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RE: Musing Posts

in #musing-threads7 years ago

The pomodoro technique is a good strategy; I often use it for 45 minutes with a 15 minute break. Some will probably prefer shorter breaks, but I find myself to be the most productive with this length of the breaks. 

Some other tips for a productive studying session includes:

- Create an area for studying that is not used for anything else. This will put your brain into "study mode", and not any other mode. I find that this increases my concentration a lot. If you don't have one at home, go to your school library or something like that. 

- Make a study plan you want to follow, and stick to this. If you're a student, then you should be very careful of falling behind on your studies, so stick to your plan, and you won't have to study 24/7 just before the exams. 

- Be creative when it comes to leaning. Some learn best by reading books, but others should employ more creative methods to learning what they need to. For example, try creating posters with the most vital information, where you use different colors to represent different types of information. This is a great method for many.