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That would be nice. I think @dstors is trying out something similar to what you suggest by the way;)

That's fair. I hope you will be able to make your secret DApp idea come to life at one point, @futuremind ;)

And I agree with the fact that we need to move away from highly technological dapps toward the ones catered toward mass-use. I love the idea of dapps onboarding new people without them even realizing that they are on a blockchain.

Hey @valth Thank you for the response!

Yes, I am hoping so too lol, we will have to see where Steem heads first before I can determine whether this will become a reality. I've never delved into any sort of development, and it will certainly take a team. Much to consider.

Yes, I do believe dApps will make all the difference, and I cannot wait to see the new implementations that are on the way! Very exciting times!

So, I get that your answer was sarcastic, or at least satirical, which is fine, and I also get that there are some fallacies among the many Christian churches when it comes to practicing what is preached, finances, etc.

For what it's worth, I do consider myself Christian (though others might not) and while I do believe in a virgin birth, and water turned into wine, I don't believe that priests without families are going to be the go to for advice on such matters, or that church should rob from their poor and give to its leadership. I don't mind the tax exempt status—as far as I am concerned, if anyone doesn't have to pay taxes, that's a win.

Regarding creation time periods, a day in that instance really isn't measured in any specific amounts. It could very well be millions or billions of years. From the point of The Fall to now, however, is commonly held to be in the neighborhood of 6,000 years, with most of it (4,000 years) in the BC range. How that works with carbon dating. I don't know. :)

Wow!!!! This is very Thorough to Dimensions Never Explored Before !! I've Gained Much From You, Especially about XX Chromosome Of Females and Benefits That May Accrue from Parturation ( Birth) Process of Females!!

To Keep You Close, I Have Followed You Without Your Permission!! I Hope You Will Forgive Me!!

Hey, @alaisguineasis.

Well, I'm glad the answer was helpful to you. I try to be as comprehensive in answers as I can, without getting too carried away. Cover the topic and move on.

There does seem to be a lot involved when it comes to females living longer, so I wanted to make sure to get in what science is pointing to now.

re: following without permission

Since this kind of following doesn't require permission, no worries. Follow away. :)

That was really a dreadful time in the U.S. history and it is also admirable how Americans had risen from that miserable time to be the one of the super powers of the world in later centuries.

I appreciate your sensitive feelings/thoughts.

I Quite Share Your sentiments About Dubai. I have Friends ,and Cousins Already Living There.

But Most Expresses Concern About The Nation Being Commercial Haven To The Exclusion Of Productive Industry Like Manufacturing. What's Your Opinion On This ??

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