Yeah its me. Let's say Hi ! [a brief intro]

in #myhiveintro4 years ago

All the tech guys are already familiar, but this intro will give everyone on the hive community a better view of me.


Bitwise Operator

Bitwise operator is an operator used to perform bitwise operations on bit patterns or binary numerals to manipulate individual bits. Below is a list of such operators listed by their order of precedence:

  1. OR (|)
  2. AND (&)
  3. XOR (^)
  4. NOT (~)
  5. >> (Right-Shift) and << (Left-Shift)

and their order of precedence is given below:

  1. ~
  2. << and >>
  3. &
  4. ^
  5. |

Leaving every other alone, let's dive into rightshift.


Right shift operator shifts all bits towards right by certain number of specified bits.

Features of RightShift

  • It is denoted by >>
  • Bit Pattern of the data can be shifted by specified number of Positions to Right
  • When Data is Shifted Right , leading zero’s are filled with zero.
  • Right shift Operator is Binary Operator [Bi – two] which means it require two arguments.

The operation and working of right shift can be better understood from the pic below:


Simple Programming

Below is a simple code to understand the working of rightshift (code in C)


int main()
int a = 60;

printf("\nNumber is Shifted By 1 Bit  : %d",a >> 1);
printf("\nNumber is Shifted By 2 Bits : %d",a >> 2);
printf("\nNumber is Shifted By 3 Bits : %d",a >> 3);


and its output is shown below :

Number is Shifted By 1 Bit  : 30
Number is Shifted By 2 Bits : 15
Number is Shifted By 3 Bits : 7

Applications of rightshift

Right shift is generally used in lower-level programming such as device drivers, low-level graphics, communications protocol packet assembly, and decoding. It is used to divide any number by any power of two.

For example x = x / 2; is x>>1

Still confused

For all those who still have no idea about what it is all about, are free to understand me from the pic below:



although i dint understood your post, the last pic was a good go -->>

wow! just wow! what did I just read!!

just an intro in my own style

Welcome rightshift!
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