
For me, marriage is more about a life long commitment than it is about love. Love is important but in many relationships it is fickle.

A life long commitment, that's sincere, true and constantly renewed has staying power through the ups and downs, and can remain even when the love seems like it isn't there.

Love is an emotion and emotions can change based on circumstances but the goal with marriage is to state that you will remain together regardless of the changes that occur.

If a person is against marriage I can imagine that they might want to do something else to state their life long commitment, but I don't see a need to invest a new method of stating a life-long commitment when we already have marriage.

*I don't see a need to INVENT a new method

If you can't or won't get married, which is itself a symbol of commitment, covenant, and promise, then how can you say, you have committed to your partner?





the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

"the company's commitment to quality"

synonyms: dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, fidelity, bond, adherence, attentiveness

"her commitment to her students continued undiminished"


an engagement or obligation that restricts freedom of action.

"business commitments"

synonyms: responsibility, obligation, duty, tie, charge, liability, burden, pressure; More

I will agree that you can behave as if you are dedicated, you can come home everyday, not cheat, etc, but you are not committed in the sense of having a restriction upon your freedom.

To be married is to say 1) I will behave as if I am dedicated to you, AND 2) I agree to restrict my freedom of action, which means in this context that I will not cheat, nor leave you, until death do us part.

So I strongly disagree that marriage is unnecessary.

Also, it has always seemed ironic to me that people denounce marriage while still defending the idea of "committment", it seems the same as having a friend you cherish but never telling them so. Because the act of marriage is a public declaration of precisely the thing you say you want to offer "committment" and yet you are not offering.

Like a person who likes a friend, but never tells him/her so. Might they know you like them? Sure, will they ever know the full extent of your feelings? Probably not...


This your response is very rich and insightful. Thanks for taking your time to drop this here. I greatly appreciate it

Please, I would love to know your definition of marriage. Do you think marriage is the ceremony or certificate that married couples are given? Also, I just want to add that marriage was not instituted by man, rather it was instituted by the creator of man ( God almighty ) and it was not meant to enslave anyone but to give support, comfort, companionship, etc to the man and the woman coming together.

That is the entirely first reasonable take on this topic I read here so far. Thank you for that. It gives me hope that reason is not something buried under a heap of archaic traditions and rules which often make no sense at all! Thank you again :)

Forget the traditional image of it. Focus on the essence.

The fact that we don't know how to have a good relationship/marriage doesn't mean marriage is not important. Consider the effect it will have on kids of the coming generation.

Please, do you think marriage is all about the wedding and marriage certificate?