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RE: Returning to Kyiv and latest news

in #mywartimediarylast year

What a gorgeous city, great post and a happy smiling face.

I personally have no time for Biden tbh. Apparently he forewarned the kremlin in advance of his visit, why? was he that scared? Not like your brave leader and fellow countrymen!


Imagine if a missile kills the US president. That would mean direct war with Russia. I don't think that anyone is ready to start WW3 and end the world.

i think it is more a case of the americans saber rattling and attempting to poke and probe putin, there have been many NATO world leaders who have visited President Zelensky, without the need for advance warning.

Putin interprets everything that the "West" does in relation to Ukraine as saber-rattling so I don't think that giving an advance warning of the visit makes much difference in his mind.

Of course, this visit from Biden sends a message to the Kremlin but your view that the advance warning is somehow a show of cowardice is one that is colored by your dislike of the current president of the US (in my opinion).

The decision to inform an adversarial entity of the visit from the US head of state in an active war zone was likely taken by the security apparatus of Joe Biden (those types of decisions usually are).

In my view, having the Kremlin know that the president of the country with the second-largest nuclear arsenal will be present in Kyiv is probably a good idea in order to not trigger a direct act of war between both countries.

National Security Adviser to the US President, Jacob Sullivan, said that the White House had warned the Kremlin in advance about US President Joe Biden's visit to the Ukrainian capital. "We warned the Russians that President Biden would arrive in Kyiv a few hours before his departure in order to eliminate conflict situations"

Perhaps there was some sense in this, but what... 🤔

ahhh! of all the world leaders who have visited your fantastic leader, biden is the only one who seems to be above himself. To me it seems like the americans saber rattling.