#MyHIVEGoals - Finally! We Can Pump This Back Up!

in #myhivegoals4 years ago

Updated! MyHIVEGoals For 2020.png

And the move is COMPLETE!

This past Wednesday my family arrived safe and sound, which means the 'move' is officially over...

Now comes the adjusting, rebuilding and discovering everything our new home province has to offer!

And for me that also means....Focus up! And getting my HIVE journey rocking again!

I added a nice chunk of Hive Power this past week from sales of CTPM as well as some swapping of 'poop coins' and oh don't forget....I've got another Blurt power down coming after this post is published so...

Things are looking pretty good :)

And oh yeah...What a week for the 'Dolphins on CTP'!!!

Let's dive in and see how #MyHIVEGoals are progressing!

100,000 Hive Power


(Stats via the most epic analytics tool on HIVE - HiveStats.io)

A little bit of a drag mid week, but that's because I was picking up my family from the airport...Which happens to be a few hundred miles away LOL

Still....Things are looking great!

100,000 - 66,379.034 = 33,620.96


See if we can get under 30k in the next few weeks :)

25 Rewards Per Post

Yeah, this has taken a hit and rightfully so...

My posts have been sporadic at best and this will change this week!

19.327 rewards per post, which is a small dip from last week.

Let's get this pumped back up!!

19.327 (5.673 left to go)

10 Dolphins In The CTP Tribe

Oh boy oh boy....!

This was the highlight of the week for me!

We added 3 new Dolphins to the Swarm and we're well on our way to adding many more in the next few weeks and months!

Huge congratulations to:


They have been added to our little merry band of creators in the community.

So awesome to see, and if you want an 'official' scoreboard, be sure to check out @achim03.ctp 's post this week as he keeps track of how we're progressing!

But for those that are counting....That's 5 total Dolphins!!!!

The CTP Community truly is remarkable!

The truth is....There is no 'secret' to success....Just hard work, dedication and a whole lot of...

=> Plus 1'ing!



Congrats with the safe move and with your progress Jon.
From one Christian Dolphin to another, I am searching for a popular Hive radio station that can do an interview on the @combination account. Any ideas?

I think the only 'radio station' is on the PAL and MSP Waves community.

But you can always upload to dSound or 3speak too.

Thank you for the advice.
I am trying to expose @combination


Nice. after steem , blurt is there to provide you a little help.

Dolphin swarm is really going nice.

Yeah it's around 100 HIVE a week right now at current prices. I'll take it :)

Happy that your move was smooth and safe, great to have you focused yet again.

Thanks very much! :) Focused up!

Great progress on most parts Jon, and especially nice to see the Dolphin Swarm moving in, and thanks for the reminder of Blurt I need to get that power down going, have an awesome Sunday.

Big stuff man, massive congrats to you for hitting dolphin!!

You seem to be back on track to reach your goals :-). Thanks a lot for the mention!

For sure man, thanks for covering the Dolphin journey :)

Some nice work there. What interface are you using to sell blurt? The power down wasn't working on the one that I tried.

It took me like 5 tries LOL But I just powered down from blurt wallet. And then sold on ionomy!

That's exactly what I want to do. Then but hive. 😂

Yeah it was really odd. What helped me, try to 'withdraw' like 2-3 blurt less than you have. That helped the withdraw for me go through.

I've gotten it powering down at the moment so hopefully there will still be some value left by the time i get to sell it. Would be nice to pick up another 1k hive for free.

Yeah man, me too....3 cents each right now they claim but i'm getting it traded for less. whatever works, it's free HIVE for us lol

This is totally awesome and glad you and your family are all together again and the move was a success.

Looking forward to getting back on track with you and learning and earning so much more.

Thanks Charletta. You went through more than I could understand, take your time and let us know how we can help!