Hi Hive! I am Andraž (@crazy-andy)

in #myhiveintro4 years ago

I hope you are doing well my Hivean friends!

It has been a while since I joined the community at Steemit and started my way with this post:


I still remember how excited I was back then when I received my first upvotes. I constantly looked at the status of my post and get some good connections which become friendly relationship through the years. The biggest upvote on my first introduction post came from @anomadsoul and he is the main reason together with @ocd and of course @blocktrades that we are all writing our Hive introduction posts.
I would just like to add, that I really like current climate here on our new home and that I am thankful for that opportunity.

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I was not scared at all, if you belive in fairy tales - Namibia

Let me start introducing myself in few words.
My name is Andraž and my nickname is @crazy-andy comes from my first name and the thing that I am a bit crazy; but in positive way (I hope 😊).
I will be soon turning 28 years. I have a beautiful wife and a 10 months old son.
My hometown is Ljubljana, Slovenia, where I was born as well. I really like sports and I am a huge fan of our local team Olimpija Ljubljana, competing in football, basketball and hockey. I also watch almost every game of Luka Dončič playing for Dallas Mavericks, so a lot of my time is connected with sports. Beside watching sports, I also like to cycling and hiking. Currently there is less time as I am focusing more on my family, but I would like to start jogging again as well. During these strange quarantine times I gain a few kilos, which is result of me being a food freak and my wife being the best cook in the world 😊.
I had graduated from on Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences in Ljubljana. My only employer so far is a hotel company from my home town. I started working there as a bellboy, which is kind of a dream job for a student. A lot of tips, amazing cars, interesting people, lots of connections and a ton of anecdotes. With years I become employed full time as a receptionist and later manager on duty. With family, I changed my working position again and now I am working in sales department for the same company.
With current situation not being good for tourism sector, I am now waiting for work an I a sure situation will improve soon.

My lovely family

To close this up, also few words regarding my work here on Hive. If you will check my posts, it will mainly be photography. I am trying to post one photo a day and always fresh content with different theme. My favourite photography motive are animals as I really like animals, especially wild. My other passion is water – lakes, rivers, waterfalls, sea… I like landscape, cityscape, golden hour photography etc. as well.
I had opportunity to visit 5 continents already, missing only Australia and Antarctica.
In young days I have been traveling more through Europe with my parents and didn’t photography that much, nowadays I love to take photos as much as I can. I try to plan one bigger and one smaller travel each year. Last few years I was in USA several times, southern part of Africa and Ethiopia, Indonesia and Dubai stand for Asia and South America with most popular Patagonia part with vicinity.
I hardly say where I enjoyed most as each travel is different and also regarding photography, I would decide hardly which series is my favourite, but I if I would have to choose, it would probably be Africa.

Long exposure photo of sin city - Las Vegas

Main sight of my favorite US National Park - Yellowstone NP

Photographers paradise - Antelope Canyon

More than canyon - Grand Canyon

Nature porn - Yosemite NP

Hard to find better panoramic view on the city, than from the sea - Miami

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Place with life - Dead Vlei

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Nice teeth - Cheetah guest farm in Namibia

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My best wildlife sight so far; few days old lion cub - Etosh NP

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I don't know which part of photo is better; beautiful sunset or elephants silhouette - Chobe NP

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You can tell how that ends... - Zambezi river

Peace - SOWETO; South African Republic

You may think this photo is nothing special, but finding leopard is special - Kruger NP

I am not a big bird lover, but this click was at the right time - iSimangaliso Wetlands Park

Come on... Who wouldn't like to be there? - Seychelles

Spring photo - Iceland

Green sky is special - Iceland

Probably most effort was given for this photo as this mountain pass was achieved - Col du Galibier

So many stories behind that portret - Sumatra

Worth getting up in the middle of the night to catch that sunrise - Mount Bromo

You might want to visit that volcano more than once as it really changes colors - Mount Kelimutu

Here I had a feeling that I am at the end of the World - Padar Island

Counting traffic - Patagonia

Who knows how many generations would still have the opportunity to visit such an amazing glacier - Glacier Moreno

I already wrote that I really like water, so it is common sense to visit probably the nicest waterfalls on Earth - Iguazu Falls

Let the photo speaks for itself - Atacama desert

I simply had to pud another one from that place - Atacama desert

On the other side of the camera - Ethiopia

Hmmm does he has a weapon permission? - Ethiopia

Endless - Ethiophia

This place looks like another planet - Ethiophia

At the end I would like to say a special thank you to all my supporters. I am always trilled to see how any upvotes I receive and who is commenting my posts as I am not the big fish.
My biggest success (still at Steemit) was with my photo stories from my last USA trip. Almost each of them get @curie recognition which meant a world to me. It so huge boost when you are at the beginning and somebody exposes your work and you expand your circle of followers like that. So, all the curators thank you for ding an amazing job.
I don’t want to point out individuals, but anyway I would like to show my appreciation to some of them. At first @czechglobalhosts who is hosting daily photography challenge. I am regular participator and I have to admit that I am positive surprised how good I am doing with all the competition. @phortun is another Czech buddy who rewards my work with @tipu upvote. Support coming from @intrepidphotos has additional value as he is such an amazing photographer. I could go on and on with pointing out my supporters, so just to mention few of them: @mariusfebruary @asgarth @adalger @cyclamen @ervin-lemark.

As always, all comments are very welcomed. Feel free to ask any questions.

Sun going down and sea is always good combination - Croatia

Have a great start of the week and enjoy life. We are in some tough times right now, but I am sure we will defeat this virus soon and came even stronger from this battle.

Stay healthy and be positive!


Luštna družinca 👍🏻 Lepo te je spet videt (tvoje čudovite fotke) po dolgem cajt 😉 Danes sem se preklopila na Hive in malo raziskujem, kdo so “preživelci” od izpred moje pavze 🤪 Lep pozdravček 👋🏼

Živjo, lepo da si nazaj.
Ja pri meni je družinica na prvem mestu, sploh sedaj ko je izolacija in vse povezano z njo še dodatno uživamo.

Wooow what an epic intro! So much interesting stuff about you and you even revealed your face :D Dude, you have been everywhere at such a young age! Incredible. And the photos... I love them all, so cool! :) Thanks for the shout out btw, it´s my pleasure to support content like this ;)

Thank you for reading my intro.
Now you know how I look like that you can stop me if you see me somewhere on the world :)
I have been privileged to start traveling young :)
Some of the photos you already saw at the challanges, some are still coming in the future, but hopefully we all will be able to travel soon again and some new series will come.
And you are welcome for shout out, I appreciate your support.

Absolutely stunning photos. Glad to know a bit more about you, keep those photos coming!

Thank you my friend. Glad to hear that you like my work and anticipating more :)

So fun to learn more about you. Beautiful family. Great photos I especially love the Mount Bromo one!

Hey Sara, thank you for following me. My favorite is family one, but Mount Bromo is very soon after :)

You have been all over the place mate! Must have been amazing all that experience... =)

Still missing some places, but I have been quite lucky to see a lot. Thanks for stopping by!

Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Ps: when this madness is over we must meet :)

Hey Ervin, nice to see you checking my posts :)
Madness is the right word. Maybe we already met, just we don't know. I am also from Črnuče and I see you are quite active running the same routes I am walking often. And yesterday was my first run after two years, so maybe we will cross by running in the future as well :)
So yes, we should go for a drink after that virus.

Great to hear that we are almost neighbours :)

And great to hear you are running, congrats.

Maybe we will accidentally* meet these days? ;)

Amazing photos my friend and welcome to Hive.
Can't wait for more of your work.

Thank you for your kind words.
Looking forward to see you around more often.

Great expanded re-introduction! I'm glad to hear that you like the new Hive and the atmosphere here - I also hope it remains like this. Your photos are simply put top notch, especially because they tell some story and it is obvious that they were taken with passion. Looking forward to your posts very much. :)

Haha, always glad to see Slovenian on Hive.
Thank you for the support. I will keep posting and hopefully we will stay in touch.
Wish you all the best and a lot of health in that crazy times.

Thanks! Wish you all the best too!

Good to know more about you friend.
Love all those photographs. Beautiful collection 👌

Nice to see you checked my re-intro mate.
As you offers an amazing photographs yourself it is an honour to read your nice comment.