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RE: Musing Daily Questions 🐮

do you eat chicken ? fish ? what's life ? ... i think these are totally non yes/no questions , you can't just go yes / no on abortion. Are we talking rape ? A moral decision where you know the child will be born with a severe handicap that will make life hell in a world like this ? Are we talking teen moms who are very unlikely of being able to raise a child into responsibility ?

I mean, if you want to drive a moped you need a license but every single yokel in the place (pardon my french can have kids)

I personally had an ex of mine abort on the very last legal day (thats three months here), way after i saw the ultrasound , i heard the heartbeat ... about 180bpm i think it was a d&b fan already, saw it move ... so , is that life ?

Also it wasn't an accident, what in case of unwanted, do you really want to force people to raise a kid they don't want ? I mean there's a reason sociopaths exist and its not purely genetical is it ?

I think its a personal decision but if people abuse it for all i care they should get sterilized ... you cant just go about getting pregnant and aborting it every time either can you ?

harsh ? i dont know, i can't answer yes or no, i would have to weigh my own morals versus the specific situation , thats why paper law is always total crud, it's always yes or no, and if it should be its always based on the mood of the judge that day

isn't it ...

so to answer your question i'd say

does thing have markdown ? [Mu](

thank you @coinsandchains for talking about this site, its a vast steemverse, i'm always looking for more places to pour my brain out


Yep, I like the site. I think it will do well as it grows. It is definitely easier to answer questions than create full posts or massive quality comments.

Well ... i do think the big content dictators up in the sky of whales assume its just that simple while they really dont cos they came into the game with money, its a great place to go when you're low on inspiration, or simply a great place to go. looked good too but there's not much to earn there yet so, ... time is limited, right ?