

The Brain , Soul and Heart(The First Three)are the to be used properly for a positive outcome of the the fourth(Motive or Purpose)

Fifth is to be filled with emptiness.
If emptiness can fill something, do reply back to this answer and I will fill it as the fifth!!!

Here are mine !

  1. My crypto ;), they would make a fortune in future
    2)Nike shoes ( The one I gifted myself with the very first earnings of mine)
    3)The book "How to win friends and influence people"
    4)my laptop ( lol ! because every password is saved here and I dare not remembering them)
    5)All the cash I'm having with me right now.

Since you didn't specify if they need to be material possessions:

  • My morals

  • My integrity

  • My children

  • My health

  • Steemit.

The first thing would be my car,i love my car so

much and i love to always see it,another possession of mine that i would love to keep in life

is my cryptocurrency portfolios because the

portfolios is what i use to do my cryptocurrency trading business,i wil also want to keep my laptop

because it is the laptop that j do use to do my business and earn moneu so that is why i will want

to keep my laptop,i would also love to keep my

bank account because my bank contains money which i will use to sustain myself...

wow interesting , family

  1. bitcoin
  2. my phone
    4 . laptop
  3. home

If i keep my 5 possession in life then i would like to do,

  1. Keep my parents happy
    2)Having my bank account that much as i can live my life easily
    3)having a house with full of happiness with mom dad
    4)having bitcoins more than 20
    5)Having a beautiful car which colour is black