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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads6 years ago

"The first common mistake is to frighten the child excessively, as if you do not want to eat ghosts or something, this will make the child has excessive anxiety."

The next second mistake, forcing the child, like a child should be this, will only make the child feel traumatized. The third mistake, it is easy to give up, means that parents should not give up easily after the first try. "

"It's like saying kids do not like to play a particular instrument, but for a child, they do not get introduced immediately once, have to try again and again.This is where the importance of parents not to give up easily."

"The fourth common mistake is inconsistency, for example in instilling a healthy life, it will be easier for the child to be done every day, so that the child performs the activity without difficulty, without coercion."

Giving gadget according to this beautiful psychologist is also the fifth error that is currently commonly done by parents. Moreover, the object is given as a gift or reward. "Giving the gadget as a reward, this will result in the child will only do certain things if there is a gift."