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RE: Join My First Steem Challenge/Contest: Your 2017 Top 5 (And Win SBDs)

in #my2017top56 years ago

This is a pretty fun contest! I liked going back through this last year of posts and seeing where I began. We have all come so far! I started out with only one or two photos with only one or two words. No information. No real theme or personality to my posts. Now I'm more comfortable just talking on here and have found the homesteading community of SteemIt to be most warm and welcoming. In short, SteemIt has changed my life and this contest was perfect for reminding me of that. Thank you.


Thank you for your entry! It's always interesting to look back on what we were long ago. And now when we are posting on the blockchain, all of that is here to stay for a very long time to come. ;)