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RE: How to Make Continuous Brew Kombucha

I've been brewing Kombucha for many years now too @belleamie. Totally addicted.

About 6 months ago, a stallholder at our organic farmers' market, who sells Kombucha, gave me a Jun SCOBY. I could be wrong but my understanding is that it has different properties to a Kombucha SCOBY. Or maybe it takes a while to convert. Will have to ask.

I like the idea of being able to have a continuous Jun brew: My rational is that being formed from green tea and honey, it would still be a healthy drink even if it wasn't fully fermented.

The Jun seems to be a milder brew and less bubbly. I usually make a second ferment for Kombucha by adding fresh ginger and this really makes for quite a fizz. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎


Yes, Jun SCOBYs are different than Kombucha because they are adapted to green tea and honey, so have a pretty different colony of yeast and bacteria. Some folks say they are evolved separately, but there are also folks who say you can slowly convert one, which I am trying to do. I am now curious, since you have one, does it look any different than the Komucha SCOBY?