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If the purpose of same sex marriage is to have no children, do you think a man and a woman cannot decide whether or not to have children? There is no reasonable motive behind that bull shit. Its just a develish practice.

What exactly is bullshit? Same sex marriage or opposition to same sex marriage?

I agree with conservatives that the purpose of marriage as an institution is to provide a socially sanctioned and legally binding framework for family formation. It doesn't make any difference whether or not some individual married couple, same sex or not, decides against having children. I'm talking about why the institution exists in the first place. It is a fact that a lot of same sex couples marry in order to form a family unit complete with children. It probably is the typical reason. The problem is that a same sex couple cannot have a child without a family being already broken. These days, there are not enough orphans to go around for every gay couple who wants a child, which means that children for same sex couples have to be purposefully created and that is not possible without breaking bonds between that child and one or both of its biological parents.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment
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