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No. Arbitrary (casual) sex happens regardless. And have been happening for as long as we can remember. If anything, finding a cure for AIDS will make for a better society since there wont be too much stigma towards people with AIDS, which I think is a much bigger issue than the disease itself. Sex will happen without encouragement, it's coded in our DNA. It helps everyone more to educate one another to practice safe sex as well as the respect of consent as that will make for a better society than making it a taboo subject. 

Don't get me wrong, I come from a conservative South East Asian society too. But I know that allowing conversation on "sensitive" matters like these are far more helpful. People will have sex no matter what, trying to stop other people from doing it is futile. It's much more damaging to keep it under the lid than regard it as casual. Education spells the difference between 2 teens trying out safe sex and teen pregnancy which damages the society in the long run.

On another note, your question represent a logical fallacy called the Slippery Slope fallacy, which is one of the errors on logical reasoning, Where you assert that "If A happens, then Z will happen too. (Therefore A must not happen)". You can learn more about Logical Fallacies to help yourself be better at reasoning with yourself and others. Don't worry, we all commit logical fallacies sometimes.

Yes. People will still have sex. And do. Google "swinger clubs" or "seedy bars".

Attempting to stop people from doing such only drives such behavior more underground and reduces chances for testing and prevention of STD transmission.

(Just as an aside, condoms are not 100% effective)

The biggest issue right now is that there is not enough stigma in regards to being a non-tested person. Everyone even if only occasionally having any type of encounter (condoms or not) should be getting full and correctly done STD screenings every 3 to 6 months. (Where full means multiple diseases checked for and correct means including both throat and anal swabs)

In regards to the statement about "a cure for HIV" I would like to point out that at this time we do have a major weapon against at least HIV type 1 spread called PrEP. There is a pill which if taken once a day, (and you can't skip doses), which is effective > 99.9% at preventing infection. If this were made more widely available, in combination with much more regular testing, while the disease wouldn't be cured or eliminated, the rate of infection could be dropped dramatically. See Note: PrEP is recommended for either sex and for any sexual orientation.

In case you want to know about PrEP:

No, I don't believe that the fear of getting AIDS is really stopping anyone from having arbitrary sex anyway. It's super easy to get not AIDS: just wear a condom! Even if the condom breaks, the chances of getting AIDS is extremely low; the virus-infected sperm would have to make its way to the blood of the recipient in some manner. This means that you would have to get a small cut in your skin that is interacting with the sperm. 

The only common way to get AIDS is by having unprotected anal sex with someone that is infected by AIDS/HIV. So just wear a condom, and maybe don't sleep with people who have AIDS, and you will be fine. 

So I don't think a treatment for AIDS will chance anyone's behavior towards arbitrary sex. 

As a side not, why would more arbitrary sex be bad? Why should we care about how many people other people have sex with? 

Herein lies one of the cultural difference between the more progressive West and the conservative East.

There are still cultures that exist where sex is regarded as something dirty taboo. And as a person who comes from such a culture, I can say that technology is not the main driver of cultural change because a person might have the latest smartphone and the fastest internet connection, that does not directly make said person more progressive and open minded...

There's a saying here in my country in English, "The Internet aims to bring the world to the Kampung (village), but instead the internet brought the Kampung to the world".

Yep, there's definitely a huge culture clash between the East and the West on certain parts of the Internet. We have a lot of different views on some "taboo" matters, especially things like sex, homosexuality etc.

"The Internet aims to bring the world to the Kampung (village), but instead the internet brought the Kampung to the world".

That's a great saying!

I don't think it would anymore than birth-control or antibiotics did.  There are more ways to contract AIDS than just by having sex.  If sex were the only way to contract it, maybe, but again, that doesn't seem to be the case with other STD's and the ability to treat/cure them with antibiotics.

Well in my own opinion i think that if the cure to HIV/AIDS is discovered then it will be a good news to the world but also it would make some certain people to engage more in arbitary sex because they now feel that even if they are infected they can easily get cured unlike before when they were very careful when having sex because they do not want to get infected with a deadly disease like AIDS that has no cure...

On a serious note i don't think so. Why do i say so? I don't believe there is a normal person out there that likes to be confined in a hospital because he or she is sick. Even with the availability of drugs for so many diseases nowadays, how many people will deliberately engage in activities that will predispose them to picking up diseases? None.

From a personal level, being sick is a terrible thing and i hate it. So even if there was a cure out there for AIDS, I will not go about messing up just to be cured later. Not for someone that knows what it is to be sick and the feelings and restrictions it brings. So i don't think a treatment for AIDS will encourage arbitrary sex, i mean safe measures of preventing cross transmission are already available and people use them daily so on a higher note, it is these safe measures that have will and have increased arbitrary sex for me.

I was about to answer but I first read the previous answers. There is one thing I can conclude: the STEEM blockchain will be around for all eternity. I've never read so much sensible answers on the STEEM blockchain in a 24 hour period. Long to read but definitely helpful for those in need of answers. 

I praise the creator(s) of Musing of using the STEEM blockchain the way it should.

Now, to answer your question I'm going to ask a question: "What would happen if Cannabis would be made legal all over the world at once?"

Everytime i shut down google chrome it signs me off, telling me the syncing is paused. why?

it tells me to sign in again and offers me to open guest window, manage people or close all of my windows.

This usually happens when you sign out of your Google account in a Google-owned website, such as Gmail. Are you signing out every time?

Nope all i do is shut down the browser. I believe it has something to do with syncing as it points that out, that the syncing is paused

I think it exists in some places but not everywhere. I can only give my perspective from my country, Singapore.

In Singapore, people are given equal opportunities regardless of gender. Gender discrimination is uncommon at workplaces. For occupations that are traditionally done by males (e.g. army and police), we also see a good number of females. In fact, we just got a female head of Criminal Investigation Department in our police force.

Well I want to think it exists in a modern world where we live, there's now franchise to vote, democracy has made it very easy to enshrine gender equality.

In some situations and traditions people still practice gender inequality because sometimes they believe it's the custom that a gender is more special or better than another.

But because of modernization and the system of government practiced we now see men and women in positions of authority, this shows and proves gender equality

I think, it does exist at many places, especially at least in developed and most of the developing countries. However, personally, I do not like the fact that, women are asking for an equality, where they should be actually treated more than the male counterparts. Because, they do have more patience, more capability and everything else compared to male counterparts, except may be strength. So they deserve more than equality. 

Gender equality exists in many countries,,but the only problem i have with some women concerning gender

equality is that some of them only remember “equality” when it favours them and when it does not favour them they start reminding you that “you are the man othe house” and that is when they pretend not to believe in

gender equality,,for example such women when it comes to factors like finances then that is when they suddenly remember you are the

man and you should be the one to pay the bills and they forget gender equality at that point,i believe such act is hypocrisy and should be totally condemned...

I don't think there can be a black and white answer to this.

There are ofcourse positive things feminism has brought and will bring, but also strange hardliners with weird opinions. Sadly often the later are the ones shouting the loudest(online) and claiming to represent feminism. At least this is my subjective feeling about this topic in the last few years.

To conclude: you should think carefull about everything you read and segregate bullshit from valid topics. E.g. racism against white men that came up lately is clearly bullshit while topics like women rights are often valid for some countrys. 

Well feminism is supposed to be a positive thing that enables our society to become better but i realized that there are some feminists that have hidden agenda and

they use feminism to carry out their own evil agenda and it is such feminists that makes many people think feminism is having more negative impact in the society

than the positive aspect...but i still believe that we should look at feminism in a positive light but we should be beware of false feminists...

If a project holds that many tokens then it is difficult for me to trust them. This is not necessarily due to the fact that they might dump it in the future. Who knows that these tokens might actually be planned to be used for a newer project....

My reason for distrust come from the fact that the this kind of percentage holding is against the core philosophy of decentralization. Historically it has been shown that too much power concentration in one area will breed trouble for later. 

This is one of the areas where I am not comfortable buying in the project even when I see that it has a sound team and technology. Another factor is the fear of these tokens being scammed away from the project. Even if the team is good but they are still susceptible to scams and phishing and hacking like all token holders. One percent tokens getting stolen might hurt the project but thirty percent might kill it.

I would not necessarily distrust it; the amount of tokens held by a single organization or individual could potentially cause havoc to the coin/token, but in most cases this won't happen. Steemit Inc. holds a huge amount of Steem, so I guess we are kind of in this situation here. Luckily it will take them 13 weeks to Power Down all of it at least. 

So I can definitely trust such a project, but it will be a bit more difficult to get my trust compared to if this was not the situation. 

Why is STEEM worth more than 5$ on Bithumb?

I've seen the same old situation play out so many times now and it's getting boring. Deposits and withdrawals of Steem on Bithumb are blocked, all while the price is skyrocketing (currently 5,15$). This has bothered me for the longest time and I even asked about it through a post on Steemit a couple months back but, no one seemed to know what is really going on other than the obvious, that the price is being manipulated.

So, for my first time using I would like to ask you the following questions:
How is it possible that on one exchange Steem is worth 7x more than anywhere else?
Who is responsible for the massive price increases on Bithumb?
Why are they doing it?
How is it affecting the overall price of Steem?

I'm looking forward to getting your opinions and finally getting to the bottom of this!

Oh, yeah, and tell me please if I'm doing this wrong. Maybe I shouldn't ask more than one question or I'm using the wrong format. If so please notify me about it.

Your question is detailed and needs a complete answer. I believe that I can answer a part of the reason why Steem prices are trading at 7x times the market price.

The thing is that at the moment Bithumb has 85 percent of the trading volume of steem but at the same time you cannot deposit or withdraw Steem from Bithumb.

This has lead to a complicated situation, where speculators are taking advantage of the situation. This means that with high volume of tokens are being traded at place where the supply is low (due to wallet lock down). This has resulted in jacked up prices and higher price volatility. The speculators are feeding this volatility make day trading gains, which in turn is pumping the price.

Bithumb probably uses some asian-only markets to tell steem's price.

It's just wrong.

My answer could not answer your specific questions, however I will express my opinion.

In a decentralized system I believe that this is possible to happen, manipulation of supply and demand to affect prices for specific purposes. I do not think it affects the value of steem globally. I do not look with good eyes either. Transparency should be the premise to follow.

I think that with SMT steem it will be able to rise again and stay.

Mosquitoes are one of the disturbing animals that often disturb everyone. This type of animal can easily be found in various places, even in abundant conditions, so that it can cause outbreaks of diseases such as dengue fever and malaria.

Then, this is what causes everyone to attempt to kill and even kill the cycle of the life of the mosquito. killing animals that are similar to them is equally disturbing as ants, mosquitoes, cockroaches, flies, and wild animals. All animals can be killed if they interfere.

Whereas ants that do not interfere are not killed

There are hundreds if not thousands of real use case scenarios of cryptocurrency. What we sometimes forget is that some cryptocurrencies are already being used real life. Although we might not be using them but hundreds of thousands of people are already using them. 

Let me list some of real uses here:

1. You asked this question on, which is a basically built on the Steem Blockchain. Steem is the native cryptocurrency of this blockchain and we all get to earn Steem tokens as we use dapps built on top of the steem blockchain. We are basically getting paid for our time, on this social media - As real as it gets.

2. Smart contracts are basically digital contracts that are written as pieces of self exciting codes that follow a uniform protocol. Thus you are now able to make deals with even anonymous parties based on predefined terms of your contract. Thanks to smart contracts we are able to so without the fear of  miscommunication or misinterpretation or even cheating. Many cryptocurrencies have this feature built in and is used daily by many people.

3.  Border-less and faster payments: This means that you don't really need to wait for you transcations to be cleared by banks and government officials. You can use cryptocurrency to make peer-to-peer payments with any dependency on a third party like a bank (I have personally used it many times)

4. Tokens like BAT tokens are being used to incentive your work on internet. You create content on internet and use the built in functionality of of the Brave Browser to monetize it. Basically you get paid in BAT tokens for your work.

Thanks for your answer. But I hope it can be widely use for our daily purchase like foods, groceries and more but because of the unstable price, Most of the people still won’t consider of using it.

We discuss this topic on that web site now. This platform  (Steem ecosystem and is absolutely real I think. You should not search your answer far away.

Yeah... this is the only one I’m using now.

How will AI create more jobs ?

AI is going to rule in the future we all know that but is it possible that advancement in AI will create more jobs rather than destroying many

AI can create more jobs in the future by creating entirely new jobs in existing industries and by creating entirely new industries,  both AI and non-AI related. 

Despite the doom and gloom reports of robots eliminating 6% of all jobs in the U.S. by 2021, or of 83% of U.S. jobs about to automated, experts still believe that when it comes down to it, there will still be more jobs created by AI than it displaces. Granted, the pace that jobs are being displaced is still faster than the pace that new jobs are created, today. But, as more industries and companies adopt AI into their workflow, job creation is bound to outpace job displacement.

First, it is important to realize that while AI will make certain jobs obsolete, it also has the potential to create entirely new jobs as companies reimagine their business processes with it. 

In a study of 1,000 companies that are already using or testing AI technologies, researchers found that three new categories of jobs (Trainers, Explainers, and Sustainers) emerged as a direct result of AI technologies. Basically, the Trainers were those in charge of machine learning, teaching the AI how to do it's job and making sure they improve in doing it. The Explainers are the ones who bridge the gap between the business leaders and technologies in the company. And the Sustainers are in charge of running the AI, making sure they work as intended and troubleshooting as issues arise. 

Companies from traditional industries will therefore need people to do these new jobs that complement the AI technology itself, to make sure that the work of the AI machines are effective, and that the tasks performed are fair, transparent, and correct. 

Second, AI also has the potential to create new industries that we may not have even heard of. Consider how the invention of flight created the aviation industry, and with it jobs for pilots, flight attendants, ticketing agents, aeronautical engineers and every other job that came with flying. But, aside from the aviation industry, flying was also indirectly responsible for the growth of tourism, logistics, and air shipping industries around the world. 

Like the invention of flight, AI has the potential to create a similar disruption that could result to new industries, both directly and indirectly related to AI, and with it a whole set of new and old jobs required to run these new industries. So, imagine the size of the AI industry today. As this grows, there will be more jobs for researchers, developers, and designers of AI systems. Amazon, for example, recently announced it was going to open a new facility and hire software engineers and scientists to support the development of its AI-enabled assistant "Alexa". 

AI's impact on the job market is therefore more positive than negative since it has the potential to create new jobs in traditional industries and create new industries that will open up more job opportunities. Nonetheless, it doesn't discount the fact that before that happens, there will still be massive job displacement. And that the new jobs created may not necessarily fit those whose jobs will be displaced.  

So, it is important that those people who think (and even those that don't) that their job is vulnerable to automation start acquiring new skills and preparing for the disruption that AI is bound to cause in the very near future. Because no matter how we look at it, AI is going to cause changes, and when it does, it's better that we're not caught unprepared.

Hope this helps.


  1. The Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Create.
  2. AI will create new jobs but skills must shift, say tech giants.
  3. Gartner Reveal Top Predictions for IT Organizations and Users in 2018 and Beyond.

I don't think, AI is going to create more jobs. However, I may be wrong. Because that has been predicted by non other than Gartner , they say, AI will create 2.3 million jobs, while it takes away 1.8 million jobs by 2020. You can see this link :

So that puts a gain in terms of statistics, but we never know. We will need to only wait and see what happens in 2020. 

On a side note, I think, we are slowly moving to a time, where AI or bots are slowly going to control major part of our lifestyle and that's not going to be good. Because , all these will definitely be at a cost to our mother nature, and there will be a hard time, when it will retaliate. No AI will ever be able to built that capacity, to alter nature's course, whatever best intelligence they may built, even be it on quantum computing.

It'll make some new jobs to manufacture, operate & maintain them. But AI will eat much more jobs than thay produce.

Many people believe that artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to automate millions of jobs in the end. Jeff revealed the data obtained which stated that using technology now had more than 50 percent of economic activity in the United States are vulnerable to automation.

Of course the percentage will only continue to increase as technology advances.

The name Ku Klux Klan seems to have many theories about its origin. The fact remains that there is no one verifiably documented version of its origin. Although the most popular origin theory is that the name has Greek and Gaelic origins. This is how it goes:

Kyklos: means 'circle' in Greek

Clan: Gaelic for a group

Kyklos + clan = Ku Klux Clan

The origin of the Klan can be traced back to 1865, Pulaski, Tennessee (present day USA). A group of confederate soldiers from the South, led by  Nathan Bedford Forrest formed the Klan and for a short period of time they went by the name 'Kuklux Clan. Throughout its history, the group both gained and waned in popularity. 

The code you intend to use to create a cryptocurrency depends on what hashing algorithm you want to use.

Well for now until Steem SMTs launch, The easiest way to start your own cryptocurrency is to create a erc-20 token on the Ethereum blockchain, this is a pretty simple process that consist of finding an appropriate smart contract for your token online (you can find hundreds by just googling) or creating one yourself if you know how to code.

There are a few types of contracts to pick, like ICO contracts that distribute the tokens automatically to the buyers, a basic creation contract that just creates the tokens and gives them to an address to them be airdropped, gaming contracts, name it.

After you have your contract picked, you just have to "upload" it to the Ethereum blockchain which cost around 25$ and you are pretty much good to go. Its pretty easy and its the reason to why there where so many ICO lately.

First, it’s necessary to know the distinction between coins and tokens. each square measure cryptocurrencies, however whereas a coin—Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin—operates on its own blockchain, a token lives on  an existing blockchain infrastructure like Ethereum. A blockchain is, at its simplest, a record of transactions created on and secured by a network. therefore whereas coins have their own freelance dealings ledgers, tokens have confidence the underlying network’s technology to verify and secure transactions and possession. In general, coins square measure wont to transfer wealth, whereas tokens will represent a “contract” for nearly something, from physical objects to event tickets to loyalty points.

Tokens square measure typically free through a crowdsale called associate degree initial coin providing (ICO) in exchange for existing coins, that successively fund comes like diversion platforms or digital wallets. you'll still get in public offered tokens once  ICO has ended—similar to purchasing coins—using the underlying currency to create the acquisition.

Anyone will produce a token and run a crowdsale, however ICOs became progressively murky as creators take investors’ cash and run. The Securities and Exchange Commission is cracking down on ICOs and moving to treat tokens as securities that, like stocks, should be regulated. The SEC cautions investors {to do|to try to to|to try associate degreed do} their analysis before shopping for tokens launched in an ICO.

At the time of writing, CoinMarketCap lists 895 coins and 679 tokens offered on public exchanges. Not all tokens created it to exchanges, but — Etherscan, that provides Ethereum analytics, has quite seventy one,000 token contracts in its archive. whereas the crypto market is volatile, specialists believe that it'll still mature as a lot of individuals adopt the concept

The terribly plan behind cryptocurrency is that the underlying code is accessible to everyone—but that doesn’t mean it’s straightforward to know. Here square measure the methods to making your terribly own coins and tokens.

Build Your Own Blockchain—or Fork associate degree Existing One

Both of those ways need quite an little bit of technical knowledge—or the assistance of a savvy developer. as a result of coins square measure on their own blockchains, you’ll ought to either build a blockchain or take associate degree existing one and modify it for your new coin. the previous takes serious committal to writing skills and even supposing tutorials exist to run you thru the method, they assume an explicit information level, and you don’t end with a totally functioning coin.

Alternatively, you'll fork associate degree existing blockchain by taking the ASCII text file code found on Github—Litecoin, for instance—making a number of changes, and launching a replacement blockchain with a replacement name (like Garlicoin). Again, this needs you to know the code therefore you recognize what to change and why.

Launch a Coin or Token employing a Cryptocurrency Creation Platform

This option is that the most possible for the common person—a creation service can do the technical work and deliver your finished coin or token back to you. for instance, CryptoLife can really build a custom coin, and every one you have got to try to to is enter the parameters, from the brand to the quantity of coins awarded for linguistic communication a block. (That is, once they’re open for business—as of press time, orders square measure presently closed.) They even have pre-built templates that solely need you to supply a reputation and a logo. the bottom worth for this service is zero.25 BTC ($2002.00 as of this writing), and you’ll receive your coin’s ASCII text file in a very few days. WalletBuilders contains a similar service beginning at zero.01 BTC also as a free take a look at version.

You can conjointly produce a token—what is basically a smart contract—without or with a public ICO. as a result of tokens will represent any quality, from a concert price ticket or right to funding via a crowdsale or a physical currency, you'll even produce a token with no real price or serious purpose aside from to exchange among friends. this is often quicker, simpler, and cheaper than making a coin as a result of it doesn’t need the time and energy to make and maintain a replacement or forked blockchain and instead depends on the technology already in use for Bitcoin or Ethereum.

A common product is associate degree ERC-20 token, the quality for those engineered on the Ethereum blockchain. The code for these token contracts and crowdsales is additionally offered for the terribly formidable, however there square measure easy platforms that may walk you thru the method.

With CoinLaunch’s CoinCreator, for example, you’ll have to be compelled to add the MetaMask extension—which connects you to the Ethereum network—to your browser so follow their walk-through video to make your token and launch your ICO. The platform offers the choice to form bonuses and vesting schedules for investors or perhaps launch a token contract while not a crowdsale. The token contract method is free, however CoinLaunch takes a commission from every ICO (4-10% betting on abundant cash is raised).

There is no crime  if someone decides to experiment with token contracts. ,you can begin with  ERC-20 token—using CoinLaunch, for example—that you'll distribute to your friends so benefit to whoever buys drinks at the bar. There’s no price or commitment attached to it,however this can assist you perceive the technical side also as however tokens work. ICO in all probability won’t be applicable for the casual observer owing to increasing regulation and penalties for mis-representations....

If you know that the snake is really poisonous and could quickly kill the person if the poison spreads, constrict the extremity so that blood flow is reduced. Note that this will damage the bitten area. Otherwise, if you know that it's slow and a safer poison, remove constricting items so that the local area will not be damaged too quickly (and will not need to be amputated).

The affected person should move as little as possible and try not to use the poisoned area. This way, the venom will spread more slowly and the affected area will be harmed less.

Take the person quickly to a place where emergency treatment can be provided (hospitals, clinics, specialised snake treatment locations).

I found an article with much more information that could help you:

ice should first be applied on the area for make slow blood circulation. The poison must never be suck . And a non-rigid buffer may be applied. If the bumper squeezes too much, this is a distressing another situation.

After first aid , you need to be go the hospital and get antidote treatment. İf snakes poison is strong , doctors are inject for antidote.

If the snake antidote doesn't exist in your country , you need to go where the antidote is. they send it by emergency plane.


1. Remove clothes or jewelry

Snake bites can cause swelling in a short time. Swelling can also be large quickly. The first step to make first aid easy is to open clothes by tearing or cutting so that the area affected by the bite can be seen clearly.

2. Don't move much

Can poison in snakes spread rapidly along with blood flow in the body. therefore try not to move much, if you need to tie a cloth to an area that is bitten by a snake to slow down the rate of blood flow in the area. Position the area bitten by a snake lower than the heart. This is also an attempt to slow down the rate of blood flow so as not to quickly spread to the heart and throughout the body. The key is don't panic, because if you panic your heart will beat faster which can speed up blood flow.

3. Do not clean the wound with water

So that the wound does not become an infection, immediately clean the wound in the area that is bitten by a snake but don't rinse immediately with water. Wet a clean cloth and gently wipe the bite wound. Then cover the wound with a clean cloth or bandage. Do not occasionally try to remove toxins by sucking or opening the wound because this is dangerous. Compressing wounds with ice cubes is also not permissible because it can break blood vessels

Are emergency contraceptive harmful?

We see advertisements of emergency contraceptives on television but it is said that they also have many side effects on girls and women's body. Is is true? If yes, what harm it causes?

Yes! Emergency contraceptive pills, most popular of which is the Plan B MAP are very harmful. It is not suggested you take them more than once because they have serious side effects.

 Even David A Grimes  who was a presenter for Plan B’s manufacturer before the FDA advisory committee, acknowledged in a 2002 interview that MAP use has a serious negative effect on a woman’s menstrual cycle: 

World Health Organization WHO deemed routine post-coital contraception as “unsuitable " primarily because of the high incidence of cycle disturbances  And that's just the beginning of the long list of side effects which include:

  • fatigue
  • abdominal pain
  • big increase in weight 
  • breast tenderness 
  • dizziness
  • nausea
  • back pain
  •  depression
  • ovarian cyst enlargement
  • gallbladder disease
  • high blood pressure
  • pelvic pain
  • respiratory disorders
  • increased risk of ectopic pregnancy 
  • irregular bleeding inbetween periods
  • feeling sick

If you really need to, I guess you could use it once but, with these kind of side effects I wouldn't suggest anyone to use it a second, or third time. But yet, still many do and get hurt in the end.  

According to a number of studies, taking emergency contraceptive pills can affect your menstrual cycle. You might arrive on time on time, a week faster, or a week later than usual.

Your cycle can also be longer or shorter. For example you usually menstruate for five days.

Other symptoms like:

- Nausea and vomiting.

If you vomit after taking emergency contraceptive pills, take antimual medication first. Then immediately take another dose of emergency contraceptive pills because that may have been vomited before it starts working in your body.

- Anxiety, dizziness, cramps and headaches.

Usually the side effects of emergency contraception will disappear on their own in one or two days. Meanwhile, you can take pain relievers to reduce dizziness and headaches.

Stomach ache and diarrhea. Some people report side effects of stomach pain to diarrhea after taking a pill. This is because the levels of hormones in your body change quite dramatically. Make sure you drink enough so as not to lose a lot of body fluids.


It depends on what you mean by evolution. In terms of physical evolution, scientists have surmised that were at the peak of our evolution in that aspect and they also believe that we are at a declining phase and all this is according to the journal **Frontiers in Psychology found**.

Most likely the human race will continue to evolve intellectually and we'll probably keep getting smarter and more advanced but as far as physical changes and improvements go, we're at our peak.

Humanity has steadily seen records broken over the years, with records like fastest 100m sprint, oldest living human being and so on broken in recent times but according to the journal Frontiers in Psychology found, these records will most probably never be broken again, at best, we'll see people equalling them but no one will beat them.

Let's also take into consideration the implications of global warming, this too will no doubt also have adverse effects on the way Han beings evolve and will only serve to push us back instead of to help us evolve.

We will continue evolving but not in a way you might expect it. Not in the natural way.    How we will evolve in the future is, that we will probably be made to, in a way connect to with   the "cloud "(highly advanced AI governed database). Neural links that will enable us to connect to the cloud have already been made but, they have serious bandwidth issues. Meaning, that it's already possible to connect our brain to a database but, the transfer of information is so slow that it's useless. Over time, this issue will be fixed and we will be made want to connect to the cloud.  But why would anyone ever want to do that? Imagine the power of having the knowledge  of Google and every single piece of information that exists on the internet without having to use a mobile or desktop device to search for it first. Imagine just thinking about any question you could possibly imagine  and the correct answer coming up to you in a second.  Connected to a never ending "cloud" of knowledge, the limits of what humans can do will be bent and twisted.

When this happens it will be hard to say no to connecting to the "cloud"

But I highly advocate that you never do it because even though it's going to be very  useful and everyone will do it. It is going to be used for brainwashing and mass mind control. It's a GG for the control system and their end goal. TO get us connected to the "cloud" which they control and with whom they can manipulate   us like we are their robots.

Let me start like this, hair colour is determined by a particular chemical called melanin. Now every strand of hair stems from a hair follicle and every hair follicle contains a certain amount of pigment cells and these pigment cells are what produce melanin.

Now the thing is, the older we get the weaker our bodies become and thus the pigment cells begin to weaken as well and die. As the pigment cells start dying, the amount of melanin produced begins to reduce and as a result, the hair begins to lose its colour.

Due to the lack of melanin, the hair begins to turn gray or white and eventually just about all your hair will become like that. It's a natural process and cannot be avoided.

Thanks for the answer! I was always wondering about that. It's great to finally find out about what is causing it.

You're welcome @runicar, glad I could help.

 There is pigment found in the skin as well as the hair is referred melanin that is responsible for colour production. These melanin can be categorized into two forms: eumelanin (deals with the production of brown or black colour) and  pheomelanin. As most people age, the begin to lose the melanin in their hair while some are able to retain small amount of these melanin. Grey hair is fundamentally hair with small amount of melanin, whereas white hair lacks melanin in totality. However, the control of genes play a very vital role in such cases. For some families, their members begin to grow grey hair at very young age- I even have friends of my age with grey hairs. The exact reason why the hair is able to lose these melanins is still unclear to many. 

So we still yet don't fully understand why this happens?

From my sources...yes

Over the years, the capacity of the human brain has become a question in the medical field. Recently, an American scientist, Paul Reber,

a professor of psychology at Northwestern University also discussed the same thing.

Reber reveals that the most important human organ consists of billions of neurons. Each neuron consists of a thousand relationships with other neurons, making connections reach trillions of them.

If every neuron can only help store one memory, running out of storage space will be a problem. You might only have a few gigabytes of storage space

similar to storage on an iPod or USB flash drive, "open Reber. exponentially increasing brain memory storage capacity for something closer.

# Its storage memory is approximately 2.5 petabytes (or one million gigabytes). In comparison, if your brain works like a digital video recorder on television, 2.5 petabytes will be enough to record three million hours of TV shows.

You have to leave TV running continuously for more than 300 years to use all of that storage, "he continued.

Even so, the right amount of brain storage capacity is difficult to calculate. First, this is because humans don't know how to measure the size of their memory.

Both certain memories involve more detailed memory and thus take up more space; Other memories are forgotten and thus space becomes free.

Besides that, some information doesn't need to be remembered.

Over the years, the capacity of the human brain has become a question in the medical field. Recently, a US scientist, Paul Reber, a professor of psychology at Northwestern University also discussed the same thing.

Reber revealed that the most important human organ consists of billions of neurons. Each neuron consists of a thousand relationships with other neurons, making connections reach trillions of them. But what is the capacity of the brain?

"If every neuron can only help store one memory, running out of storage space will be a problem. You might only have a few gigabytes of storage space, similar to storage on an iPod or USB flash drive," Reber opens.

But neurons are interconnected so that each one helps with many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the memory storage capacity of the brain for something closer.

"The storage memory is around 2.5 petabytes (or one million gigabytes). For comparison, if your brain works like a digital video recorder on television, 2.5 petabytes will be enough to record three million hours of TV shows. You have to leave the TV on and on "It's been for more than 300 years to use all of that storage," he continued.

Nevertheless, Reber continued that large brain storage capacity is precisely difficult to calculate. First, this is because humans don't know how to measure the size of their memory. Second, certain memories involve more detailed memory and thus take up more space; Other memories are forgotten and thus space becomes free. In addition, some information doesn't need to be remembered.

 The human brain consists of about one billion neurons. Each neuron forms about 1,000 connections to other neurons, amounting to more than a trillion connections. If each neuron could only help store a single memory, running out of space would be a problem. You might have only a few gigabytes of storage space, similar to the space in an iPod or a USB flash drive. Yet neurons combine so that each one helps with many memories at a time, exponentially increasing the brain’s memory storage capacity to something closer to around 2.5 petabytes (or a million gigabytes). 

Anger is actually normal. It's the normal human reaction to displeasure or discomfort.

What matters is how you act and the direction you channel your anger to.

Anger has seen many new inventions birthed. People have rided on the anger from being looked down on and have gone on to make edifical successes.

In the same vein, anger has destroyed many lives, scattered families and even landed people behind prison bars. It's an issue that should be dealt with and that's why I'm grateful you came up with this issue.

First, I think perspective should be one of the first thing one considers. What I'm about to propose may be difficult but it is certainly achievable.

What's I've come to learn how to do is put myself in the individual's position, in his shoes. That is, if the anger is caused by someone and not just anger at a thing.

The truth is that's there are reasons why people act the way they do act. If you could do this and learn to come up with excuses for people's actions, you'll be better able to control yourself.

Questions I like to ask my self are

¶ What if he's been having a bad day?

¶ What if he's just got heart broken?

¶ What if her boyfriend just dumped her?

¶What if she's been having some really hard times?

¶What if she's just been diagnosed with an incurable disease?

¶What if he suffers from a stress-related disorder?

These questions would help to pacify your anger. You should try to find out why people act the way they do before taking reactions.

I remember a quote I read somewhere sometime ago that has helped me. It says "First understand then criticize."

It meant to never be judge until you're certain about the truth. The same applies for anger. Try to always understand the reason for people's behaviour, if possible, make excuses for them.

The truth is anger not only harms the one you're angry at but also you the individual. It spoils your mood and prevents you from moving forward. So, it would do you good to excuse them so you could move ahead.

Another thing I like to do is prevent the problem all together. How? you may ask.

Well, the truth is that we get disappointed which leads to anger when we had expected someone to act differently. In a nutshell, you set high standards for them. The solution? Lower the standards.

That's exactly what I do. I try to keep at heart always the fact that humans are exactly what they are, humans.

Humans aren't perfect and so shouldn't be expected to be. Everyone falters at some point. It's what makes humans unique. There can be no saying that one person would deliver with the same exactness at all times. So, I lower the bar for everyone.

If someone promises to buy me new shoes, I already imagine the scenario in my mind where he doesn't buy it. It makes me less disappointed if he indeed doesn't buy it. If he does, I'll be happier for it.

Then to deal with anger, try to count one to ten. I know this may sound cliché but it actually works. If after ten you're still angry, then count to hundred.

What this does is that it gives you time to think about the consequence of your actions. You can guage the result of throwing that bottle at him or ramming the knife into his chest or better still, smashing that television on the ground. Always think consequences before action.

Wow, see what a lengthy answer I've written. I hope I've helped though. I could make a good life coach you know. Just joking.

Thanks for reading by the way.

Ketika kita sedang marah atau emosi sedang memuncak maka coba untuk berpikir santai dan coba untuk tenang dan nyaman.

Berpikirlah yang jernih karena jika pikiran tak tenang maka emosi akan memuncak.

Dan saran saya untuk orang yang memiliki sifat pemarah untuk berwudhu dan shalat sunat dan banyak berzikir untuk yang muslim.

When we are angry or emotions are peaking, try to relax and try to be calm and comfortable.

Think clearly because if the mind is not calm, emotions will peak.

And my advice is for people who are angry about ablution and circumcision and many dhikr for Muslims.

Awareness (mentalizing): Aggressiveness can be a learned response since childhood that is conditioned (associated) to certain situations by the meaning we give them, ie a child can learn to respond aggressively if this is what he sees in his environment (without this being an excuse). Generally, in its origin, aggressiveness was an adaptive response (it had a function) but it has probably been generalized to other situations in which it has lost its usefulness.

Philogenetically it was also adaptive in other times: to defend ourselves from predators, to protect the social group and to avoid threats.

It is important to understand the problems that this behavior causes today and its little usefulness in the present. We must be well aware of this in order to control it. Aggressiveness never (almost never) solves anything and will only lead us to feel worse and aggravate the problem. We must have this very clear to begin with.

We must try to know where our anger comes from, accept it as part of the human being that we are and understand ourselves with it, all this is fundamental to control it. Anger is a normal emotional response, we all feel it in certain situations, but we do not all know how to handle it the same. We must know how to answer the question why we feel so irritated before a certain person or situation and keep in mind that we can not make change the way of being, thinking or acting of others, we can not change their behavior (hence the frustration). Knowing that we will not be able to avoid those situations or those people that irritate us, so it would be smarter for us to assume it in part and work with our own reaction (which is within our reach).

Specific techniques:

If the situation is avoidable (it doesn't give us anything) we can simply avoid those situations.

Make a list of situations that provoke reactions of anger and aggressiveness and avoid them. This point is only useful for very specific situations and really implies avoiding the problem rather than confronting it. For example, specific cases such as in my case to avoid seeing images of bullfights because they make me very irascible. It is something I don't really need to do with what I can simply avoid. We must be careful and only apply this point in specific situations. We cannot go around the world avoiding everything.

In general my advice is to get used to the anxiety of these situations and not avoid the discomfort they cause. The more we avoid the discomfort or emotions caused by a situation, the stronger they become because we never get used to them nor can we look for alternatives to face them.

If the situation is not avoidable (almost always), we should train ourselves in coping:

Training ourselves in the detection of reactions in order to act before they take hold of us: detecting agitated breathing, frowning, tight lips, very open or very closed eyes, tightly closed fists, hand sweat, increased heart rate... and also looking at our aggressive thoughts, and our feelings. Here it is also useful to have a list of anger behaviors and the situations that provoke them (antecedents) in order to be able to detect the reaction early before it appears, in order to be "alert" to our reactions. This point is based on self-observation and recognition.

If anger takes hold of us, we can temporarily move away from the situation that provokes that feeling and return to it when we are calmer. This works very well in discussions. It is a "time-out" (or time out).

We must get used to these situations, accept them as part of everyday life and not try to control them, but measure our reaction to them. What surrounds us and people escape our control and it is something that must be accepted, one can only change oneself (and this in itself usually produces certain positive changes in the environment, although this should not be our goal). Be always in the present moment, which is where you can evaluate what is happening, so you can be aware of what is happening in the present, and not respond to old offenses or problems that may occur in the future (this distorts tremendously our ability to judge). Do not take out "the trunk of memories" in every discussion.

Cognitive restructuring is useful: modification of cognitive schemes (ways of thinking or perceiving things) that lead to disproportionate and inappropriate thoughts for situations and help anger appear more quickly. For example, we are very likely to think that people do it on purpose, that we are wasting time, that we are not valued, or that we are not respected. Attributing intentional actions to people without them being applicable will only cause the situation to escalate very quickly. We must try to avoid giving meaning to what others do. They don't come late to annoy us or change our plans because they don't respect us, for example, but rather they are everyday situations of daily life that we have to live with when relating to other people.

Sometimes it can be useful to try to put ourselves in the other's place, in the most objective way possible: How will that person be evaluating our reaction? How can she have come to behave like that?

When aggressiveness has already appeared there are some useful exercises to distract our attention from what we feel momentarily and regain control. The question is to distract attention from the distorted thoughts that cause aggressiveness and avoid aggressive response, whenever possible should replace this aggressive response with a more adaptive. Aggressive response should be avoided, but not the situation that causes it unless it is unavoidable because of the risk of doing something we regret. These techniques should be trained to automate and do them first when we are not angry.

Count to 10 and don't speak until we've calmed down, recite the alphabet backwards, think of something else. Breathe deeply and slowly a couple of times.

Instead of breaking things or arguing: taking a cold shower, hitting a pillow, exercising for half an hour, etc...

Look for something to do that distracts us: clean, read, watch a movie and resume the problem when we are calmer.

The ideal is to expose ourselves to the situation, analyze it as rationally as possible and think as another person would see it, put ourselves in the other person's place and consider alternative options to the distorted thoughts that cause anger. For example, making a list of possible answers or solutions, with their pros and cons (evaluating consequences, resources, probability of success...) and committing to the most appropriate one can help us to obtain a more rational control of the situation.

We can make a list of reassuring phrases and repeat them in moments of anger or write down notes or advice on what to do in these situations. Behavioral scripts are also useful: For example, when this happens to me, I'm going to follow this script that says I'm going to do this, this and this, regardless of how I feel. An example is, you have a discussion with friends and you lose control, the script says: I am not in control of the situation then I apologize for my behavior, I express my desire to postpone the discussion for another time, I manifest my disagreement but also that I respect the opinion of others. If that doesn't work, I can excuse myself to go to the bathroom and take a deep breath or say that I'm going out to get some air, smoke, etc... (everyone does the script as best they can). As we see, the key to success is to commit completely to the script, without letting anger make us reason at all.

Expectations are one of the factors most associated with anger. Avoid having excessively high expectations about others or about situations. Each person has different values. Everyone acts according to their values but cannot expect others to do the same.

Being aware of our interests in different situations, because impulsive behavior becomes an emotional discharge that we are not really interested in because it will not allow us to get what we want, it actually sabotages our control over the situation.

Meditation is a technique widely used in emotional control and to focus on the present and as a daily practice can greatly help people with problems of aggression and anger.

Relaxation techniques are the most effective both in prevention (daily habits) and in the solution or coping at the time of anger. The most commonly used are abdominal breathing, Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation and Shcultz' autogenous training.

Thus, we will gradually begin to delay the aggressive response progressively. Trying not to obey the impulsive response. So until we manage to control it. At first it will cost a lot and maybe we only manage to spend short periods of time without it appearing or reduce its intensity but we should not be discouraged, all the way starts with a step, no matter how small it is.

Yes. When feeling the anger, take a deep breath, walk away. Roll a J, smoke the J, inhale the smoke, exhale whatever comes out.

Steem used to be "just" a blogging platform for me, but it has evolved a lot in the two years that I have been using it. It no longer feels like a blogging platform at all, but instead a blockchain of all types of dapps, including a few blogging dapps (Steemit, Busy etc.). 

Some of the other things we can do on the Steem blockchain includes:

- Play games! Steemmonsters and Steemgar allows us to play games on the Steem blockchain, and I'm sure there will be many more dapps to follow in the next few years. We have no transaction costs and a quick block rate (3 seconds), so Steem is a good fit for games. 

- Photos. There are a few photo apps for Steem, including Steepshot that is trying to pick a fight with Instagram. Just imagine when Instagram users learn that they can get paid for the likes they receive! 

- Send and receive coins. Let's not forget that Steem is an amazing blockchain itself, even without the blogging part. Very few blockchains let you send money as cheap and quick as Steem, and one of the best parts is that we can send to a username, and not some 64 character long random string! 

And there are many other types of dapps out there. So in my opinion, the Steem blockchain is so much more than just a blogging platform, and dapps like Musing, Steepshot, Steemmonsters etc. all prove this. Blogging is just the tip of the iceberg. 

For the sake of clarification of my own answer - Steem is not a blogging platform. Steemit is a blogging platform built on top of the Steem blockchain. Other platforms and Dapps like, Dlive, Dtube are the same way

Coming to the question at hand - Yes, I do believe that Steemit is still very much a blogging platform. On the other hand I also think that other Dapps and platforms like, Dtube, etc. will sooner or later  take over Steemit. This means that when Steem goes truly global, it would be because of the emerging Dapps. I also think that Steemit will always be there, serving as the backbone that brings all the dapps together.

My perspective about quality posts ave changed over time. Now I believe that it is not just about quality but rather building community relationships through good content. Earlier when I came to the Steemit platform I though that creating excellent content is paramount for success. Then I realized that no matter the greatness of the content I create, I would always find something better on the internet. Same went for the other posts on Steemit as well. Gradually I realized that I would much rather have friends here, rather than 'colleagues' who create good content.

I am here to be a part of this community by creating interaction and engagement through decent content. I am not just about quality content anymore. I am about quality engagement and having a good time doing it.

Thanks for your reply.

Glad to be of Help :-)

Before I got to know the difference between Steem and Steemit as well as got introduced to other Dapps like DLive,Dtube,Steepshot etc... I honestly treated Steem as a social media "blogging" platform as it was marketed that way by many people.

Most if not all my posts back then where always around 500+ words as I think that people consider that as a basis for quality and thus possible upvotes(since it is a blogging platform) of course I was wrong.

Over time my opinions and thoughts about the Steem blockchain changed. It changed to one that will probably replace all the social media platforms in existence but instead of getting "pure likes" we are being incentivized by participating.

Also my opinions on what quality is changed and what I think will make this platform grow. Truth be told I am in the minority who thinks that in order for Steem to grow, people should be really free to post whatever they want, just like they do on Facebook, Twitter, etc.. There is just too much policing lately on Steem striving for quality that people are leaving the platform as they feel intimidated.

I think Steemit is much more than that.  The introduction of other Dapps like Tasteem, Let's Eat, Steepshot, esteem, steemhunt and countless others are proof that the Steem blockchain is alive and well even if the price of STEEM doesn't reflect that.  I do think the quality of posts has declined from what it used to be and what I expected it to be when I started on Steemit.  The good stuff is still there though if you look for it.

Are Steem payouts designed to vary with the increase in the dollar value of Steem?

For example with x number of votes, reputation, etc, and the price of Steem at 1x you recieve 1 Steem. Now, with same number of votes , reputation, etc and the price of Steem at 2x do you still recieve 1 Steem, or do you recieve 1/2 Steem?

Yes the payout varies accordingly to the internal price of Steem, known as Feed Price, which is a 3.5 days moving average of market Steem Price.

Scenario, let's do away with curation and beneficial rewards, and assume your post has a $1 pending author payout. Assuming today is the 7th day and the Feed Price is exactly $1. You will receive 1 Steem as payout.

Same scenario, but this time the Feed Price is $2. Now you will receive 1/2 = 0.5 Steem. Actually, you receive 0.25 Steem and 0.25 Steem power. Things get a little complicated when the blockchain starts printing SBD. Let me know if you need information on that.

Another thing to note, the pending payout is also dependant on the Feed Price.

Scenario, assuming you had just created a post and it has a pending author payout of $1, and the Feed price is $1. But at the 7th day, the Feed Price increased to $3. Your pending author payout will follow and increase too (the $ value that you see on your steemit post). There is a complex algorithm behind this, your pending payout could be somewhere along $2 or more. For more information, you can read up on this post.

Men!!!! Oh they confuse me so much. What I don't understand about men is their underlying urge to be unfaithful. I know it's a bad thing to throw all men into this category but I think it's necessary(my apologies to all the good guys out there). Ive been cheated on, my friends have been cheated on, heck, my dad once cheated on my mom, it's something that confuses me so much.

The annoying thing about it is that 9/10 times they actually love the women they're dating, but some magical urge or spirit comes over them and they just go off and find some halfwit bimbo to sleep with. I wish I understood the logic behind this, but alas I don't think I ever will.

I see the ladies gossiping even in open places like at the restaurant. I find it confusing because gossips should be in the confines of one abode.

You see the ladies gossiping loudly not giving a damn about who hears them. This shouldn't be so. I can't seem to find a reasonable explanation for their actions.

I don't think people actually hate the rules. What I think they hate is having to be kept under restriction.

The greatest of all human need is the need to be free. Nobody wants to be molested into doing something.

And if you've noticed. There's something to that the law does. It brings the consciousness of wrong into play. I also believe there's an innate tendency for everyone to break the law just that some people have mastered how to control themselves.

For example, if I leave a book on a table, there's a probability that no one would touch it especially if it's a boring topic but if I give an instruction that no one should touch it, it provokes a feeling of dissatisfaction in people. They would just want to touch it to see what would happen. That's the case with the law.

The law itself is not bad as without the law there would be chaos. However, I think the law propels people with no self control towards a direction. It thrills some people to break the law.

I don't understand the rationale behind that. I'm no psychologist but I do know for a certain that the law provokes disobedience.

I think it's a psychological thing. Human beings generally don't like being constrained and that's exactly what rules do. I can think of a number of reasons why humans hate rules, some of them include;

1. Rules hinder creativity

2. Rules generally only favour the people that set them not other people

3. Rules may clash with people's personal beliefs

4. People sometimes feel like they shouldn't be told how to behave

5. Some rules cause more harm than good on the long run

5. Some rules don't agree with people's culture

6. Rules are too rigid

Because the laws are drafted to protect the interests of the rich and powerful

There was a movie titled “home alone”,the movie is a comedy/family movie,the movie is interesting and so

funny,the first time i watched the movie was when i was still very young and ever since then i still find the movie

interesting whenever i watch it even till i became an

adult,,i always find the movie to be funny and interesting anytime i watch the movie....

Yes, it must be misterbin, because this Misterbin movie is very good for us to watch, and even though it is very fun and very funny.

Harold and Kumar go to White Castle 😹

I think we should spare ourselves some time to watch comedy videos not only do they improve our mood but also have an considerable impact on our health.

I prefer to watch standup comedy ,and I think a lot of free content is available on youtube. Individual content creators are doing a great job and such type of comedy usually appeals to us ,rather than a theme based show or mediocre mockery

In my own perspective, I don't think relationship has to do with age, this is where people made mistake, especially when lady is older than the guy. What matter most is the love. I have seen many couples which the wives are older than the husbands but they are living happily. One of the reason that people don't like it is that they think the so lady won't respect the guy which it is not so. One of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) wife khadija(R.T.A) is much older than him and she always respect him despite being rich already. There are many marriages out there with man older than his wife but the marriage won't last for a month . So my conclusion is that love is what matters most. If you love a older lady, ask her out.

I have dated an older lady before and it was a good experience for me,infact it was through the relationship

that i discovered that age should not be a barrier in a relationship,,the relationship was an interesting one and

i enjoyed every bit of it,we had to stop the relationship because our genotype was not compatible so we both

agreed to quit the yes dating an older lady is not bad as long as you both love and respect each other....

Saya mau berkencan dengan wanita yang lebih tua, karena lebih dewasa dan berpengalaman dalam bergaul.

I want to date an older woman, because I am more mature and experienced in socializing.

No I can't. Many things are involved. The cultural aspect is there. While many don't see a thing in it. I think my culture frowns at it. So, it's best not to go against it. Your kiths and kins are still the ones that will be there for you in every aspects

Age is just a case of mind over matter.

If you don't mind, it don't matter.

Dating Older Women Is Not Social Crime

If I have an incontrovertible tendency to date an older woman because I did it consistently and I never dated someone who was my age - so I could be someone who:

1. Have Comfort with older women I have never felt with women my age.

2. 2. Older women did not intimidate me like women my age I know.

3. The Pension Fund of older women is more than enough compensation from just wrinkles and hanging triceps.

4. I have a secret admiration for my own mother.

5. I like the experience and wisdom of older women.

6. I love him and his age has nothing to do with his unique character, sickness and the need for financial security on my part. I only love him.

Dating Older Women Is Not Social Crime

Dating an older woman does not require psychological evaluation or police permission. Action itself is not wrong, but the reason behind the action can be wrong, especially if it is included in the top four reasons. especially if included in the top four reasons. If younger women date and marry older men it is normal without exception, then there is no reason if the opposite can happen - as normal and as easy as other cases. Men who like older women should not get social punishment finely.

Older women are usually more responsible and established. And sometimes it makes you smile when your friends complain about how they end up owing because their partners continue to make bills when dating. Young women usually save their pocket money to meet supporting life needs - such as make up, facials, foot waxing, flashy nail polish and so on. Over and over, you tell your friends that dating older women is different, but they only see you like 'crazy people'.

Older women appear confident and are more calm in their thoughts and actions. But some of them will show insecurity because of the competition offered by younger women, women who are more plump and full. They will be very grateful if you tell him how fantastic is their appearance and how is the dress fit on its body. Be generous with praise but make sure you do it sincerely.

Dating an older woman, as we say, is not a social crime. You have the same right to date someone who is interesting in your eyes. You may need to give a lot of explanation to your family and peers, and you may have to go through some strange feelings in the first month.

As a guy i would not mind dating an older lady as long as i am physically and emotionall connected to her,,age is not my priority in a relationship,what is very important

to me in a relationship is the ability for me and my lover to love each other so much,to care for each other,to

respect each other and have faith in each other,,her age is not a big concern for me because sometimes to me

age is less consequential in a relationship especially a relationship filled with true love...

Firstly, our mentality has to change as Africans.

We say we are independent of the west but the truth is that we are not. Our actions only portray our dependence on them. We need to carry that mentality that we can survive on our own and make use of what we have to develop ourselves not running to them for everything.

Secondly, we also need to value ourselves be it im education and the proffessionals we have in Africa. There is no need training professionals in Africa and then when contracts are available we call foreign companies to handle them. That means we don't even value what we have or the people we train here in Africa.

Thirdly and most importantly, African countries have a terrible record of political leadership. The wrong leaders are the principal reasons why most african countries continue to sink in poverty. Democracy is a thing of theory in Africa and most leaders voted in most at times are forced out of power. We need to develop and follow democracy as a method of political rule. Leaders should be voted in and they should leave when their term expires so that maybe what they could not achieve, another can give it a try too.

Setting up manufacturing companies and exporting it's products to other countries.

Most countries in Africa are under-developed while few are developing. The only way to be at par with others is to start manufacturing commodities. This means, more citizens will be employed in this companies and more products are exported out. It will increase their per capita income and strengthen their currency.

The next will be co-operation between the countries by strengthening the African Union with forward thinking policies.

The african leaders need to find creative ways to create policies that would make their countries work

better,they need to create alot of infrastructural

development and they should put an end to corruption because the biggest problem that is faced by many african countries is the fact that there is alot of

corruption going on in those countries especially in the government of those countries...i believe more

infrasturctures creation will make more citizens of those african countries to become gainfully employed and make their countries better....

In this world of ours, education is very key and a degree holder is more liable to get job, especially a white collar job. Hardly will you see a company throw out vacancy without attaching the level of qualification an applicant must possess before applying.

I'm not saying an expert self taught computer scientist can get a job but mostly its jobs that doesn't require educational qualifications they get.

For example, it doesn't take any educational qualification for any developer to join steemdevs discord channel and you can land yourself a job there as a developer from project owners not minding your qualifications, So far you are good at what you do there is no limitation.

However, having degree helps in most cases to secure a better opportunity.

Landing a job: the college degree holders, in the beginning of their career.

Keeping a job: depends more on motivation, so both stand a chance. Companies will much more appreciate a self-thaught employee that is really motivated, than the highest degree unmotivated employee. 

Unfortunately, holding the degree is what opens the doors initially, unless you have several years of high profile experience.

Why would a genius choose anonymity when presenting his invention ?

Satoshi (bitcoin), Tom Elvis (Mimblewimble)...

I could only guess.

Satoshi Nakamoto's goal was to create a decentralized system. In order to achieve complete decentalization, no figure/person should be on the center of it. If he the inventor and creator introduced himself to the community, whether he likes it or not, he will by default be at the center of it and will become the de facto leader of Bitcoin, gaining himself power and influence which goes against what he wants to create.

My other guess is that, since this is a completely new and pretty much a "controversial" technology with no backing by the government, he probably feared that the the authorities will be after him after some time. To prevent this, he opted to hide himself from the community right from the beginning.

This depends on choice. Going unnoticed as an inventor is something that will keep raising questions. Just like the case of bitcoin inventor, no one know his identity and people keep wondering whom he could be.In fact, some said they are group of people.the fact that has not been ascertained. Aldo the appear and disappearance of Tom Elvis after creating the mimblewimble white paper was surprising.he came with his white paper on a bitcoin research channel without anyone knowing his identity and he refused to talk about this till date. He left it for people decipher.

I'm sure that every anonymous inventors is aware of peoples curiosity over their hidden identity and their silence might in my opinion mean they are happy about the way the world keep talking about their great idea without knowing the brain behind it.

We have lots of inventors that are well known and their inventions still keeps speaking their name.not to go far we have people like Ned Scott the master of steem blockchain, Diego puccy the Utopian master, Jonching the creator of Musing and so on who leave their identity open to the world simply because they want to be noticed..

I believe the anonymous inventors simply want to keep themselves away from the public. They want to impact in silence by contributing to the world's development unnoticed. If there could be any other reason then its best known to the anonymous inventor

This depends on choice. Going unnoticed as an inventor is something that will keep raising questions. Just like the case of bitcoin inventor, no one know his identity and people keep wondering whom he could be.In fact, some said they are group of people.the fact that has not been ascertained.

I'm sure that every anonymous inventors is aware of peoples curiosity over their hidden identity and their silence might in my opinion mean they are happy about the way the world keep talking about their great idea without knowing the brain behind it.

We have lots of inventors that are well known and their inventions still keeps speaking their name.not to go far we have people like Ned Scott the master of steem blockchain, Diego puccy the Utopian master, Jonching the creator of Musing and so on who leave their identity open to the world simply because they want to be noticed..

I believe the anonymous inventors simply want to keep themselves away from the public. They want to impact in silence by contributing to the world's development unnoticed. If there could be any other reason then its best known to the anonymous inventor

Let me talk about satoshi and his anonymity

Well, it is often a decent precaution once you do not expressly needn't to be. He does not got to expose his temperament for any price sensible, thus, being non-

anonymous would mean solely dangerous things for him - like Special Weapons and Tactics squad breaking into your house as a result of government that freaked out thinks that you just square measure a part of some

revolution current simply because you came up with the concept of recent crypto-anarchism compliant currency.

You know, would he be glorious, he'd most likely be AN idol in minds of the many folks. the kind of idol governments sacrifice once one thing goes wrong. rely

on it. He had the choice of staying anonymous - and used it, and it clad to be nice. that is what we must always do once it's attainable and therefore the opposite has no professionals adequate to overweigh the cons.

I mostly don't give money to beggars, to be honest. My reason behind this is because I live in a socialist country where everyone get provided with food and shelter by the government if they need it - at least in theory. This means that we have very few beggars that are neither alcoholics or drug addicts, and I prefer not to donate money to support an addictive habit like either of these. It might not be politically correct to admit this, but at least that's my view on the matter. 

I have mixed reactions.

First, I'm not against begging if the individual has no other means of survival. I'm obliged to help those who I have perceive are handicapped and cannot go snout with gainful employment.

They are everywhere these days, especially here in Africa. I tend to help when I have money I can spare.

However, in this part of the world, vodoo exists. It's not uncommon to hear stories of what people face because they are decided to help out. Many times, we've heard confessions from people who claim they were witches, how that they pose in strategic locations to for negotiations for money. They collect these monies and use them to attack their owners or give them bad fortune.

This has made me a little conservative. I don't really fear them as such but I allow myself to be led to gives than to just give at any time.

Also, the habit is now becoming annoying. In my country, people from the north troop into the south to come beg for money. It's become like a rosey venture to them. That's what I hate the most. The worst part of it is that they use kids to do the begging. It's really annoying.

In that's part of the country, people give birth with reckless abandon and won't take care of the products of their cravings. The next thing is first them to pay their fare or get them onto a truck that's heading south. The only thing those kids and their mothers are left to do is beg.

I remember one occasion when I was returning to school for a new semester. I was in a place called Ring road which used to be VERY VERY busy then. People were always moving fast.

I caught sight of one of these kid beggars, a young but handsome boy. I was feeling sorry for him. I winked at him just to make him happy. The next thing I saw was he clinging to me. He wouldn't let me go until I gave him money. I had just two notes on my wallet then and was supposed to pay for my transportation. I was forced to give him a one of them. Since then, I try to mind my business and offer my assistance only when I have the means.

Well i sometimes give to beggars and sometimes i don’t but it depends on my pocket at that moment and also

my mood,sometimes i might be in a mood that i would not even have interest to look at anyone including

beggars,but i usually give beggars money when i have but when there is no money i will not give the beggar...

but i believe that begging is wrong but many beggars have the reasons why they turned to begging as a way to survive but i do not think 

begging to survive is the right way to go,i believe those beggars should simply go and work and stop begging...

I often give to beggars. And I would want to give to each one of them, every time.

But as I pass by quite a lot of beggars and homeless people each day (Like 20-something at least), I cannot do that. Not to each one, not every time, not without going into poverty myself.

What I do try to give them, each one I pass, and each time I pass them, is a smile, and my respect.

The rainbow is only showing when light is put trough a prism or another object that can reflect, refract, and disperse the light source. Typically this object is rain drops when you see rainbows out in the "wild" / non-laboratory setting. 

It's important to keep in mind that it's not just the 7 colors that are reflected in the rainbow - the entire color spectrum is shown. We as humans are limited to only see the seven main colors, but animals that has a wider color spectrum sensors can actually see more colors in each end of the rainbow. One end goes into the infrared colors, while the other end goes to the UV colors. 

The rainbow also shows all the gradients between each of the seven main colors, but these can be difficult to see for yourself without a way to zoom into the rainbow. 

There is a lot more to tell about rainbows, but it quickly delves into the world of particle physics, and I'm not comfortable going any further. We got some great physicists here on the Steem blockchain, so one of them might be able to give a better explanation than I did. 

Rainbows do not have only 7 colours.

Technically, a rainbow consists of ALL the colours your eyes are capable of seeing, and more. A rainbow is a natural occurrence where light from the sun gets refracted by the atmosphere and (i'm super-boiling the physics down to simple analogies here) since sunlight is made up of many many photons traveling at different wavelengths, they bend at different angles, the end results is a rainbow.

There are more than 7 colours in a rainbow, but our eyes trick us into seeing the most prominent of the colours, sometimes if you look real close at a rainbow, you'd see more than 7 colours sandwiched between the borders of the "main" colours. You'll see cyan between blue and green, brown in red and orange, pink and maroon in blue and purple and so on.

If you really are fascinated at this subject and want to jump down the rabbit hole, you'd see a whole new world of particle and quantum physics which to this day scientists still make discoveries that change our very understanding of science. It's really interesting stuff that sheds light (pun intended) on the way the universe works.

Because Isaac Newton decided that there were seven colors in the spectrum.  Newton, in addition to his work on gravity, the laws of motion, and calculus, studied optics.

Newton thought that the colors of light, when white light is split by a prism, were analogous to the notes of a musical scale., so he made sure that there were seven of them. He initially described red, yellow, green, blue, and violet, but added orange and indigo to make the analogy closer.   There's no sharp distinction between blue and indigo. and honestly even orange can be hard to distinguish in a rainbow.  Cyan (blue-green) would in my opinion have been a better choice to add.  But it's somewhat arbitrary: humans can distinguish hundreds of colors, many of which appear in the rainbow spectrum.  (Also, a spectrum in a lab and a rainbow caused by rain droplets are somewhat different; the distinctions in the latter as not as sharp.)

See, the source of this image from Newton's works, where he has labelled the colors with a musical scale.

If someone asks us how many colors is the rainbow? The most common is to answer without hesitation seven, and even list them: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. But how much reality does this have? The truth is that these seven colors only exist because of Isaac Newton's beliefs. The physicist who revolutionized the history of science, when in 1704 he published Opticks his study on the decomposition of white light, listed seven colors to fulfill his belief in the law of seven.

The decomposition of white light, which Newton demonstrated through a prism, can be found in nature, achieving one of the most passionate effects for man throughout history: the rainbow. By extension, the seven colors in which Newton broke down the white light are the seven colors that when we are small they teach us to put in the rainbows that we draw.

The physics of the decomposition of white light, is today something obvious, although at the time involved many headaches to several physicists. According to the theory developed by René Descartes and purified by Newton, every time a ray of light passes through a small drop of water suspended in the atmosphere, it comes out refracted showing all the colors that make up visible light.

Why do we always talk about seven colors? The seven is a number with a strong superstition and associated mysticism. Isaac Newton, in addition to laying the foundations of modern physics, spent much of his life studying alchemy, and was a faithful believer in the law of sevens, as the law that governed the Universe.

A rainbow doesn't just have 7 colors, it's just that you can't distinguish the subtle differences between them. The colors of the rainbow range from ultraviolet, through the 7 colors that the human eye can see, to infrared.

Rainbows have seven colors because they are they colors of the spectrum. It's the colors that are found in sunlight.

It's the same result you get when sunlight passes through a prism. It's because of refraction. It separates sunlight into its constituent colors. I'm trying to explain it in the most basic way.

There's a more complex way to explain it but I think you'll do just fine with this.

Rainbow or Rainbow is an optical and meteorological phenomenon in the form of colorful light parallel to each other in the sky or other media. In the sky, the rainbow appears as a light arc with the tip pointing towards the horizon during light rain. Rainbow can also be seen around a raging waterfall.

Sunlight is a polychromatic light "composed of many colors". The white color of sunlight is actually a combination of various light with different wavelengths. The human eye is able to understand at least the seven colors contained in sunlight, which will see the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and purple.

The light wavelength is formed by parallel lines, each color to the color next to it. This recording is called the color spectrum. In the color spectrum, the red line is always on one side and blue and purple on the other, and this is determined by the difference in wavelength.

Rainbow is the only arc of a large spectrum of colors that occurs due to refraction of sunlight by drops. When sunlight passes through water droplets, it refracts like when it penetrates a glass prism and goes out into the rainbow color spectrum. So in water droplets, we have different colors in a row from one side to the other side of the water drop.

Some of this colored light is then reflected from the far side of the water droplet, back and out again from the water droplets. Light comes back from water droplets in a different direction, depends on the color. Rainbow colors are made in red above and purple on the bottom of the rainbow.

Rainbow is seen as an arc from the surface of the earth because of the limited viewing angle of the eye, if the point of view in the example of the height of an aircraft can be seen as a complete circular color spectrum. Rainbow can only be seen when it rains together with the sun shining, but from the side opposite the observer.

No there are infinite colors in the rainbow we see just 7 colors because these 7 colors come in visible spectrum for human beings. That's the reason we see 7 colors

There are numerous reasons why people lose their hair, it could be because of age, it could be hereditary or it could be a vitamin deficiency. Here are a list of ways you can reduce or at least mitigate hair loss.

1. Keep your hair clean: Always wash your hair with shampoo so as to keep your scalp clean. This reduces dandruff and hair infections which may lead to hair breakages.

2. Eat foods high in vitamins A, B and E: Vitamin A encourages the production of sebum which is used to lubricate the scalp and hair strands, Vitamin B helps the hair retain its colour and vitamin E encourages better blood circulation on the scalp.

3. Don't brush your hair when it's wet: Hair is weakest when it's wet and as such hair breakages occur more when you combine wet hair. It may be a little painful, but it's better to comb hair when it's dry.

4. Avoid smoking: smoking reduces the amount of blood that flows to the scalp. It should be avoided

5. Eat protein rich foods: proteins encourage the growth of hair and as such you should eat a lot of proteinous foods.

I hope this helps

Hair loss can be prevented by ensuring that your scalp is moisturised at all times. Hair loss usually occurs when the scalp is dry thus reducing helpful enzymes and secretions that keeps the hair alive to those areas. Also, dandruff doesn't occur when the hair is properly moisturize with essential oils.

More times than not, hair loss is genetic. It would almost certainly occur if it's in the lineage. You can hold it off for some time though by applying creams that rejuvenates the cells around the scalp and taking in enough of vitamin A and Vitamin E which ensures that sebum is always supplied to those areas.

Also, try washing your hair with shampoo as often as possible. It prevents the build of infections.

Another thing is to eat food rich in protein as they help to replenish dead cells around the your scalp.

Lastly, it is advisable to not brush your hair when it's wet. The hair is weakest when wet. It's also advisable not to brush your hair too often as you would be injuring the hair and increase chances of loss.

One way to treat hair loss is to use aloe vera plants. Do you know that aloe vera extract can help you to overcome the problem of your hair loss quickly and naturally. The content in this aloe vera plant can help restore the texture of damaged skin cells and rejuvenate and form healthy tissue cells. How to use Aloe Vera is also quite easy. You only need to cut this aloe into two parts and then take part in it. Rub the inside of the aloe into all parts of the head from the skin to the tip of the hair evenly. After evenly distributed,

let stand for 15 to 20 minutes so you can soak into your hair. If so, you can wash your hair clean.

One way to treat hair loss is to use aloe vera plants. Do you know that aloe vera extract can help you to overcome the problem of your hair loss quickly and naturally. The content in this aloe vera plant can help restore the texture of damaged skin cells and rejuvenate and form healthy tissue cells. How to use Aloe Vera is also quite easy. You only need to cut this aloe into two parts and then take part in it. Rub the inside of the aloe into all parts of the head from the skin to the tip of the hair evenly. After evenly distributed,

let stand for 15 to 20 minutes so you can soak into your hair. If so, you can wash your hair clean.

Despite ranitidine being a good drugs that is well recommended for people, this helps heal and prevent ulcers and improves symptoms such as heartburn and stomach pain.This medication is also available without a prescription. It is used to prevent and treat heartburn and other symptoms caused by too much acid in the stomach.

But there is no good thing in this life that doesn't has side effect, these are some of the effects Constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or stomach pain, Headache, Insomnia ,Decreased sex drive or difficulty having an orgasm, swollen or tender breasts.

Ranitidine other name is zantac.

Does anyone know any effective medicine for Arthritis? Any type of medicine?

I am searching everywhere for the medicine for arthritis

Eating ginger and turmeric

Ginger contains chemicals that are useful as analgesics (pain relief) and anti-inflammation in the body. Research shows ginger reduces pain due to arthritis and improves intestinal health.

More than 100 active components contained in turmeric, including turmeron (found in volatile turmeric oil), curcumin, demethoxicurcumin, 5'-methoxicurcumin and dihydrocurcumin. The most active substance in turmeric is curcumin, which is one of the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory drugs. Turmeric has anti-arthritis properties which inhibits the occurrence of joint inflammation, reduces edema and / or swelling, slows the occurrence of periarticular joint damage (tissue around the joints)

What home remedies can be done to treat rheumatism (rheumatoid arthritis)?

Here are lifestyle and home remedies that can help you deal with rheumatism:

take medication as recommended

reduce weight if you are overweight

talk to other people, read books or listen to music to deal with stress

regular exercise. You should ask your doctor about proper exercise

Call your doctor or go to an emergency department if you have a fever and your joints are red and warm

do not consume alcohol excessively, especially during therapy

Thank You But I'm looking for medication. Cause over weight, alcoholism etc are not included with my condition.

Posted using Partiko Android

In Indonesia, people generally use hot balms to treat joint pain and muscle aches. They believe that the hotter the balm, the more effective and faster the joint pain will be. Hot balm or hot water compress does give a warm and pleasant effect when applied to the area of pain. Some experts even suggest ice packs wrapped in thin towels to help relieve pain. However, actually these ways only reduce and provide a sense of comfort immediately, but do not overcome inflammation that causes pain in your joints and muscles.

Here are some choices of drugs that you can use to treat joint pain:

Drinking Medication (Tablets, Pills)

- Paracetamol is effective for relieving mild joint pain without swelling. Not only joint pain, paracetamol is also used to treat mild pain and moderate such as headaches, menstrual cramps, toothache, back pain, osteoarthritis, even to relieve fever.

- Drugs Joint pain that is classified as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen sodium can also be used to treat moderate to severe joint pain. Use only when sick or according to doctor's instructions. Because NSAID drugs can also have side effects, such as gastritis (ulcer) and has the potential to increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. New NSAID classics known as Cox-2 inhibitors are also good for relieving pain with minimal side effects.

- A stronger opioid medication may be prescribed by a doctor if you experience severe joint pain. The use of this drug must be given in the supervision of a doctor, because it can cause nausea, decreased consciousness, addiction and dependence.

- Medications used to treat muscle cramps can be given along with NSAIDs to increase the effects of pain relief.

Topical or topical medication

- Capsaicin

Topical medications (generally in the form of creams) that contain capsaicin can be used to reduce joint pain caused by arthritis and other conditions. Capsaicin helps send pain signals that will trigger the release of endorphins (pain-resistant body chemicals). But capsaicin cream can cause a painful or stinging sensation in this cream-smeared area.

- Diclofenac sodium

Olesic medication with diclofenac sodium content is an effective, safe and effective drug to relieve joint pain. Diclofenac sodium belongs to a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (OSAIDs) which works by stopping the production of substances that cause pain and inflammation. Besides working as an anti-pain, OSAIDs such as diclofenac sodium also have other effects such as fever and anti-inflammatory.

If joint pain is felt in many parts of the body, oral type of diclofenac sodium can be used. Consult a doctor if you have a history of certain medical conditions or conditions.

It seems your question has been answered. One extra tip: STAY AWAY FROM MILK!

There are some fundamental differences between Tether and Bitcoin that is the reason why Tether is stable to $1 USD, while Bitcoin has a fluctuating price. 

Basically Tether is backed by a reserve of USD held by the company Tether Limited. This is to ensure that the value of one Tether is very close to $1. In other words, Tether/USDT is pegged to $1 each. 

The SBD kind of had the same mechanism, but this is not backed by any real money, but rather by debt to the STEEM. 

The value of a Bitcoin on the other hand is entirely up to what people are willing to pay for it. There are not pegs or other mechanism in place to control it, and it's instead up to the free market. These days people are willing to pay a lot less for a Bitcoin compared to at the beginning of the year, which is why the price is falling. 

Since Bitcoin in controlled by a free market, it will never be able to be stable. Ever. The value might stay roughly the same for a while, but it will always change to a certain degree, depending on what people are willing to pay for it. 

I feel more inspired to blog at the early hour of the morning. After taking a good sleep all my system reset. I most times gather my points anytime it flies into my head and develop it at the early hour of the morning. That has been my style. I don't feel settled doing this during the day. When I was in school I read at mid night. The perfect silence of that hour motivate me and it gets my brain working exceptionally. We all have our approaches to this but mine is at the early hour of the morning simply because my system would have reset, the perfect silence is a motivator and the unnecessary distractions won't be there.

Actually anytime that I find something new to write about which is often. I have some google aleets setup to email me new alerts for keywords that I'm interested in. . A good idea is to send yourself pictures and text with ideas for a new blog post to "saved messages" user on Telegram. That way you can access the content betwern phones and computer. You could also use something like evernote for that. It is a good idea to write many posts at a time, some posts takes days of ideas amd thinking and careful piecing together of info sdo dont always expect to finish writing a post in one go from start to finish.

Most braims have small creative bursts so you gotta write some articles bit by bit

I feel mostly inspired in the morning, when I'm sitting on the train on my way to the office. That's when I mostly post my photo's on my blog, and that's when I mostly reply to comments on my posts. 

Commenting and reading other people's posts happens more throughout the day, not on a specific time of day.

And all of a sudden, creativity and inspiration can strike on any time of any day. And when it does, I let it strike, and try to use it! ;-)

I am more active on than i am on steemit but if i want to start blogging on steemit then i would love to blog in the evening because by that time is when i have

more than enough time to be patient enough to write a lovely content that nany people would read and find interesting....

I love to watch hollywood movie because of those lovely film tricks which i see on the movie and i love their actors and actresses and the camera used to shoot the

movie,many ,hollywood movies are always interesting to watch,,as for bollywood i also love bollywood too

because many bollywood movies have very interesting story lines and they produce movies that you can watcj and learn alot from it especially in terms of moral

behaviour and every aspect of life...i love hollywood movies and bollywood movies but i love hollywood movies more....

I like Hollywood productions the most. The reason is both boring and simple; it's the one I am most familiar with. Very few or no Bollywood production ever reaches the mass market here in the west, so we are all very unfamiliar with it in Europe and (I would assume) the Americas. It would be interesting to get to know some Bollywood movies though! 

I stopped using bike to move around ever since i had a bike accident some years ago,,now i spend more than thirty percentage of my salary on transportation

because where i work is far from where i live with my family and it is really affecting me because i want to be able to save more money from my salary but

transportation keeps consuming my income and that is why i am looking for another job with a company that will be closer to me...

I live in Port Harcourt, Nigeria so transport here isn't really expensive. I'd say I spend about 30% of what I earn monthly on transportation and that's because where I live is a bit far from all the places I go to to make money.

As for how often I use a bike, I'd say I use it just about every single day I go out. It's the most convenient means of transport for getting to places that cabs and buses don't usually get to.

Well where i live is not quite far from my work place so spend just about fifteen percentage of my monthly

salary on buying fuel inside my car and using to to transport myself to work,,i believe that spending less on

transportation has really helped me alot because it enabled to save more...

I stopped using bike to move around ever since i had a bike accident some years ago,,now i spend more than thirty percentage of my salary on transportation

because where i work is far from where i live with my family and it is really affecting me because i want to be able to save more money from my salary but

transportation keeps consuming my income and that is why i am looking for another job with a company that will be closer to me...

I stopped using bike to move around ever since i had a bike accident some years ago,,now i spend more than thirty percentage of my salary on transportation

because where i work is far from where i live with my family and it is really affecting me because i want to be able to save more money from my salary but

transportation keeps consuming my income and that is why i am looking for another job with a company that will be closer to me...

I stopped using bike to move around ever since i had a bike accident some years ago,,now i spend more than thirty percentage of my salary on transportation

because where i work is far from where i live with my family and it is really affecting me because i want to be able to save more money from my salary but

transportation keeps consuming my income and that is why i am looking for another job with a company that will be closer to me...

Mindfulness has the following four main functions:

1. Processing incoming information from sensory transmissions;

2. Comparing with our memory;

3. Analyze, and then;

4. Decide on specific responses to the information.

While the unconscious mind system is part of the human brain that controls all the functions of the organs of the body without you having to command (without you knowing it). Heartbeat, reflex motion, wound healing process, production of hormones in the gland, sweat production, and including the body's aging process occur because our unconscious brain commands it.

Confidence is also very closely related to the subconscious mind. Feelings of anxiety, irritability, boredom, anxiety, laziness, fear of your boss or friend, work performance is not optimal or even worse, fear of failure, jealousy, irritability, sadness, disappointment, worry, hate, resentment, phobia, past trauma, trauma due to sexual abuse, trauma to natural disasters, psychological disorders, socializing with new work environments, creativity, negotiating and so on.

What are the things that Steem/Steemit are doing right/wrong in your opinion?

Looking for specific factual pros and cons, not rants or fanboy fodder.

On Steemit, discovery of articles and people is very hard. Tagging is not by itself a sufficient substitute, and although algorithmic recommendations are not always great, sites like Quora or Medium do a better job bringing articles to my attention. Even finding curators like @classical-radio or @steemstem is difficult for a newcomer.

But a more fundamental problem is that as an author it's very hard for me to track engagement numbers, particularly coming from outside the Steem ecosystem. If I were running a Wordpress site I'd get page view numbers.  If I write an answer on Quora I get a view count.  While the Steem blockchain itself has no notion of "views", the front end does, and this information could be shared.  (A related issue is that there's not a lot of way to monetize engagement other than by getting people to sign up for Steem and start upvoting, but I accept that's the model Steem wants.)

If Steem was a B2C startup all those "guest" users would be treated as potential leads. Visitors on get a rather generic banner (at the bottom of the post) that says "Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post. If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM."

As calls to action go, that's not bad, but I don't think a lot of thought or experiment has been done about curating those "leads" and getting them over the hurdle to becoming Steem users.  A front-end that allowed guest accounts as an intermediate step, or used a tracking cookie, might allow a better experience for people not already on Steem.

Having visitors log in automatically as guest users is a great idea. And you don't need to change anything about the blockchain to implement this. Anyone can already log in to @openaccount, but they need to copy the posting key manually from the bio.

There used to be a view counter on Steemit, but it was unreliable, and it was embarrassing to see that the page views were sometimes lower than the number of votes.

The Steemit Promote Feature!

Before the existence of Bidbots, one way to boost a posts visibility is by using The Steemit Promote Feature. However unlike bidbots, the SBD/STEEM being used to promote the post is being BURNED. Steemit does this by sending the liquid Steem to the account @null which is Steem's version of burning.

This is clearly not a good way to do post promotion. One could spend 20 SBD to increase the visibility of a post and 7 days later only get less than $5. Why? Because no one bothers to read Promoted Tab anymore. And even if some indeed read posts there, they are not likely to upvote just because. 

So in the end, that someone will lose 20SBD and probably have gained nothing which is very unlike bidbots since you get around -10% to +10% profit everytime you use a bidbot. This is what Steem/Steemit is doing wrong. A way to promote blog posts that will benefit both sides!

 This question can't even be answered as it makes no sense. Let me translate what you just tried to ask.  What are the things that a token /  and a front  of the Steem blockchain  are doing right/wrong in your opinion? They are just lines of code doing exactly what they are ment to do.    

:) That's actually true. But if you are fast reader, you may not be putting much attention to this.

I think you might need to step away from the computer and get some fresh air. Other people don't seem to have a problem understanding the intent of the question. But I don't mind elaborating further.

I was trying to ask the question in a way that was process not people specific. For example, I could have asked "what could the developers of Steem do better?" Or, I could have asked, " What could the the designers of Steemit do differently to improve the user experience?"

I think the majority of people get the intent of the question such as @markgritter who gave a very insightful response.

Steemit is constructed in steem blockchain and the things under steem blockchain is having many difference if we compare it to steemit. The main use of steemit was to beat many majority of sites and reach high level but now a days no one is interested in reading other articles, they are searching fro methods to earn steem like bots. Bots are used by majority of audience to promote their post and its seems easy for user to earn steem and steem power in investing in bots. So I feel this things as the worst thing happening in steemit.

There should be no use of bots. Due to bots the hard written posts by someone does not get its real value and then he/she leaves the platform. I don't like this things in steemit. Furthermore, I like the blockchain and the technology and the system is very heavy as no bug has been found in steem blockchain. And here we are able to earn money more than blogger because of one reasons I am working on steemit platform. 

What are the parameters or formula that determines what is hot or trending on Steemit?

For example, is "hot" popular thing in the last hour or 24 hours? Is "trending things that have been hot for for x amount of time, etc.?

This a good question. Because I made lots of researches about content marketing. For this , I can tell same reasons.

Originality : this is most important thing to be on front side of hot and trend list. Because if you didn't make a original good content , users can flag you.

Quality : quality is about how much information and contribution you give to the user. If the content providing benefits to users, they will upvote the content.

Upvote Bots : Some people don't think the bots is ethical . Because you can directly be in list with giving money to bots . İf you distribute 300-500 steem to some bots , you can be in the trends top.

Reputation score : This plays bigger role on the trend lists. If it is high , it will be easier in the trend list. But we can't say the same things for hot list. Because hot list is not about daily or weekly content. There are new posts in the list .You need to be get interaction quickly after posting the content.

I think that's all. Have fun !

This might not be the "nicest" way for some, but what I usually do is: directly tell her that I am not interested. 

As someone who personally experienced being lead to before, the cruelest thing one could do to a person is giving him/her false hope. Sure she might not get hurt if she's oblivious to your real feelings however over time, those feelings would gradually grow and grow until it would be very hard of her to stop. 

Which is why I personally think that the nicest way to turn down a girl down is just to honestly admit your real feelings to her. Do not lead on any girl and do not give her false hope if you know that you will never reciprocate those feelings.

I can say, it's being an artist by profession.

I don't know in other countries but in our country, artists aren't given enough credit or respect. They think we are just sitting around doing our hobbies. They will exploit your talent and even ask for discount even if your rate is low enough.

Local clients even want their shit done in a matter of minutes (should I say, they always rush things) and probably think effects are just one click away. They expect marvelous output with their very low budget and what's worst, artist get crtisize because of poor work. Well, how about they pay enough for their "expected output" and give enough time as well. Artists aren't robots!

I remembered seeing one news saying "Top 5 useless majors" and all the list are artist like (such as graphic designer, film, architecture, etc). Well then how about they stop watching movies, commercials, reading magazines, books and literaly everything entertaining. Let's see how useless that is.

My answer may seem a little awkward but i will go with nurses. Nurses do spend a lot of time with the patients, follow the doctor's orders to the least and do everything possible to make sure they patients are comfortable and at peace.

But most at times nurses get very little credit for their work and all the praises is directed to the doctors. Most patients nowadays even see amd treat nurses like maids with very little respect..

Nurses have always been covered by the webs of doctors. They have always been looked at as the physician's servants which is not very true. Nursing and medicine are different fields that come together to provide combined services for the welfare of the patients. This is not understood by many and this has led to nurses receiving due credit for their work. The little gods (doctors) get all the praise and respect.

Well, the Sweepers never get enough credit and respect. Can you imagine our surrounding without them, they clean what we make dirty & In return they get little money & so much hatreds.

               The next profession is farming, farmers never get their full rights in India & some countries, people always judge them as uneducated & useless, but well-mannered people according to the society forget that if farmers stop producing food they will die of hunger.

To me, farmers should be the most respectful persons in the world, without them world will end with poverty.

I bet its Teachers. It is disheartening that these group of people don't get enough credit and respect in the society. These are the people teaching and impacting knowledge. Be you a Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer,Geologist, Accounts and so on, whitout the teachers those dreams cannot be realised.hardly will you see any parent advice their children to become a Teacher. Teachers are being paid meager salaries. If someone introduce his or her partner as a doctor,the respect overflows but if as a teacher,it is just a normal greeting that will follow. The kind of differences set between Teaching and other profession is too much and it is not encouraging youths to love the profession. Many settled for teaching because of lack of employment and you will realise that many teachers we have today are not in the teaching line because no one is willing to take it as profession simply because of how it is taken in the society. Teachers are not given enough credit and respect. If today a policy is set to favour teachers and rebrand the teaching line, people will begin to respect and give credit to them.

I would say the lab technicians of the world. 

While the Scientists take away all the glory, the undeniable contribution of the technicians toiling in the labs go unappreciated and even unrecognized.  

Nurses or Public Education employees.  That is just my opinion though.  Nurses have to deal with a lot of stuff.  Think about it, it is like being a parent to an adult.  They have to deal with cleaning up bodily fluids, ornery patients, crying kids, crying adults, stuck up doctors, etc.  Public school in general gets a bad rap.  Many of the employees there are demonized just because parents don't want to do their jobs at home to raise respectable children.  Teachers are then expected to teach all of the things that the government arbitrarily hands down to them in addition to the things the parents aren't teaching at home and the core curriculum that they need.  Just my two cents!

I think fire fighters are the ones getting too little credit for their work. Although doctors my save lives also and help people cure diseases that might cause them death, fire fighters are also in the position of saving lives. Plus they risk their own in order to go through flames to save the ones trapped in different scenarios. I would give more credit and respect to firefighters. The for sure deserve it, in my opinion. 

And paramedics too!

This exact situation is often a problem for a lot of people, so first off: you are not alone! The absolute best way (in my opinion) to get rid of nervousness before a presentation is to practice. If you are scheduled to hold presentations regularly, then your nerves will definitely disappear after a few presentations. 

For your first presentations though, it's best to practice at home. If you have friends or family that are willing, do the presentation in front of them! This allows you to get a real feel of how it will be to present it, and you are likely to be more confident when the real presentation takes place. 

If you don't have anyone to show it to, do it in front of the mirror! You might feel a bit silly doing this, but trust me, you will still be able to work out the weak spots of the presentation, and also gain some confidence in the presentation itself. 

Other than that, just bite your teeth together and do the presentation. Remember that most people are really nervous the first few times, and it will for sure get better! Good luck. 

I would recommend you to try and visualize yourself at home making that formal presentation good. Visualizing you with confidence, with a good diction and tonality capturing the audiences attention will definitely also. And of course rehearsals will also help you as a training for the presentation.  

If you find an answer that works, I would love to know!  I am a blabbering mess when I have to speak in public.  I ramble on and on.  People say I am better than I think I am at it, but I just honestly don't see it!

To be frank with you I don't think there's any difference.

People will tell you a verse is a line in a poem whereeas a stanza is a collection of lines. That's outdated now.

Yes, the word 'verse" is actually from the Latin' verso' which means a line. That's not so much in use these days.

It's more common to hearing people make reference to verse as meaning a group of lines than stanza.

Stanza is old English, verse is the new thing.

Yeah you're right somehow, the thing is after thoroughly searching the internet I can't even find a singular place where it's stated if there were differences or similarities, maybe me turn to musing for answers

What's your reaction about working during the weekend ?

Would you accept a job that would require you spend the weekend away from your home?

I'm an ecologist, so I do need to spend the weekend away from my home and family every once in a while. Of course this is not a great feeling, but at least I'm in for some fun during the weekends, since weekend work or longer trips typically mean getting into nature to do some field work. 

It would probably feel a lot worse having to work in the weekend if I had a regular office job. That would actually be terrible when I think about it! However, the good thing is (at least in my country) is that you typically get between 50 and 150 % bonus to your hourly wages during the weekend, depending on when you work. Sundays pay extremely well here in Norway! 

I always feel angry and tired when I go to work on weekend. There was a time I was working in a company that is producing bottle water, we start work by 7am in the morning and stop by 6pm, that is 11hours of working, and the working days is from Monday to Saturday, believe me, I couldn't survive there for a month, despite only Sunday is for break, so I love to rest a lot that is why am doing my own business now rather than working for another person. I wake up when I like and sleep when I like. I survive with online platform these days. All thanks to steemit and some other online businesses that am working on.

That depends, on a gazillion different things...

- Do you like being at home (because you have a loved one waiting there, because you have children,...)

- Do you have something better to do? Like hobbies or something?

- What is the job about? Is it a stepping stone to a much better job/life?

- Is it temporary? (see previous bullet)

- Do you like the job?

- Do you need the money?

It's all about prioritization... I would do it, in some cases, I will not do it, in many other cases...

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