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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

It's sitting around 100 a year. The number is comparatively low because most books I have read are related to technical knowledge which I would have to spend more time to wholly understand them.

I believe, irregardless of videos, books, movies, lectures or even podcasts. They are just simply the medium to transfer or explain knowledge and opinion. I would say the type of the knowledge you seek for is highly dependent on your requirement. There are simply a lot of different purposes for reading or consuming knowledge, be it for the leisure purpose or to know something new.

For me personally, I suppose this current stage of life, I should gain more technical knowledge in order to have a strong grasp and achieve a considerably huge advantage in the society. Hence, I prioritize knowing something new, way more than casual purpose. Ultimately, it is up to what you would to achieve from this particular action.

For different people, there are simply different purposes.