steemblockexplorer, I can see vote value to three decimal places. On Steemd, if I go to the detailed view, I can get the individual rshares. But on Steemworld the vote values are only reported to two decimal places, even though Steem will award 1/100th of a SBD or STEEM.

Most people are only used to seeing two decimal places, so many front-ends such as Steemworld (and have opted for the norm to not confuse people. As you mentioned, the internal Steemit system itself honors three digits of precision. 

The currency STEEM itself (native to the actual blockchain) allows 8 digits of precision as is the convention established by Bitcoin. You should be able to specify 8 digits of precision for STEEM on most exchanges. [By the way, if the value of STEEM massively increases, I would expect more digits of precision to be in popular use.]

Actually you can see more then two decimal places on By going to Settings->View->Decimal Places you can adjust the amount of decimal places you would like to see. Standard setting is 2 but I have it on 3 for example. There you can see, that you will be actually getting 0.002SBD and 0.002STEEM for this question.

See the picture for the setting.

Hope this helped!

This actually is helpful! Thanks!

I didn't about this one before :)

This is very helpful, thank you. I hadn't explored the settings. Wish I could give this a bigger upvote.

How many different Steem dApps do you use?

How many different Steem applications do you use (e.g. steemit, busy, musing, fundition etc)? Do you have separate accounts for each dApp or do you use one main account for everything? What affects your choice of separate / single accounts? If you use lots of dApps what is the main factor attracting you to a new Steem dApp?

I have been using a number of condenser for steemit and I am using a single account,

I only use them depending on the content that I was making

  1. -when I upvote and sometimes comment
  2. -definitely here, when asking and answering random question - I just found it today
  3. - when I was uploading videos
  4. -like I use this when I upvote and sometimes comment
  5. -when I make my #ulog post
  6. esteem surfer -when I make my newly come up challenge to myself #dailyquestion , been using this for a week
  7. esteem mobile app - when I make post when I am not at home
  8. steepshot - when I suddenly capture an image and I want it to be published in steemit

To be honest, I don't use many dApps. I only use Busy and Musing. Trying to use many websites is very cumbersome. I do watch dtube videos sometimes and browse Steepshot photos, but I do all of this from

I also don't use multiple accounts. Having more than one account dilutes the effort we make on the main one and this in turn means less income overall. I do everything on this account.

I have only one Steem account, which I use to interact with all the DApps, websites, and services in the blockchain. However, I use several Steem applications, DApps, and websites when interacting with the blockcchain. These are: This has become the main interface I use when blogging, reading other people's posts, responding to comments, and accessing my wallet. It has way more features than and has a very rich analysis dashboard that provides me really interesting graphs that track things such as Author Rewards, Account Growth, Number of Posts, and other useful data. I used to hang out in Quora, and even Yahoo Answers. But, since I got involved in Steemit, I have moved all my Q&A needs to here. I really enjoy answering questions. So, when I discovered a few weeks ago, I was really happy about it. The idea of getting rewarded for something I already do for free elsewhere is just a really big incentive why I made the jump here. It still needs some work and the Q&A database is still small, but it's new and growing. So I'm excited about it. Another recent discovery. What I love about this is all the innovative, cool, and sometimes out-of-this-world products featured here. I love discovering new tech and keeping up with the latest developments, so this serves that purpose. and Peakmonsters ( I use these two sites to access my Steem Monsters Collection and buy booster packs and individual cards. I almost use the two equally, though Peakmonsters has a better interface for the trading market. I love the graphics in the main SteemMonsters site, though, so I use that when I like to admire my cards.

Esteem Mobile App. When I want to access Steemit on my mobile. Though, I don't use this often. It serves as my main dashboard whenI want to see the activities going on in my account. It's also very useful for notifying me when I have new followers or account mentions. I used to rely on several account analysis dashboards, but since discovering Steemworld, I haven't had the need to use anything else. It really is the only service you'll need to analyze your account. I don't use this much.  These days, I only use it when I click on a link that leads directly to it, as opposed to Steempeak.

That's basically all the DApps and services I use to interact with the Steem blockchain. As you can see, my activities only include blogging and commenting, answering questions, and collecting (soon, playing) Steem Monsters. When choosing a DApp to use, the user interface is the most important for me. It's actually one of the main reasons why I traded the website for Steempeak.

Well to put it simply, a master node is a full node which rewards node operators for performing the core consensus function of running a blockchain. Due to the nature of how full nodes computers work and the financial constraints involved in running them, a lot of people will want to reduce the number of full node computers they have connected to a blockchain and this will in turn lead to problems like slow transaction processing times and congestion of the particular blockchain.

Now this is where master nodes come into place, they act as full nodes and the people operating them are financially rewarded for their services.

And I don't think I am, I know Dash uses master nodes and I don't have and I don't have any Dash.

I’m thinking getting some masternode from ZCoin, but don’t know whether it’s a good choice.

I don't consider deleting my Facebook because real life contacts use it and use it to organize / communicate.  But I also don't use it as a social platform, so there's really not much to delete although I suppose there's tracking data. If I really cared I could probably figure out how to avoid most of that too.

One idea I've had and haven't really figured out yet is to try to use Facebook to bring more people onto the Steem platform. I would basically be putting my own experience on there and see if that appeals to anyone I know. In the real life contacts world, many people are curious about it, but oftentimes they don't have the time or energy to try it. Just needs the right amount of motivation I suppose.

Well I've thought about it numerous times because I rarely use my Facebook these days.

The main reason why I haven't deleted it is because a good nber of my old friends occasionally connect with me through Facebook. Just the other day my classmate from waaaaay back in highschool sent me a message and we got to catch up.

As much as I'd like to delete it, it's still a pretty good avenue for people to connect with me, so that's basically why I still keep it around.

i dont have ,and i didnt have it .

I have not deleted my facebook account because it is useful to me,through facebook i have been able to freely make thousands of people to know more about my products and services

facebook is also a social media website that makes it easy to connect to people all over the world,facebook even gives you the opportunity to socialize with people who have the same interests and ambitions...

facebook also helps me to connect to my old time friends and people i never thought i could see again,facebook is a lovely platform and it is also useful too and a website where you can socialize and have fun...

though during the data leak saga that involved the CEO of facebook i felt dissapointed that my data might not be safe on facebook but after thorough observations

and alot of analysis then i found out that deleting my facebook might not be a total solution to prevent a data leak and also the benefits i gain from facebook is higher than the risks in it...

For sure they wil some day !

Look at the development, RFID etc.

In many countries cash money is more and more replaced by paying per creditcards and online transfers.

Blockchaintechnology is the future.

It is used in science for managment of data and right now even some countries are about to land their own cryptos.

Yes, I do believe that, but not too soon though. Probably in twenty to thirty years cryptocurrencies, at least some of them, will become official currencies around the world, but for many years to come they will only act as investing and trading assets. I don't expect, of course, all of the cryptocurrencies to replace fiat currencies. 

I don't think it will replace fiat currencies but hopefully it will be mass adopted and take a large percentage of the fiat use.  I think if it is 10% of the size of fiat, that will be huge.

Hmmm, I think it's not impossible.

We are seeing a big leap in the future, innovation was always beside the time and it's not impossible that in the future all of our transactions will be held in the digital world.

In order to accept cryptocurrency more generally, we need to overcome a number of obstacles.

One of the main factors hindering people from entering the digital currency market is that cryptocurrencies are not easy to use. 

 First question 

For most people, whether it is paper currency or online banking system, dealing with legal tender is almost second nature. They understand the value of legal tenders, know how to trade them for products and services, and how global cryptocurrencies are compared to a few other foreign currencies related to their lives. 

 Money is an easy-to-use legal currency. 

 In the real world, most people are so unfamiliar with the concept of cryptocurrency that it is difficult to launch a cryptocurrency wallet.

For those outside the cryptocurrency, this technology is very difficult to understand. The software itself is very unattractive and not user friendly. In most cases, it is used for simplicity and not for choice. 

Today's most trusted Ethereum and ERC  20 Token Wallet user interface:  

on the Internet is usually a form that seems to require a computer science degree to begin to understand. The language and terminology used is very inappropriate.  Most tutorials on the Internet cannot solve the problems that everyday users encounter in a simple, effective, and intuitive way .

 Compare the Ethereum Blockchain Resource Manager interface to your online banking :  

 How to solve this problem ? 

You just need to quickly review history and see what makes the World Wide Web look like today. The development of useful tools such as web browsers and e-mail has contributed significantly to the dramatic growth of the Internet, user interface and cryptocurrency must become easier to understand and intuitive.

No, cryptocurrency will never replace fiat currency, but cryptocurrency might be adopted by a major population by time. To maintain the economy most of the countries  will never allow it to take the position of fiat currencies. Also it's possible that cryptocurrency might be restricted or banned by some countries in future.

The best way to handle an authoritarian boss is to change your mindset and learn how to play by their rules so you can earn their respect and show them that you are a strong, smart, and competent employee.

According to's Five Boss Personality Types, an authoritative boss, like Don Draper from Mad Men, "is the ultimate risk taker and has a flair for drama. On the downside, he can be a poor communicator. He's creative and perceptive, but he's also suspicious of others." Not to be mistaken with an autocratic boss, who is often a bully, or the pace-setting boss who is very demanding of his employees.

In this respect, an authoritative boss is not really that bad. He is just difficult to deal with because of his suspicious personality and his poor communication skills. Thus, most the problems that arise from this kind of leader is that his suspicious nature leads him to not trust his employees, so he's always thinking something is up or that they are lying to him and making excuses whenever things go wrong. Another source of difficulty is that his poor communication skills often leave his employees confused about his instructions, so they could feel like headless chickens who are clueless and don't know what to do.

So, how do you handle an authoritative boss? 

The first thing you should do is to prevent or minimize the possibility of miscommunication. Make sure you get specific instructions. Ask questions to make sure you understand what your boss is saying and that you are interpreting his requests correctly. And always document your communication, as much as possible. Take meticulous notes, track all your email messages, and write down everything accurately. This way, when your boss complains that you didn't follow his instructions, you have something to refer to, without sounding like you're making excuses.

Second, be responsible for your actions. Always do your best, but when things go wrong, don't lie, don't make excuses, and don't blame someone else. Your boss may get angry, but he will respect you more for owning up to your mistakes. It will be much worse if you are caught in a lie or seen as making excuses. Authoritative bosses are suspicious, after all. So don't give him reasons to suspect you by being caught in a lie, or worse, blaming your co-worker for your own shortcomings. 

Third, let your boss feel respected and in control. Authoritative bosses, unless they are incompetent, are likely to be successful in their fields. That's where they get their authority. They know they are smart and that they deserve and expect to be respected. So, it is important is to acknowledge how clever they are, show them that you are following their lead, and show them respect and kindness. Just don't be a suck up, because their suspicious nature will notice if you are faking the compliments. 

Fourth, don't be a pushover. Don't be a yes man, when your boss is being unreasonable or too demanding. Learn to defend yourself, without being defensive or antagonistic. Correct your boss if he is wrong, but do it politely and in private. The goal is not to humiliate your boss, but to show that you are a strong person who also deserves respect. 

Finally, don't take things personally. If your boss os being demanding or difficult, or if he is being blunt with you and using harsh words when giving feedback, don't take things as a personal attack. Authoritative bosses are often poor communicators, so just focus on the critique and see what you can learn from his feedback. 

These are the things that employees can do when dealing with an authoritative boss. Just keep in mind that when dealing with authoritative bosses, it is a matter of finding ways to earn their respect and show your value as an employee, so you can get him on your side. This way, you can thrive even with an authoritative boss. Because believe it or not, in the scale of difficult bosses, you can do so much worse than an authoritative boss. 

Hope this helps. 


  1. Cope with Five Boss Personality Types.
  2. How To Deal With An Authoritarian-Like Boss.
  3. How to Work with an Authoritarian Type Boss.

Aren't most bosses authoritarian by definition? It's their department and they can run it according to their best judgement. Employees usually don't have a say on the decisions of companies, departments and all stuff that is above their level of authority.

But the way to handle any authoritarian figure is to undermine their power and control through measured strategical actions. Get your fellow employees to support you and you'll have power in the masses. If your boss tries to tell you to do something against the regulations and you are backed by your full department, he/she will not have a way to force you and will instead fall when the mass reports and boycotts start. It's hard but it's accomplishable. Any boss can be overthrown. :)

Unfortunately, none of my childhood friends are close to me today, because I moved out of the area where we all lived a little over a decade ago.  For that very same reason, I can't say that my best friend during childhood is my best friend today.  We do still chat online once in a long while, though.

To be honest, I think it takes a very special set of circumstances for a group of people to be best friends during childhood and then successfully maintain that relationship as adults.  We end up taking different career paths, and in some cases move away -- sometimes just temporarily like when we go to college, other times permanently.  I think someone would need to have a close-knit group of friends who all stay locally for their entire lives, in order for them to be able to answer positively to both of the questions that you've posed here.

Your question has a emotional touch, Childhood & the friends we make at that time is completely pure. About all of my childhood friends still in my touch trough social medias. Though we are still connected to each others but we don't have that enjoyments we used to do in our childhood days.

And yes, my childhood best friend is still my best friend.

About two years ago i still had one of my childhood friends as my best friend but he later dissapointed me

when he betrayed me and ever since then i find it hard trusting him and i just had to stop making him my best

friend because as for me i believe it is weird to call someone my best friend when i do not even trust such

person so right now i know longer have a best friend that was my childhood friend...

Very few are still around me; time and circumstances have put some distance between us all. Some of them got married and relocated while for a few others, we developed different values along the way and grew apart

Which Steem authors do you believe deserve more visibility?

With so many authors creating content in so many different communities, it's hard to get your content noticed, I'm sure everyone has somebody who they follow who keeps on writing regardless of their rewards, purely because they enjoy what they're doing. Which authors do you believe are being missed simply because they don't boost their posts or have a large following? What do they write about?

There are different things to consider when you think about the way they "deserve" to be viewed.

In my oppinion, those who expand the blockchain are the more deserving of the visibility since they are the ones adding value.

A user that adds value can do it through 4 ways:

- Marketing the Blockchain;

- Creating Apps or Communities;

- Writing SEO Content;

- Helping the Blockchain.

What I say when I mention SEO on the content is - writers who write articles that google will pick up and therefore value the blockchain more.

People who create articles that are sought after and have more than 1000 words in lenght.

As far as communities, apps or blockchain promotion, these also develop the blockchain.

People who help in any way are the most deserving of visibility.


As a fiction writer,  I certainly think that fiction writers deserve more visibility. Writing fiction takes quite a long time. A typical chapter could take as long as 5 hours.

On the other hand, a typical blog post usually takes about 20 minutes. Some people are even posting little simple pictures that only take a minute or two. Compare these with a 5-hour fiction post that doesn't get a lot of recognition and you can see that it can be quite frustrating.

I've been attempting to make the fiction community better on Steemit by hosting the occasional story contest.

I got a lot of entries in my last contest, there were a lot of good stories too, however the initial post did not get very many upvotes. It seems as though people lately aren't being very generous with their votes. It would certainly be nice to see the fiction community gain more traction though.

Albeit I am not a fiction writer myself, I would say this is definitely true. As a platform which rewards so-called 'Proofs of Brain', contents created should be rewarded equally. I could definitely see an opportunity of realizing this into a platform similar to SteemSTEM or which allows publications submission from many interesting yet talented fictions writers.

As you mentioned you have created a lot of contests, I am actually interested to hear what do you think of my this particular idea! How feasible this could be?

I've thought about this kind of thing a lot too. However, in order for it to work it would need delegation. A large block of delegation granted to it that would create the drive for people to contribute.

If this platform lasts for a long time, and becomes a lot more popular, then I think such a delegation would be a good idea for fiction authors.

As it stands though, I doubt that the powers that be would be willing to grant a delegation to a site that doesn't solve an immediate problem.

I could be wrong though. It could be the very first fiction based blogging site that rewards it's contributors and it's readers. That would be amazing.

The problem here is that you will never know if it will receive delegation unless you try, as you say there are a large number of writers I don't see why it wouldn't get some attention. If if you don't get delegation, you can still build something which A) gets more visibility for fiction entuhasists B) Solve a problem you believe exsists.

I believe every steem authors deserve to get more visibility as long as they have good contents to

deliver,those authors that do not deserve visibility are the authors that are spammers because if their spam

contents get more visibility it would become a problem for the steemit platform and i do not want such thing to

happen,but i believe that any author with good content deserves visibility...


With great posts like this, I can see why ;)

i cant tell if you were being sarcastic.with me here. i was obviously joking. have a good day!

Is monero the best privacy coin?

What privacy focused cryptocurrency is the most interesting to invest into?

Monera's crypto currency is called the best coin for darknet because of its signature algorithm. This is very different from similar projects (bitcoin, litecoin, ripple) and has serious advantages - a system that is virtually flawless to ensure security and anonymity.

Monero Advantages:

-anonymity. There is no information about the owner of the crypto wallet. In this case, Monero is a more attractive coin compared to bitcoin;

-Coin security cannot be copied, although in this section it causes difficulties with mining, which requires the latest equipment for this reason;

-a large number of network members. Even during Monero's appearance, a small number of users became a problem: even without a name, the complexity of the process of mixing large transactions and transactions can be seen by those who track them. Now the number of users is enough so that relatively large transactions are not tracked on the number of transactions;

-security is almost perfect against hacking. Hackers who do not have information about account balances are faced with far greater difficulties than in the case of hacking other crypto currencies.

Monera's crypto currency is called the best coin for darknet because of its signature algorithm. This is very different from similar projects (bitcoin, litecoin, ripple) and has serious advantages - a system that is virtually flawless to ensure security and anonymity.

Monero Advantages:

-anonymity. There is no information about the owner of the crypto wallet. In this case, Monero is a more attractive coin compared to bitcoin;

-Coin security cannot be copied, although in this section it causes difficulties with mining, which requires the latest equipment for this reason;

-a large number of network members. Even during Monero's appearance, a small number of users became a problem: even without a name, the complexity of the process of mixing large transactions and transactions can be seen by those who track them. Now the number of users is enough so that relatively large transactions are not tracked on the number of transactions;

-security is almost perfect against hacking. Hackers who do not have information about account balances are faced with far greater difficulties than in the case of hacking other crypto currencies.

Do you believe monero is a better privacy coin than verge?

Monero is a great coin. . It's particularly cool that they are so easy to mine.  I've even seen web pages that had built in XMR miners on them. 

I personally like XVG even though it's certainly taken quite a fall in price.

The Wraith protocol has been proven to work. It's even being supported by Pornhub, one of the largest and most successful pornography sites on the internet. 

Spotify even has a page with 3,000 current votes on it wanting to support XVG as the cryptocurrency to pay for your music subscription with.

Having said that, these things are subjective. Everyone is going to have their favorite coin and it won't always be based on the best use case.

I like monero more for a few reasons. The total market cap of verge is so high, being 16.5 billion. Monero is now already used as default payment method on the dark web and for other uses. Verge has better marketing than monero but the real adoption is lower.

If I am to guess, you are referring to how your stomach seems to bloat after drinking cold water.

This is a common myth that many people seem to believe, but the truth is it does not make anyone fat nor makes the stomach bloat. 

Drinking water, whether hot or cold doesn't really matter as the moment it reaches the stomach, seconds after it will warm up. Water also passes out of the stomach very quickly, so it doesn't stay in there for a long time.

Drinking cold water however causes the stomach to  contract (but not bloat) which probably is the main reason for the confusion by others. :)

Are you trying to ask why a cold drink causes more body fat? Because it doesn't really do that. The only reason I can think of is that if the drink is below 37 degrees Celsius, then your body would spend some energy to reheat your body after the heat loss caused by the drink, but this is really an insignificant amount. But this would mean that you loose body fat, not gain it. 

For those of you who are undergoing a diet program, one of the stories that is still widely believed to be ice water makes fat. If anyone says that drinking cold water makes fat or ice water can make fat freeze and warm water can make fat more easily decompose, both of these arguments have not been proven.

The ice water you drink will still nourish your body well and does not cause the risk of obesity as long as the water is consumed properly and does not contain sugar or soda. Ice drinks that can cause obesity are drinks that contain sugar and soda. The content of glucose and other compounds in sweet drinks is what drives fat in the body to accumulate. Health experts reveal that excessive consumption of white water does not guarantee a person's body to become slimmer.

Drinking water is indeed often makes us easier to feel full. But, consumption of excess water can actually cause poisoning. Even worse, excessive consumption of water can also inhibit the process of burning calories. If calorie burning is inhibited, of course this condition can cause the risk of obesity.

The ice water you drink will still nourish your body well and does not cause the risk of obesity as long as the water is consumed properly and does not contain sugar or soda. Ice drinks that can cause obesity are drinks that contain sugar and soda. The content of glucose and other compounds in sweet drinks is what drives fat in the body to accumulate. Health experts reveal that excessive consumption of white water does not guarantee a person's body to become slimmer.

Drinking water is indeed often makes us easier to feel full. But, consumption of excess water can actually cause poisoning. Even worse, excessive consumption of water can also inhibit the process of burning calories. If calorie burning is inhibited, of course this condition can cause the risk of obesity.

What did you do with the Byteball (GBYTE) you received from the Steem airdrop?

I'm curious to know what people did with the Byteball (GBYTE) they received from the airdrop to Steem users. Did you investigate the coin further and find it's one to hold or did you see it as free money and simply sell it straight away?

I'm still holding all of it! I got around $40 and I decided I'd just keep it for a long while. I think that Byte is bound to increase in price over time, and it's even possible that it will rise faster than Steem.

In my opinion, the second best measure would have been to just power it up here on Steemit because that's where you should put all your savings anyway. :P

Just to add on to here, and I'm actually quite surprised at the results so far. I held all of it. And I had been promoting byteball weakly well before it arrived on STEEM for its cool distribution initiatives. I'm following the developments as they come.

I got around 300$ on my small wallet from the byteball airdrop. 

I cashed out around 250$ and purchased a smartphone as i had no smartphone then. The rest i had invested on steemit buying sbd.

Still i have around 5GB in my smart wallet which is locked in my smart wallet. I can't do anything but have to hold it for 1 year. I thought of building a PC with that money. Currently i am using laptop which is bit slow for my work and that's why i though of building a pc. This airdrop really helped me and others also. But some had done some bad tricks to game it.

So, what did you do @tobias-g

how did u even get 300$ when you are on a 50 reputation, dont lie

If you would have simply asked how and not accused him of lying you may have learned that it was more than easy enough to get $250 from this airdrop by referring people, whether or not he did, we don't know.

This is my second account. And i didn't even get free bytes by this account.
And as @tobias-g said anyone can earn by referring,

I'm still holding all of mine. Byteball seems like a very interesting project to me, and I've spent some time getting to know it. I will probably hold it for a good while. 

What i did with it??well the byteball is still on my account because i was able to earn around 5$ worth of

byteballs and when i tried to convert the byteball to

another cryptocurrency i discovered that there is a minmum i would be able to convert and it is more than

the 5$ worth of byteballs so i just left it on my wallet and wait for its value to hopefully rise in the future so that i

can now then convert it to bitcoin or sell it directly when the time is right...

what else do you expect to do with those little air drop, do you think you can pay your bills with those airdrop? most of them would definitely put it on bitcoin or would have bought some steem.

I exchanged with steem and vest into my account. It makes me my accout growing quickly. Firstly I used an exchange to swap but later I directly sell to @jackmiller

Out of excitement and curiosity I immediately sell my gbyte, my intention that time was to be able to prove whether or not Byteball is indeed legit and if it really pays.

my rep too little to receive anything

Sold it for steem on bittrex , tranferred it to steem and turned it into steem power. I think I received around 20 SP for it. Better than a kick in the arse!

Honest, I exchanged it for steem. 

Same as me, I sold my liquid and converted to Steem Power and waiting for the other half in the smart contract. It's coming round fast, so hopefully the prices rise a little before the unlock date.

A hard fork in blockchain technology is essentially an update to the blockchain that invalidates the transactions that happens on nodes that have not upgraded to the latest hardfork. This means that if anyone are running blocks without the newest hardfork update, the blockchain will split to become two blockchains - one running with the latest update and the other without it. 

Usually everyone upgrades, and the blockchain without the update just disappears (but the data from it is recorded in the updated blockchain). However, sometimes a certain group wants to keep running the old blockchain without the update, and when this happens we get a split in the blockchain, which is why you can think of it as a fork (it goes from a single line to several smaller ones). This has happened with Bitcoin many times, which is why we have blockchains like Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, Bitcoin Private etc. 

What the hardfork "solves" can range from small bugs that could cause a lot of problems, to huge updates to the entire protocol. I prefer to think of it like an update to any other program, like if you were to update your iPhone to a new version of iOS. You mostly get some new features, but there tend to be lots of under-the-hood changes as well. 

As to why Bitcoin has had so many hardforks that have resulted in new/alternative coins is simply because it's the most popular one, and different people have different options as to what is best for the blockchain. 

Great explanation. Now I'm clear with this thing also.

Thanks, I'm glad you understand it now :)

What is related to IPv4 and IPv6, then what is the difference?

Internet Protocol Address (IP) is a number that is created to identify computers hosted on the internet network. The function of an IP on a computer network is the address on a computer that can be connected to another computer. IP has different versions, namely IPv4 and IPv6 which have their advantages and disadvantages.

Every device connected to the Internet needs an unique IP address. IPv4 had been the standard used since the Internet started. However, the main problem with IPv4 is that we are running out of it. An IPv4 address takes the form of, a 32bit four octets representation. Each octet takes in a number from 0 to 256. Therefore, the total available IPv4 addresses are 2^32 addresses , slightly more than 4 billion of them. Of course, some address like are reserved address and cannot be used for the internet. 

4 billion addresses, that sounds like a lot. That is true 30 years ago, nobody would imagine the need to have 4 billion unique address. However, today, with the evolution of Internet, IoT, smartphones, smart tv, smart home, smart everything, we know that IPv4 will surely be not enough in the near future.

Introduction of IPv6 began, with a representation of eight groups of four hexadecimal digits, eg 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334, bringing the total available unique address to 3,400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That is surely enough now.

Besides addressing the problem of scarcity, IPv6 also aims to improve security over IPv4. Example, the introduction of native IPsec support directly into the IPv6 protocol. 

Other advantages of IPv6 includes

  • Better multicast routing
  • No NAT (network address translation) required
  • Auto configuration

With IPv4 fast running out, all governments and organisations are encourage to begin supporting and migrating to IPv6. However, this is really not easy. There are alot of hurdles that is preventing the mass adoption of IPv6. Majority of Internet backend, especially in lesser developed countries, are still heavily dependant on IPv4. The complete transition from IPv4 to IPv6 will likely take decades to complete. 

This answer references some points from

Along with developing time, the internet protocol has undergone a development namely the emergence of the internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) and version 6 (IPv6). The emergence of IPv6 itself is based on the prediction that IPv4 will be used up by devices in the world. Because IPv4 only has 32 bits, IPv6 appears that has 128 bits which automatically can provide more addresses.

IPv4 is the 4th generation internet protocol (IP) IPv4 which has a 32-bit bit length, so it can address computers with a total of about 4 billion or exactly 4,294,967,296. IPv4 writing consists of 4 blocks, and each block consists of numbers 0-255. An example of an IP IP4 address is The development of computers, smartphones, and consoles that continues to increase continuously, which then has a direct impact on the needs of the internet address protocol for the purpose of addressing each device to be able to connect to the internet. This problem is the basis for making 6th generation or IPv6 internet. IPv6 was developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IEFTF) to overcome problems and replace IPv4.

IPv6 has a total bit length of 128 bits so it can address a computer with a number of 3.4 x 1038. If viewed Ipv6 has a very large amount when compared to Ipv4 to address a device. IPv6 also has better mobility, security and configuration aspects than before.

Well, there was this dude who was very arrogant all the time and he started telling everyone that he could have better results than his boss. He even got a bunch of people to support him in some sort of operation that would make the boss look bad and have him demoted.

He wanted to be the new boss, but when they all tried their insurrection, the boss turned out to be much more able and threw the dude and his helpers down to Hell for 1000 years to suffer and tend to the garbage that Earth produces.

(I'm talking about God and Satan in the bible :D)

Pooping on the bosses' desk right after tendering resignation 😹

Hmmm, I live in Venezuela. Here, it's about $1.5, maybe $1. It depends on the area and the quality. $1 if it's in a low-income area, and they are usually lacking. That's in restaurants. If you buy the ingredients, then maybe $0.80 - $1 but it has the potential to be better if you know what to buy and how to prepare it.

Oh nice one to ask. I'm from Bangladesh and currently I'm in Dhaka the capital of my country. Here if you want to have lunch that you have so many options to choose. But most of the people in our country like to eat foods from home and that's why they bring lunch from home or lunch box comes from home by lunch distributor company. However for this reason restaurants offer high quality food with affordable low cost.

Yesterday I had my lunch outside my home and I went in a restaurant. There I had BBQ chicken rice. The rice amount was huge for one person and adequate amount of chicken was also there. Taste was good and price was only $1.

There are also other restaurants who serve rice, beef curry, chicken curry, fish curry, different vegetables items, lentil and etc. If you choose any one item of curry and vegetable with lentil and rice then you will be able to finish your lunch within $5. But these are Bangladeshi style cuisine. 

If you like to eat Chinese cuisine then you can eat easily within $2-$10. It depends on restaurants.  Some restaurants serve food for 1:3 per serve and those will cost $5-$10 and others will cost $1-$5. 

If you want to lunch with English food you have to spent at least $6 minimum and you can spend up to the highest cause there are a lot of high quality restaurants who are nearly rated as five star dining. 

That's all from my city. Thank You for reading.

It depends a lot on what you want to eat. But Norway is generally a very expensive country, and eating out is actually extremely expensive here. A dinner would easily cost $60 per person, but luckily eating lunch out is a lot cheaper. I would still estimate it to cost $15 for a decent lunch. 

I'm from the Philippines, and the average cost for a simple lunch could go as low as $1 and is usually divided as P15 ($0.30) for one cup of rice and P35-P50 ($0.70-$1) for the dish. For people who are into Fast Foods, the most affordable decent meal one could get is within the $1-$1.5 range. 

For medium to well-known restaurants however, the price is usually double or triple that amount. As for me, the average cost of my meal is only around P100+ ($2+

well it depends on the city but here in “paris” a city

located in france, you can get an average lunch af 20$ per person per meal,and it also depends on the

restaurant where you are having the lunch and also the

area of the city where the restaurant is located at,but the fact is that an average cost of having lunch is 20$

per person and you would really enjoy the lunch and be glad you visited paris.....

i am currently at johannesburg in south africa and an average lunch there is around 7$ but it depends on the

restaurant where you are having the lunch,there are some high class restaurants that will make you spend

more on a lunch and there are also some restaurants where you could spend less so it depends on the price

menu at the restaurant,but with seven dollars you will be able to get a good lunch here in johannesburg...

Like everywhere else, it depends on what you want to eat. I'm from Southeast Asia. So, to provide a point of reference, using Burgernomics, I'll begin with the price of a Big Mac in my country, which is $2.76. 

From there, you can compare the rest of these lunch prices...

  • Lunch at a roadside restaurant that serves really inexpensive local dishes. A complete meal with rice, meat, and a drink is $1.12
  • Lunch at a casual restaurant that serves local dishes. A complete meal of rice, meat, some veggies, and a drink is $2.80.
  • Big Mac Meal with a drink and small fries is $3.36. (But you can get the smaller Cheeseburger meal with the same fries and drink for $1.87)
  • Lunch at a casual restaurant that serves non-local dishes. A main dish with a drink ranges from $5.60 to $9.33 (Depending on the cuisine).
  • Lunch at an upscale restaurant. A meal with a starter and a main dish is $18.58. (You have to pay extra for your drinks).
  • And if you're hungry and looking for an all you can eat buffet lunch, it will cost $13 to $30.

I stay here in lagos,nigeria and yeah with 3$ you can get a very good launch but it depends on the restaurant

where you are having the launch,there are some resturants whereby you can get the launch at a

cheaper rate like 1$,same way we have cheap restaurants is the same way we have expensive restuarants or middle class restaurants and at such

restaurants you will spend more than 3$ to get a good lunch from such places,but cooking at home is cheaper and you can use just 8$ to cook foods that you will eat in

the morning,afternoon and evening....but an average cost for a launch cost 3$ and below here in lagos...lagos is a good city in nigeria...

Would You Participate in a Massive Campaign to Burn Steem?

Burning Steem to reduce supply is apparently a good thing for everyone on board, so would a massive campaign to burn steem (like a fundraiser but to destroy the funds rather than use them) be useful?

This question is something I've been thinking about, and since I want to try Musing I look forward to watching how it goes.

There actually is an ongoing experiment that does this and is even supported by some witnesses and people who have large stakes on the platform. The experiment is called BurnPost and I highly suggest you check it out here: 

As a small minnow, I for one will probably not participate yet on such campaigns. While I do understand that the simple act of Burning Steem if done in large quantities will make the price of Steem increase mainly due to the Law of Supply and Demand, I don't really think atm my measly $0.01 upvote or my little liquid Steem atm would matter much. I'd probably wait until I get enough support through upvotes on my daily blog posts before I consider helping the community with such campaigns.

I would be extremely open to that because of steem were burned it would thereby reduce the available supply and help contribute to small price increases the more Steem were burned. It's actually a great idea and one in which I wish could be implemented on this platform, especially with how poorly the crypto prices have performed this year.

If you have any idea, I may have the means to implement it.

Before I give my answer, let's think about what burning STEEM does. Plainly, it reduces the overall supply which increases the value of all the unburned STEEM. It also slightly increases the value of the STEEM yet to be created, since the inflation rate remains static regardless.

Because of these effects, I would not burn STEEM except for a small amount. The reason is that just reducing the supply does not fix problems on the blockchain such as the existence of faucet rings. Scammers will continue to exploit, whales will continue to destroy the rewards pool.

The ones who should be burning STEEM are massive whales like Steemit, Inc. and others. Our small bits of STEEM do not help much, unless initiatives similar to @null are created to incentivize the destruction. If a whale bid bot was created where the profits were burnt I would consider using it.

Well, yeah, but we all know that isn't going to happen.

Putting it that way I guess it's kind of silly to think a few raised thousands or hundreds would make a difference... sigh....

No, that should happen organically, as per whitepaper creation and also with built-in mechanics like those coming with HF20.

Anything else is merely an attempt at market manipulation.

I would say that it is one of the ways to ensure a level of stability of prices and making sure that prices technically never fall down to 'zero' level.

Personally I do not support coin burn for a Proof of Stake Blockchain. We should focus on people trying to maintain their stakes in the system and increase them gradually. What we need to do is to provide people incentive to hold more Steem. 

Although burning Steem or sending it to the null account might sound like doing exactly that, but it is a short term and a stop-gap arrangement. We need to create a system where people believe in holding a stake in and not a system where people might want to raise prices by burning coins

Well, the benefits for holding a stake here are pretty good, the profitability for starters, which would increase with price increases.

How often do you get upvote form Musing. Is there anyone whos all the post got upvotes?

I'm interested ti known how many upvotes are the user getting. and are there some peoples who are getting upvotes for all their posts?

No, Musing manually curates all the answers. If it seems some get more upvoted than others, it will be because they give very detailed and long answers which is what we should all do when we answer questions.

Musing appears to be very fair in its upvote distribution.

What I would suggest to you, i to work hard, give great answers to the best of your ability and I'm sure you will also get some upvotes :-)

The most important advice, is stop worrying what everyone else is doing or getting, just for your own thing and work as hard as possible and then enjoy reading other peoples answers. This isn't a job! Its a great resource and we need as many people as possible joining in without any bitching or whinging about who gets what.

Hope this helps and I will look out for your future answers :-)

Thanks for your reply. I'm getting good response form musing. But i was interested to know how other are doing here. I mean how much post out of 10 got upvote ?

well, there are a lot of answers for musing to curate manually so Im sure that some good ones get missed. its just about being consistant.
Maybe I will get an upvote 1 in 10 answers but thats great.,One upvoted answer on musing is more than Id earn writing 10 posts! They are really empowering a lot of people who might not normally earn very much from blogging. This really levels the playing field, Im just grateful when I get a vote, makes my day :-)

A quick analysis over the last 2 weeks of August shows that the top rewarded users (by percentage rewarded) receive Musing upvotes on up to 70%-80% of their posts. [In fact there were a few users with 100% upvotes but no-one with more than 5 posts in total].

However it is noticeable that these users are averaging around 1 to 4 posts per day on Musing. So my assumption is that these users are producing small numbers of high quality responses. A case of quality over quantity.

For users that post more than 10 times a day the upvote ratio falls significantly, with the top users at this volume receiving a maximum of 20%-30%. 

I think it will also depend heavily on whether the user mainly asks questions or provides answers, and on what kind of questions they respond to. Some questions are fun and only require short answers, but are probably less likely to receive upvotes. 

I just recently joined and i love the questions

and answers that i am reading on this platform,why do i love them??i love them because they are educational

and also makes me more englightened about some certain aspect of life,i believe that the curators on this

platform are doing a very wonderful job and i noticed that they always ensure that they upvote very sensible and meaningful questions or answers and i believe that

if i write a meaningful answer or question then the curators will upvote me, i do not know if there is any user

that has all their posts upvoted but i believe if a user writes very good answers and the curators find the answers to be useful and perfect for the

questions asked then of course they can upvote the answers,what matters most is to ensure that you write answers that are of good quality....

Can price of steem rise even if inflation is that high?

Steem is issuing more coins every year. The total supply about doubles every year. That is 100% inflation! How can't this be a problem? Steem power however earns you more steem protecting you from inflation, so when you don't convert your steem into steem power you will lose money over the long run?

The original economic model for Steem included inflation of 100%. However this was revised back in 2016 with Hard Fork 14 to a scale starting at 9.5% and decreasing over time. Currently Steem has inflation of around 8.7% (according to website

You can see the full supply table here for the next 20 years:

The question is still valid though. All other things being equal, the 8% inflation rate should act as a drain on the price of Steem. However at this early stage in the coin's existence there are many other factors that also influence the price. If Steem continues to develop then the inflow of investment and demand could raise the price faster than the drain from the additional coin supply.

Holding Steem Power (SP) does not directly protect you from inflation. However it is true that there is a small interest rate on SP and higher curation rewards with higher SP. There is also (I would say) a greater potential to earn more Steem and SBD through posting if you have more SP.  Although it is also possible to earn rewards without holding much SP, as long as you have the basic level required to have enough bandwidth to post.

Holding liquid Steem on the other hand gives you the potential to trade on the markets and gain (or lose!) some additional revenue through this route. 

Overall it is not clear cut to say that you will lose money in the long run unless you convert into SP.

[Not financial advice, please do your own research]

It is important to remember that STEEM supply increases by 100% every year, if the market capitalization, or the total value of the network, remains the same, it will require Steem coin prices to drop by 50%. Steem is subject to inflation. This is a short-term trading vehicle. This is not intended to be held for a long time; it is intended to be traded. Steem power is a long-term investment vehicle.

How about the Panda 🐼? Giant pandas are one of the most endangered animals in the world. Only found in China, the pandas enjoy an extreme level of care and protection. Anyone found poaching a wild panda can face the death penalty.

Being a panda, you can spend the whole day doing nothing but eating and sleeping. You don’t need to work on the fields. You don’t need to worry about food, your caregivers will ensure there are enough bamboo to feed you. You do not have any enemies, as there are no predators preying on panda.

Being a panda is like being a crown prince of a Arab country.

Soaring up far in the sky like no other creature could.... I would like to be an Eagle. Right from time I've loved the characteristics of eagles and it has helped me in some areas of life. The vision possessed by eagle is extra ordinary,their eyes are designed for long distance and clarity which made them site their prey at far distance.

Eagles are fearless,they never surrender once they are focused. This is also another trait I love in eagle,

They are also tenacious. They don't run for wind when other birds do.

Instead, they spread their wings and soar high taking advantage of the wind. This taught me that running from challenges isn't the best solution,rather facing it and using the stumbling block as a stepping stone is what matters.

The characteristics of Eagles is used all over the world as what a good leader must possess to lead effectively thereby making this creature a unique animal amidst others.

Being an Eagle is what I would subscribe to if I were to be in the animal kingdom

Well we are animals. According to science humans are social animals.

So we are social animals. What's else I wanted to be, I think I'm happy to be human again if I had a choice.

If I had to select an animal other then human then I would like to be some bird like eagle or someone like it.

To fly high in the sky.

To move from one location to another.

and enjoy the life.

I always admired elephants. If at all I were an animal, I would like to be an elephant. There are few reasons why I really want to be an elephant. I will come to the elaboration part in a while.

I used to wonder what if I were a snake. I also admire snakes but I don't want to be a snake. Because I cannot imagine a non vegetarian life. Snakes attract me so much especially king cobra because of the dignity it has among people. Usually people are afraid of snakes but in India, snakes are worshipped as superior beings.

I have heard that snakes are good hibernators and they also meditate and live for several years without any food intake. If at all they eat something it will not be quite often. So in that way I admire snakes but I really don't want to be a snake because when there is a necessity to live, I might have to kill another species to make a living.

Coming back to the elephant life. The reason why I admire them the most is because, even though they are very powerful, they express lots of humility. Especially domestic elephants. Wild elephants can be dangerous but domestic elephants lead a peaceful life by eating plants and tree branches and travelling from one place to another. That will be a good life I would say.

I want to become a monster spider.

A spider can travel around the world

A domesticated DOG!

Now before you diss that one out as there are literally many animals that are far more better than the most common household pet, the dog. You should consider first what is currently the most well-loved and well-petted animal by humans for centuries now. That's right, it's none other than the dog.

If I become a domesticated dog, I would receive the love and attention of my human owner. I would not worry anymore on food, hygiene and whatever problems an animal has to do in order to survive. Basically, my future is at most very-secured.

If i were an animal then i would really be glad to be a dog....

I am a kind of person that loves the way most dogs act loyal to their owners and how dogs can also be affectionate and caring,i also love the way dogs are usually security conscious and always at alert when danger is coming

Dogs are loyal and they tend to have an attitude of protecting their owners in good or bad situations,dogs are the best friend a man can have because of its loyalty and affection...

yeah dogs are affectionate and don’t be surprised hearing that,when you are not happy your dog will also show sign of unhappiness and when you are very happy then the dog also shows sign of excitement,if you think i

am joking then just do me a favour by beginning to monitor the attitude of your dog and you will understand what i am saying and you will realize that i am saying an obvious fact...

If magic was real the first spell I would learn is a spell to stop time. There are so many things I want to do in a day, in a week, or even in a year that I feel there is never enough time to accomplish them. So, perhaps a spell that would allow me to stop time for a few hours, every now and then, would be great. 

I would love to cast a spell that will make me to be able to predict an event that will happen in the

future,imagine if i waa able to predict when the world

will end??then that would have been a great power to have,also imagine a situation whereby i have the power

to know exactly what the steem price will be at a particular period of tine,i believe such power would

enable to make alot of profit on investment made on steem...

Sure, I think a lot of Wall Street investors have already bought some cheap cryptos. However, most of them probably haven't yet, due to the technicalities of buying, storing and taxing them. It might not be worth the hassle for a lot of them just yet. 

They probably were earlier this year. The drop from around $19000 USD probably scared off some of the larger speculators who were on the fence.

I believe that wall streets are already buying cryptocurrencies at low price but not all of them are

buying it but i think it would be a great idea if they start buying it because it will be a good development for the

cryptocurrency market,but the way the cryptocurrency market works might be what is scaring some of the

people from wall streets because the market features might be what is discouraging some of them...

It depends what you mean with Wall street. 

By law public investment funds are not allowed to invest into cryptocurrency. This is because the fund needs a guarantee by the clearinghouse they can't lose their investments. That's why a cryptocurrency etf will be bullish, a lot of institutional money can't enter this sector at this point in time.  

People who work on wallstreet can however buy cryptocurrency privately, not as an institutional. There have been instances where this has been the case.  For example in April this year George Soros gave a member of his family office approval to trade cryptocurrencies. 

no, if they would buy then the cryptos will skyrocket.

Why does binance not allow shorting?

Why does the exchange binance not offer the ability to short cryptocurrency? You can't short on most exchanges but in this bear market it was the most profitable thing to do.

Thank you for using @entrust!

You got a 100.00% upvote from @entrust courtesy of @jassennessaj!

Entrust is a bot focused on rewarding delegators and helping users promote their posts. We give 100% of the total rewards to the delegators with payouts will be given daily. If you would like to consider delegating to @entrust, we've made a quick delegation link for you :

10000 SP | 5000 SP | 1000 SP | 500 SP | 300 SP | 200 SP | 100 SP or visit our own tracker website for more information :

CTF's(Capture The Flag)!!!

CTF is a special kind of information security competition. Or as I like to define it: A legit way to practice and hone your hacking and information finding skills.

I have always been fascinated by hacking and finding information online. So when I got a job at an AV(Anti-Virus) company I was very happy and have learned the basics there. Afterwhich, I learned about CTF competitions from there and started to get interested on it.

Since it's a little bit too technical and uses a lot of thinking and out of this world thinking, it is understandable that many people hate it. But I for one love the thrill and challenge.

To love poor people.

I like to use @smartmarket and @smartsteem on occasion.  

I am also whitelisted on @minnowbooster but I don't use that one as much.

I don't think that bidbots are going to be around for that much longer to tell you the truth.

My guess would be that they will stop being in fashion right around the beginning of 2019. I have no evidence of this's just a feeling.

I don't believe bid bots will stop being a thing on steemit anytime soon. One of my personal favorites I use is @minnowbooster. I like it because it has a strong terms of service which helps to promote or "boost" only quality content. I also like @buildawhale for similar reasons as @minnowbooster. Because of the integrity of those kinds of bid bots I feel my content has more credibility being promoted by them.

I think bid bots are here to stay, unless there are major changes to curation rewards. The reason why all the major sp stakeholders are delegating to bid bots is simple, for profit. Because the current curation rewards are just too low and unattractive, using bid bots is the easiest way for them to earn passive income from their sp stakes. In the past, before bid bots, these high stakeholders will curate posts or follow curation trails, they earn 25% of their upvotes. But with bid bots, they now stand to earn up to 90%. So unless curation rewards are adjusted higher, there is simply no reason for them to not use bid bots.

It had been a while since I last used a bit bot. Those that I use and support are @smartmarket, @buildawhale, and @minnowbooster. These bots owners not only provide bot service, they are also active in the blockchain, fighting spams, plagiarism, and creating blacklist that is beneficial to the steem community. 

I do not really have any problem with bid bots being used to upvote contents on steemit,but i am always finding it appalling when i see some spammers trying to

take advantage of the system and using bid bots to promote their spammy contents,i think that bid bots operators should create features that would help to

prevent spammers from using their bots to upvote their spammy contents,i believe if that is done then it will make steemit to become a better platform and it will

not make use of bid bots to negatively affect the steem bots should not cancelled because there are some users that have genuine and meaninful

contents that just needs a promotional boost to get more visibility and users like that can simply use bid bots to bring in factors that would lead to more visibility...

I hate to say this but I think bidbots will be on this platform as long as untimely possible and will act as a primary means to boost one's visibility on the platform (sort of like Steem's version of  advertisement).

Steemit Inc's version of advertisement, the Promoted Tab failed miserably as it is not at all profitable seeing it burns ones liquid Steem instead of going back to the owner like what the current bidbot system is now doing. Unless Steem develops a better way to advertise posts then bidbots will be in here for the long run whether the majority of people loves it or not.

Other reason why I think bidbots will survive is due to the fact that not everyone in here loves to write, blog and deliver contents to the blockchain. The top 500 highest Steem Account hodlers in this platform are mostly investors. Investors do not waste their time on doing blogs/vlogs or writing exceptional contents. Seeing bidbots have a high return of investment, all they have to do is just to invest on it, sit back and earn passively. They have it easy! :) 

So yeah, bidbots will stay on this platform for a loonnng time.

I use actifit about a month. It's a great motivating app that rewards you with actifit tokens and via steemit upvotes. The app can track your moves accurately but not always. If you want to run it on background make sure to enable aggressive background tracker. Yes, l always got upvotes from actifit according to my activity score. In the future you'll be able to buy fitness products or just convert actifit tokens to cryptocurencies, fiat. It can take a while because of upcoming SMTs.

Yes I use actifit and I am one of the moderators. Actifit tends to reward users for keeping fit. There is an iOS and Android version. The application is accurate and it's always in development meaning if you encounter any issues it will be solved almost immediately.

Posting your activities on steemit is easy. You only need your posting key to do that and follow the instructions.

Users are upvoted based on their step counts with respect to the total number of entries received that day.

The ACTIFIT token will have value when SMT is launched and you can decide what to do with it. Either buy sport products, register for gyms and so on

I find that Most of the electric sports are actually Hybrid cars which can run on both electricity and gas. For me this is a very important fact and should be taken into account when dealing with a question such as yours.

For me the presence of a hybrid engine indicates that both the 'fuels' have their advantages and yet they also have their disadvantages. From a combination of these advantages and disadvantages, arise the need for a hybrid engine. What lacks in one type of technology can compensated by the other. 

Now lets consider a major driving passion - namely racing. Racing events are  designed as a combination to check both speed and endurance. Another thing is that racing events also need qualifying factors like engine type, fuel type, engine volume , etc..... for the cars to participate. 

The fact remains that most hybrid cars cannot even qualify the major events because of there hybrid nature (presence of electric engine). Then there is also the fact that  people have also come to like the sound of fuel engine, while the electric engine is pretty soundless and thus have no fanbase from this crowd. 

So I would say that 'to each hi s own'. Electric and hybrid cars are more about a fashion statement, than anything else these days.

No, I don't think so.  They are still quite new and it will take a few years to improve them.  The main complaint seems to be the sound but that doesn't bother me.  I like their acceleration and while it will be a shame to lose some of the petrol engine features, like gear changing, it's all about speed for me.

Highly depends on the Title/Caption and the Image used.

Like if the Bitcoin-related news starts with "SEC rules in favour of Bitcoin...", I would probably skip that one out as I have literally no idea what SEC does. However same can not be said if the title starts with "Reason why Bitcoin is crashing atm", that I would read fast.

But for simplicity's sake taking only into account your interest for those topics, then I would go read "Scientific Blog Post" first as I love science and medicine, "FreeWrite" next to make me calm down and relate to whomever wrote that article and maybe get a lesson or two and "Bitcoin News last as I literally have little knowledge when it comes to Crypto

Well, if it were truly news about Bitcoin and not other cryptocurrencies, I would be very interested. (Things like hardforks and such.) But if it's just cryptocurrency news, I'd go for the freewrite, unless the scientific blog post is particularly interesting. However, more often than not, I find myself reading travel accounts and journal-like posts about people's day-to-day.

I would chose the scientific blog post. I am a little worried why that choice is in quotations though. What does that foreshadow about my choice?

Well among these three things you listed i am more passionate about cryptocurrency investments and i will

definitely want to read the bitcoin news to see any

information that will make me to know about the current situation of bitcoin,i invested on bitcoin so it will be wise

for me to read the news about it,i would also love to read scientific blog posts but it is the bitcoin news i will

read first because it is currently what is the most imporant thing to me among the things which you listed....

Following a trail adds support to the community/project that the trail owner is supporting. For example, the utopian-io supports open source project, the qurator trail supports quality members. By following their trail, you are supporting good content creators which in turn adds value to what steemit is all about. There are many people who don't have the time to curate posts and don't wish to waste their voting power, so by following a good trail is one of the option.

To see what trails are available, you can

  • go to
  • login with your posting key via steemconnect
  • click on curation trail
  • browse for the many popular curation trail available
  • or you can search for one if you know the name
  • click follow
  • after that, you can change the setting of voting weight

Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

If your life is about to end, why still wear a helmet to protect you from injury?

First of all, they wore leather flight caps, not helmets. Despite the fact that they were basically a suicide squad, they still had to wear them to protect their ears and head from cold while at high altitudes and also to avoid going deaf when flying with their cockpits open. This was something they used to do to be able to see better when landing or taking off or looking for landmarks.

Also it helped to protect their head in case they had to do complex maneuvers to avoid getting shot out of the sky. So basically, while they were going to die, they wore helmets to make sure they didn't die before they were supposed to

You said "your life is about to end" but not the end. It's possible to be end of your life anywhere and anytime, but we always seek some security to safe our life. The same reason applicable for the Kamikaze Pilots, they fly at very high speed with open cockpits, to protect their head and specially eyes they wear lather caps or helmet.

Consciousness is a quality specific only to living beings, whether we talk about animals, humans or other forms of life it is only such "creatures" that are born to be conscious and live their life conscious. 

Robots will probably be able to learn certain behavioral patterns, will be able to have logic, to think and act, but never to feel. Having feelings and being conscious can not be learned and will never be an artificial quality. 

Consciousness is an organic quality and thus I believe that robots will never be able to attain that. No matter how much the technology will improve and on what peaks will it climb. 

I could say that given time and research, anything is possible with technology. However, I think this is a question that we cannot answer yet, at least, not until we can come up with a unified theory of consciousness. 

At the moment, researchers, scientists, and philosophers are all divided on a unified theory of consciousness. What is consciousness? Is consciousness knowable? Can it be measured? Can it be reproduced? And if it can be reproduced, can we transfer it to a machine? How do we transfer it to a machine. At this point in time, we haven't even answered the first question. What is consciousness? 

So, unless we can know that, we won't have any definitive answer to the question can robots become conscious one day. On a personal note, I don't want robots to become conscious in the future. I've seen enough sci-fi movies and TV shows to know that is a bad thing.


Scientists Closing in on Theory of Consciousness.

Logically, do you think that your question is just a joke? whose names are lifeless certainly will not be aware, only humans are perfect, humans can feel anything.

 Yes, it's possible. There is no impossible word in the dictionary of science.

It seemed that some years before, researchers at MIT and elsewhere were quite convinced that a human being is completely made up of matter/material energy and is ultimately a highly advanced computer--a highly advanced machine. Is that conviction still alive?

Is it possible that robots / advanced AI machines will one day become cognizant of their surroundings, will have thrilling experiences while reading a mystery novel, will enjoy a comedy show, or will possess emotions (happiness, anger, shame/shamelessness, embarrassment, audacity, rascaldom, cunning etc.)/feelings (pride, grief, narcissism, superiority/inferiority complexes etc.) just like we humans do. Will they develop consciousness on the level of current human beings or even animals, like feeling pain, hunger, need to sleep etc.?

Are the researchers close to achieving this in the near or distant future? (What exactly does “happiness”, "shame", “love”, or “fear” reduce to in advanced AI systems language? What kind of particle interactions?)

Try as they might for millions of years, it is highly improbable that the most intelligent researchers would ever be able to make a robot / advanced AI machine even slightly conscious by any purely material (modern scientific) methods, because the modern researchers are totally unaware of the absolutely non-material entity (or the spirit soul, which is beyond the jurisdiction of modern material/mental sciences) which forms the very basis of consciousness and life, and they think what they cannot understand, no one else (outside their field) can.

For more information, and insights, please consult the book:

Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science, by Richard L. Thompson (PhD. Mathematics, Cornell University, researcher in statistical mechanics, probability theory and mathematical biology).

The most advanced robot/AI machine of the future may at best become an extremely sophisticated philosophical zombie, but (although appearing to be conscious, or simulating consciousness), won't ever be a conscious entity. But it is still possible that the developers of the machine may try to pass it off as "conscious".

Simple answer: “No soul: no life, no consciousness.”

What is the best blockchain for smart contracts?

What smart contract blockchain do you like the most as an investment?

Well byteball did their steemit airdrop not quite long. I will suggest bytesball. Fast and simple to use. It is user friendly.

The good thing is their data is not stored on the blockchain but the DAG Directed Acyclic Graph

I like Ethereum as a smart contract platform the best still. I had high hopes for EOS, but it's not really were I want it to be when it comes to smart contracts yet; they require a lot of expensive RAM, and it's still a lot more complicated than Ethereum. But maybe it will improve to become better than ETH in the future though. 

I have had the opportunity to interact with several professional linguists and language trainers over the years. I have come to the conclusion that the most important thing needed to  speak like a native speaker is to stay amongst the native speakers of that language.

No school or training can give you an advantage in learning a language like staying and interacting with the natives does. I say this from experience of learning from the natives and being multilingual and fluent gives me a certain understanding of what I am saying.

Languages like English, Spanish, Arabic, French, etc. also have the distinction of being spoken in several parts of the world. That means that you don't really have to travel to UK to learn English the way I recommend. You can do so by being in the US, Canada, Australia, etc.

Obviously this is just one way of doing what you asked and I am pretty sure there are several more effective methods available.

"No school or training can give you an advantage in learning a language like staying and interacting with the natives does."

Agree with that. Thank you so much for sharing your experience. Really appreciate that!

To speak English like the real owners of the language. You have to stay around them.

You may learn how to speak English from an online class or offline class. But who do you practice with. There are many factors associated with the differences in English tone in countries.

The Food, social, lifestyle. They influence the type of English in that area. It is when you move closer to the natives and do what they do, eat what they eat. In years you observe you speak exactly like they do.

I don't know of any Koren language curation initiative but I know there will be one.

You can check those links for Korean posts. You can then comment on any interested post and start a conversation to learn more on the possibility of having a curation initiative

We have lots of inventions. I will list some.

Toilet paper. Who doesn't love this life saver. Imagine you were using clothes in place of toilet paper. You have to wash after every use and disposing it will be cumbersome.. Toilet paper however is different

The ballpoint pen. Imagine if our choices for writing instruments were still between the permanent, but cumbersome fountain pen and the easy to use but also easy to erase pencil. As someone who handwrites a lot of notes, I can't stress how important it is for me to have something that can write permanently, while still being easy to use, and inexpensive. 

I mean, sure a lot of things can be written down as digital notes these days, but imagine of you went to school 10 years ago and all you had to write notes with was the fountain pen. What if you run out of ink in the middle of class, how would you finish your notes? Or what if you were using a pencil while writing an exam essay. You'd have to keep sharpening it every now and then, disrupting your train of thought. 

The ballpoint pen just made my school life easier. However, the fact that I always see ballpoint pens lying around everywhere, forgotten and disposed of by its owner just shows it doesn't get a lot of love. 

The toothbrush...Totally..

Does anyone really bask in the glory of what toothbrushes do for humanity? 

I mean, just imagine life without them..

What is the most needed tool that has yet to be developed for steem?

As someone who has worked on the tool for making and filtering tables of contents, I am constantly surprised at all the cool things that have yet to be developed on for steem. Sure we have a ton of great tools already, but there is so much left to do!

So my question today is for all of you - What process would you most like to automate? Where could we save time with a little programming and some elbow grease?

What I really want to see and be developed for Steem is an alternative on how blog posts are being displayed on one's feed or as I like to call it: A Facebook-Like News Feed!

I think we can all agree that the current News Feed Display is a huge mess. At the moment posts are being sorted from the newest created one (or resteem) to the oldest. This is a big problem if you are following a lot of people as you are likely to be overwhelmed by a number of low-quality posts.

What I want is basically a Facebook-like News Feed algorithm that would display first the "popular" posts that have a lot of interactions and real-human upvotes and posts that I might be interested in. I don't know how Facebook does it, but Steem badly needs an algorithm similar to that one.

Oh, man. There are so many things lacking. I'd love to see a smooth, modular front-end system that provided a ridiculous amount of utility and flexibility. Being able to tap user's names to auto-add their tag in a comment is a small thing I'd love to see on Partiko. Also, to have a visualization of votes trickling in, with their strength (like on Steemnow) but integrated in the browser itself, maybe you could swipe left and right to put different filters over the blockchain to access different data. Overall, this is still such a new space! Exciting and frustrating at the same time.

I think there should be a tool to support minnows without just upvoting content, but reading and reviewing that. Also when I started steemit I got about 100 followers in just 1 day, since they followed me before even posting anything, there are not for the content (clearly foolish). Not even 5 people from my followers comment or upvote my contents, so there should be a way to stop this unwanted following and to make followers follow only if they like the content of the creator and want to get updates from him.

I want to assume you're talking about fashion here. The truth is that there are a lot of things that trended before, got out-fashioned and are now back trending. You can never tell what you would happen in the future.

However, I think wristwatches would never go out of fashion. Apart from telling the time, these delicate piece always seems to add a bit of smartness or style or even both to our clothing.

Little wonder they've been evolved too now have different colors and fashioned to fit modern trends. Wristwatches have become a compulsory piece of most people's dress sense.

Take my brother for example. He loves to look stylish and is always in with the latest trends of gadgets. One think he never forgets is his wristwatch. He has a couple of them and is alway proud to appear on photos with them. Even looking at those pictures will tell you how complementing wristwatches can be.

Pictures of my dad who's been alive since the 50's even shows wristwatches. So, you see, this piece new version goes out of fashion we are both about to see that's change any time soon.

Cleanliness and hygiene. Even if the world runs out of water and soap, I believe people will still at least do their best to keep themselves and their surroundings as clean and hygienic as possible. I know I will.




And... er-hrm...

Well I think you will be happy depending on your expectation.

It is true that you will not be happy if no one loves you, but I think we are sing love one sidedly

Despite our appearances, our attitude, our opinions there will always a person who loves us. No matter what we have friends that love us, we have our brothers, our sisters, our parents, relatives and many other person that surrounds us. Well if you are saying that they all not love you, still we have our God who loves us. If we can't be happy knowing that no one loves us, maybe our expectations was too high. We must be contented to those person who loves us and not depend our happiness to  single person who doesn't love us

Self love is very important in the lives of everyone,you need to love yourself first before you become bothered

about those that love you or not,when you love yourself it will enable you to be able to stay happy even when

you feel no one loves you,i know self love might not be easy for some people but it is necessary and i believe

that you are the major key to your own happiness and you can make yourself happy even if the whole world

turn their back against you.../but it would also be a great step to take in finding out why we are not getting the love that we desire,when people do not love us it could

be their fault and it could also be our own fault too so it is not a bad idea if we try to find out why we are not loved...

I'll tell you something, well I'd better tell you only three things, if you decide to accept them you will be happy, but you can never be happy, the first, you can not want to understand everything, I explain, life is too complex and happens of all kinds of things, as you get older you try to find meaning to life, and I assure you that for some reason we are here, because nothing happens at random, but we can not be sure of that, you live with your body working and you do not know completely how everything works, so simple is life, you live, do not feel, experience, can not understand.

Second, there is always someone who loves us, the problem is the place where we are and the chains we put on in life, all those chains are in your mind, think about why not change places and people, maybe you are in the wrong place and wrong place, that's just it.

And finally, look at the meaning of life is different for each person, everything is in the mind, some seek love in a couple, others help the needy and get love and satisfaction in return, others help the world and are useful in helping and also receive love, love comes from many sources, do not confuse emotional dependence on a person with love, love, is something much more than that, when you learn fully that it is love and that it comes from many sources, I am sure you will find where to receive it from and you will be happy, I love you very much and I care about your life, that's why I write to you, but, for that I would do it, I hope this will help you, look for life, it is out there waiting for you.

You can't

Been there, tried to do that

Realised that it doesn't work that way

Decided to wallow in my misery 😿

Accept the reality

A person's attitude towards us can sometimes make us wonder, why has he been so kind and caring to us all this time? We think that his attention is a sign that he likes us. In fact, attention is not always proof that someone likes us more than just friends. It could be, he is indeed to everyone, including the opposite sex. Now, try to open your eyes wide and pay attention: how does he behave towards other friends?

There are more people who are PDKT with us. He chat us every day, call for hours, and sometimes invite to go together. Wow, really attention. Initially we may be uncomfortable or annoyed, but after a while we fall in love. Our turn has fallen in love, eh he just disappeared. Bitter again, it turns out he invented someone else. Duh, isn't that sad ?! Well, girls, realize that someone's feelings are easy to change, especially if they are still in the PDKT stage. A man can PDKT with several women at once. So if he cares, asks to go together, and so on, it could be done simultaneously to several women.

This is a very important lesson: consider all of them as friends before there is commitment. Don't let our feelings develop too far.

What if we ultimately love our own friends? Initially there was no feeling, pure friendship, but over time, a spark of love arose. Unfortunately, it's just our feelings. He really only considers us as friends, nothing more. Bitter? Certain.

If we like someone and the person we like doesn't know our feelings, it's good to let us know. It doesn't matter if he later rejects it; at least he already knows. Harboring a feeling of love for years and guessing whether he has the same feelings will only torture you. Convey your feelings, let him know. If he refuses, accept that fact. We win when we dare to express feelings, no matter whether they are accepted or rejected in the end.

No matter how simple a reality is, it is still better than illusion. For what reason do we feel false happiness by continuing to assume that he has the same feelings as us, but not. One day, when he is invented with someone else, that fact will slap us, and it will definitely hurt more. Get up from dreams and hopes that are aground, accept this reality!

Phishing is the malicious act to obtain sensitive data from somebody, specifically done by “baiting” them into handing over that data.

Steemit, and the Internet in general, are absolutely not safe havens and one can be phished at any time.

Many phishing attempts online will try to imitate a site, or possibly a project which would seem to be a part of the site where they attempt to phish people. Phishing can also happen in email, instant messaging, or on social media. Fake airdrops are often also phishing efforts where the organizers want to obtain access to one’s account and social media profiles where possible.

On Steem(it) most phishing attempts known so far aimed to obtain one’s master key so they could highjack (and empty) the account. Sometimes this happens by tempting somebody to login to a steemit alike website (using condenser) or the phishers have setup a site which imitates SteemConnect but your account name and key are sent to them.

In worst case within seconds only they may have logged in (via a script) and reset your master key.

How to protect yourself?

Only you can protect yourself from phishing attempts on the internet, and also on Steem.

Always check the URL. If not sure do not click the URL and definitely do not enter your user details on any site you do not trust 100%. On the Steem blockchain most sites do not need your admin or master key and are happy with only your (private) posting key. Because both other keys are only required for wallet operations or account settings.

Ergo, only use your posting key on Steem. If a site wants a higher level of access, more often than not they will offer SteemConnect Authentication as login method. When using SteemConnect the site only receives tokens but not your password. These auth tokens can only be used by the app which received them. This means that Musing could not use the tokens generated from logging in to Musing with SteemConnect to post in name of your account via Steemhunt, for example.

Physing as regards to cryptocurrency is basically a type of cybercrime in which people are duped into giving out personal details of their various crypto assets e.g a private key or a master key or recovery file etc. This is done by the use of emails, texts and so many others. The fraudsters tend to pretend to be administrators of certain crypto sites so as to make people feel they're legitimate after which they steal your crypto assets and you most probably never hear from them again. People have actually gotten phised on steemit alot. I have a friend who was tricked into giving up her steemit password which led to her losing her account.

The most frequent type of phising I see on steemit is what I call the 'crypto-exchange scam'. People tend to make mistakes when typing the names of the accounts that they're sending their funds to and accounts like bittrex, poloinex and deepcrypto8 which serve as gateways for people to send their steem or and to and from their bittrex, binancr and poloinex accounts respectively are the major targets. Fraudsters open accounts with similar names to the above stated accounts and wait for people to make the mistake and transfer funds to them. Such accounts include bittrexx, polionex, deepcrypto88 and so on.

Upvote and steem delegation services like minnow booster aren't excluded, as they are also targeted by fraudsters.

Phisihing  was an act to obtain a person's personal information having an evil intent. This often happens in the digital world where we are using usernames, passwords, credit card details, bank account details and many more that usually involved money. So basically it was an act to get an access to your personal account.

Was steemit safe from Phishing? well I really do believe that steemit was not safe in this act. There were case where users received some transferred SBD or STEEM with url that will lead you to a page very similar to steemconnect. Once a user entered his/her password to this site, his/her password will automatically saved into the database of that website and Viola ! ! ! they got your account already. Better be careful in opening some untrusted websites.

Another was by using another computers some computers have keyloggeres which enables them to all the characters that was typed in the computer. Better be careful also in opening steemit account to internet shops as they might steal your precious account

How do I know if an airdrop is legitimate and not just a scam, how do I identify them?

How can I know if an airdrop is legitimate and not just a scam, how do I identify them, is that there are some symptoms that can be evidenced that it is a scam or simply left to try and wait?

Check the URL for the airdrop, that’s usually the first giveaway of validity.

Then visit the site for the token/project and find the link to their Twitter profile. Check if they promote or denounce the ongoing airdrop. If you can find no mention... just tweet them.

Alternatively do it via their Telegram channel.

How old he or she is ? I have someone in my house, and the very first thing to observe, is to observe the communication between the child and others. Does he responds to everything that you ask ? Does he reacts to everything that he sees around ? 

If the child is responding in an engaged way with you in a normal way on everything, then there is nothing to be concerned. However, if he only interacts to things of his interest, and does not listen or react anything else, then he may need to be watched out. And more ever, if he is busy doing something on his own, without listening to you, and you try to intervene, then they show anger and frustrations. So its like they like to do what they wish to do, but they don't respond the same to you . In that case, you should show him to a doctor for further check up. 

And if your child is less than 2 years old, then it will be highly impossible to derive a conclusion. 

So the best way is to engage as much as possible with the kids, because the best treatment that can bring change in the child's behavior is within 5 years. 

There are lots of diagnostic tests, if you have concerns. One thing you should realize before going to a medical doctor is they love telling people what they think is wrong with them. They also like telling people that certain things cannot be healed.

I would recommend feeding your child an excellent diet with almost no processed food, junk food, or sugar of any kind. All developmental problems have some foundation in nutrition. I would recommend looking into Nutritional Balancing in order to become more educated on some of the nutritional causes of developmental issues. Doctors like to give rather toxic and ineffective "medicines" that treat the symptoms instead of the root causes.

take the child to a doctor for inspection. as it is very hard to find it out in home environment.  

What will be most bullish for cryptocurrency bakkt or etf approval?

Will bakkt or the etf approval be most bullish for cryptocurrency?

Fundamental Analysis supporters claim that it is the ETF approval.

However, I think cryptocurrency proved time and time again that fundamentals don't work in crypto, and good news or bad news the crypto world doesn't care, it has its own life due to being less adopted than most other markets.


In the long run, both of these things are very bullish.  Looking at [bakkt](, we can see that the possibility of a truly accepted and 'financial system' integrated crypto credit card is going to be a huge boon for usability, which in turn is going to help us turn the tide from early adopters to the early majority.

An approved [ETF](, on the other hand, will allow hedging against crypto prices, allowing many billions of dollars of money from large funds, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds and others;  such managed funds have rules that do not let them into such a risky class of assets without an appropriate insurance piece, and an official etf will allow that.

These two products are bullish on both sides of the coin, usability by everyday people on the one hand and vast flows of investment capital on the other.  

For the cryptocurrency space to fully mature, both are needed.  One or the other will likely result in a lopsided, not fully realized ecosystem.  Both are incredibly bullish for the space as a whole, and for major cryptos especially in the initial stages.

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