The Petite Roses - MyPictureDaySubmission

in #mypictureday6 years ago (edited)

It was a beautiful morning.

The sun wasn't totally up yet, it was peeking from the thin line up ahead where the sea meets the rosy sky. I was on my way to Church early then. Right after that, I decided to take a little stroll like what I usually do to contemplate, to relax, to appreciate the things around me.

Being an old soul, I look at things in a different way. I can see the beauty of the swaying leaves of the trees, how graceful they were as they danced with the early morning breeze - the things that were usually ignored. I appreciate the sound of its rustle, a smile of a stranger, and I love how the light slowly creeps through everything as the sun rises.

People from the church were passing by. Some were enjoying the solemn morning as I was, and some were on a hurried pace, beating the time to attend things they needed to such as work. If only people would stop for a second and take a moment to look at the beautiful little things. But amidst all that, one petite thing caught my attention. Sitting there on the sidewalk, in the heart of this town of busy people and concrete jungle, was a beautiful creation - a rose.

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The plant was sitting there taking pride in her three beautiful and perfectly-shaped buds. I couldn't help but to appreciate such petite yet outstanding beauty.

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Ever since I was in highschool when I first had a mobile phone, I always take a snap of things I find interesting. Enjoying mobile photography stuck with me until now. I find it handy. I quickly got my phone and took the best shot I could with the roses in front of me.

This pleasant sight of a wonderful creation fueled the tiny spark of hope in me that despite this world being imperfect, it's still a beautiful world.

(Pictures taken using mobile phone Huawei Y5ll)


khierix photography 😄