There are 3 pages

Great response. Very thorough. Nicely presented. Thanks for your answer

Great response. Very
Thorough. Nicely presented.
Thanks for your answer

                 - hlezama

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

How nice is that! I did not intend to. Thank you for notice!

It's actually higher than 1.3%. It's about 1.9% because you have to also take the virtual supply of STEEM (that which includes SBD) into account.

I missed this comment! Sorry for the late reply.

But you're right. My calculations were not entirely accurate. I did not account for the SBDs. Thanks for pointing it out.

Well said, I am sometimes disappointed with the characters displayed in the movie. And the positive side is a scene that can be visually seen and experienced.

Limited budget and time sometimes make details in a book less when appointed to the film. Agree with your opinion. I also once read Harper Lee's To Kill A Mocking Bird, I loved the book, and had a chance to see the film, it was also pretty good, although with many detailed pieces removed.

strongly agree with your opinion

But sometimes the characters we build when reading a book are lost and destroyed by the character played by the actor. This is in my opinion.

Thanks a lot for your answer, to understand the rules.

Concentration and no cut + paste on the title to avoid risks.

Writing with a pen, not a pencil. hehe

Something like that.
Thank you for posting that question by the way.
It shows that most users don't stay up to date with what happens on Discord.
Maybe, this will give us less confusion in the coming days. :)

According to Islamic law, marrying a Christian or a Jew is allowed only to Muslim men but not Muslim women because it is considered the father's duty to teach religion to the children. In Judaism, it is the other way around. The mother's religion determines the religion of the children.

You literally couldn't marry a fundamentalist Muslim because you're a man. You wouldn't be allowed to. Islam prohibits marriage between a Muslim woman and a non-Muslim man and fundamentalists if anybody take such rules seriously.

Yeah, literally, I couldn't marry them unless I became Muslim myself. And I don't believe that stuff, so I wouldn't be a very good Muslim. :)
But that's a hypothetical. We could even imagine there are no religious rules prohibiting such practice.
Still wouldn't do it if my life don't depend on it.

There are 3 pages