Sports - Show Us Your California

in #mycalifornia3 years ago

Hi friends,

This post is an entry into the weekly Show Us Your California contest hosted by @thesocalhive where we show an aspect of our California.

As the weather turned warmer this spring, we would often go outside to play in the fresh air for many hours a day. Naturally, we did many things like go on walks, ride bikes, play in the dirt, etc, but we also started playing more sports.

My oldest is only 6 years old but is starting to get interested in sports. Turns out, he has enjoyed hitting baseballs so my California has been filled with a lot of baseball:


I played a lot of baseball when I was younger and my wife played softball, so seeing my son get into baseball will be fun for us too! I just don’t look forward to our schedules and calendar being filled with practices and games all the time, but that will come with the territory for any organized sport.

Thanks for coming by and seeing a little piece of my California.



Wait till your daughter grow up some more!

I’m a huge baseball guy myself. Had scholarship offers but stupid me took a football scholarship instead. Double broken collar bone and missing cartilage in my left knee lost my scholarship. Smart move ehh.
I coached 9-10 year olds for years. Don’t have the time for that anymore. Good luck

Terrible story about the scholarship! Nice that you coached for so many years though!

Yeah well we live with our choice good or bad. I really enjoy coaching wish i had the time.

Congratulations @brian.rrr, your post won 2nd prize in this weeks Show us Your California contest!!