Evil Bankers / How To Avoid Paying Fraudulent Bank Debt (Pt. 1)

in #natural8 years ago (edited)

Do you have a crippling mortgage debt you cannot pay?... Then read on because this is for you!

A few years ago if I was told about the 'Death Grip', I'd probably have visions of Darth Vader crushing another poor victims throat using only a finger gesture and the dark side of the force 'I find your lack of faith disturbing' he would say while the life slowly ebbed away from another hapless victim.

The horrible truth is that the evil empire does exist, their intentions are forceful and dark and they have their Death Grip firmly fixed on you!
It is a plot so dangerous and so sinister that it effectively guarantees that we, the people, live a life of servitude designed to suck away at our very life force for the majority of our natural lives.

You will know this 'Death Grip' by it's commonly used name once translated to French mort-gage.

Below I will reveal why a mortgage loan (loan... what a joke!) is no more than an evil, fraudulent scam and I will also explain what you can do about it.

The Natural Order Of Things

In common law jurisdiction there is Natural or Universal law that is at the top of the pyramid in the hierarchy, this concerns your body and you as an individual, on the other side there is commercial law i.e. equity law. When we step into equity law it is very difficult to extract ourselves from it even though there is a huge difference. If I was to give an example it would be like trying to apply the rules of Football to a Basketball game, they are different games and thus two different jurisdictions, the commonly made mistake is that people do exactly that and then attempt to fix it with different rules and regulations, statutes and applications.

The Big Deception

You enter into equity law only upon accepting an offer even though many times they are disguised as musts and demands upon you. The word 'application' for example means 'begging for', you are begging them!
This is the deceit played upon you by those who play the game of equity law i.e. all lawyers and those who uphold to the system. They are so dependent on this system that most of them are not even aware that it is one big well disguised fraud. The Bar Association in such common law jurisdictions as the USA, Canada, UK & Australia to name a few is no more than a commercial law institution run by the international banksters. The banksters who's owners perpetrate a massive fraud on mankind by creating money out of thin air and then multiplying that many times over creating the debt based system that essentially puts every person on earth in servitude to them.

Before I continue, remember that Natural or Universal Law is at the top of the hierarchy, our rights as human beings come before any rights of equity law. That's why deceptions are created to remove us from the realms of Natural Law into the domain of Equity Law where their statutes and regulations apply.
Never fear though because there are solutions but when you engage these criminals and try to expose their fraud you must expect that they will try to defend it in any way they can as you can not expect the villains and criminals who operate the banking system to just lie down and take it, they will fight you in any way they can to defend their turf as the scam must be protected and preserved.

Debt Makes The World Go Round

Now, the financial system adopted by almost all nations is debt based, since the process of going into debt is relied upon in order to supply money to their economies. Here's how the process works, by the action of lending to borrowers, commercial banks create credit and advance this to industry, consumers and governments. This bank credit circulates in the economy until such time as the loan is repaid. This bank credit now forms 96% of the money stock in most industrial nations with a mere 4%, the notes and coins created by government and free from parallel debt.

What does all this mean!?!

Simply put, the entire money stock of our nations are supported by huge and I mean HUGE debts. These debts can be broken down to four main sectors:-

  1. Private Debts - Loans, Mortgages, Overdrafts, Credit purchases etc...
  2. Industrial and Commercial Debts
  3. Governments And National Debts
  4. International Debt including Third World Debt

The supply of money is a direct product of borrowing and debt maintains this money in circulation thus modern debt is essentially un-repayable! No wonder we all, and when I say all I mean from the individual to Governments, have great difficulty in paying our debts. THEY ARE UN-REPAYABLE.

How did our governments miss this fact? Why will they do anything they can in order to pay these criminals back, including resorting to the plain theft of peoples personal and business accounts in the case of Cyprus when the debt they are so desperate to pay, can NEVER be paid back.
(I have my own theory for this but that will send me in a whole other direction. I must stay focused on the subject at hand. I will leave you to make up your own minds regarding that particular question).

I Owe The Bank Money, There's Nothing I Can Do.... Or Is There?

Can you legally cancel debts? Absolutely you can. In fact, debt elimination is completely legal, lawful and ethical.
So what's the catch? The only catch is that most people have never even imagined such a process because debt elimination has been well hidden only to be utilised by the financial elite who developed their evil banking system.

We will go into the process later on...

But The Bank Lent Me Money, I Really Should Pay It Back... Right?

Well not really, and here's why...

All banks bar none, are guilty of false advertising under their own commercial law. They bombard consumers with newspaper, radio, television and all other forms of marketing stating that the bank will lend you money in exchange for repayment plus interest. This is completely contrary to what actually happens. In reality banks actually NEVER lend you any of their own or their depositors money.

False Advertising: Definition
An act of deliberately misleading a potential client about a product, service or a company by misrepresenting information or data in advertising or other promotional materials.

False advertising is a type of fraud and it is a crime. In almost every case we are victims of predatory lending or home loan fraud. When you borrow money there are laws that require the lenders to give you specific disclosure about the loan. These disclosure are supposed to be on certain forms and presented in clearly defined ways. They are not!

Here's How The Banks Really Work

When you sign and remit a loan or credit card application and are approved for let's say 10,000, the commercial bank stamps the back of the application as if it was a cheque with the words 'pay 10,000 to the order of ....' which alters your application transforming it into a promissory note. ALTERING A SIGNED DOCUMENT AFTER THE FACT WITH THE INTENT OF CHANGING THE DOCUMENTS VALUE CONSTITUTES FORGERY AND FRAUD.

Forgery: Definition
A process of making or adapting objects or documents with the intent to deceive.

Fraud: Definition
Any crime perpetrated and perpetuated for personal gain that utilises the practice of deception as it's principal method.

Having altered the original document the promissory note is deposited at the local bank as new money. Generally accepted accounting principles, the publication governing corporate accounting practices, states; 'Anything accepted by the bank as a deposit is considered as cash'. This new money is now a 3% to 10% fraction of what the commercial bank may now create and do with as they please. Ultimately this means that 100,000 minus the original 10,000 is added to the banks coffers.

With this scheme they are essentially taking your asset, depositing it, multiplying it and exchanging it for an alleged loan back to you. This constitutes theft by deception because in reality, no loan exists!

The next step is for the banks to transfer and deposit your note, your asset, to the central bank. This note will permanently be concealed there. Since they stole your promissory note they owe it back to you, thus, it is you who is actually the creditor!

This deceptive acquisition and concealment of such a potentially valuable asset amounts to 'Fraudulent Conveyance'.

Fraudulent Conveyance: Definition
Refers to the illegal transfer of property to another party in order to defer hinder or defraud creditors.

In order to be found guilty of 'Fraudulent Conveyance' it must be proven that the intention of transferring the property was to put it out of reach of a known creditor, in this case... you.

Once they have perpetrated this fraudulent conveyance, the creditor then establishes a checking account in your name. 10,000 of these newly created funds are deposited to this account and a cheque is issued against these funds. It is all book keeping entries because this money is backed by NOTHING.

Money Laundering: Definition
Is the practice of engaging in financial transactions in order to conceal the identity, source and or destination of money.

Since receipt of your first statement from each of your creditors, they have made you believe that you are indebted to them and as we now know, the whole mortgage process is unlawful this can be constituted as 'Mail Fraud'.

Mail Fraud: Definition
Any scheme which attempts to unlawfully obtain money or valuables in which the postal system in used at any point in the commission of a criminal offence.

When they claim you owe a late payment you are usually contacted via telephone and told that a payment must be made urgently, this constitutes wire fraud.

Wire Fraud: Definition
A crime of utilising wire communications to facilitate a fraudulent scheme.

Throughout the process of receiving monthly payment demands you may also have been threatened with late fees, increased interest rates, bad credit reports, telephone harassments as well as threats of being wrongfully sued. Guess what... this constitutes 'Extortion' and that is a criminal offence.

Extortion: Definition
The act of obtaining money, behaviour or other goods and/or services from another by wrongfully threatening or inflicting harm to this person, their reputation or property.

Refraining from doing harm to someone in exchange for cooperation and compensation is 'Extortion' sometimes referred to as 'Protection'. The banking system is no more than an organised crime gang running a generally accepted protection racket.

New money was brought into existence by the deposit of your agreement promissory note. If you were to pay off the alleged loan you would never receive the original deposit asset back (the value of the promissory note). This means YOU HAVE PAID THE LOAN TWICE and simultaneously, the banks are able to indefinitely hold and multiply the value of your note by a factor of 10 to 33 times and generate huge profits.


Valuable Consideration: Definition
A negotiated exchange and legally reciprocal obligation.

If no consideration is present the contract is generally void and unenforceable.

The bank never explained to you what you have now learned.

  1. They did not divulge that they were not loaning anything.
  2. You were not informed that you were exchanging a promissory note which has a real cash value that was created to fund the initial loan.
  3. You were led to assume they were lending you their own, or other peoples money which is completely false.

If you were misinformed and according to contract law, THE AGREEMENT IS NULL AND VOID DUE TO NON DISCLOSURE.

Contract Law States:
When an agreement is made between two parties, each must be given full disclosure of what is transpiring. An agreement is not valid if either party conceals pertinent information.

So now... what do we essentially have here under commercial law:-
Forgery, Fraud, False Advertising, Theft By Deception, Fraudulent Conveyance, Money Laundering, Wire Fraud, Extortion, Blackmail and Non Disclosure.