Thoughts on MMS? Is it "Drinking Bleach"?

in #naturalmedicine2 years ago (edited)


Miracle Cure or Medical Scam?

The world is so backwards. We are at the stage where when the system rejects a cure or treatment for a disease, I can't help but feel compelled to honestly evaluate it for efficacy - the system will naturally reject any effective treatment that might hurt their profit stream.

It's not crazy to think a genuine cure would be completely debunked by the established medical system.

Just as there is a massive worldwide PR campaign to ensure the public that the injection is safe (it's not ) and effective (it's not), we also see massive worldwide PR campaigns to warn the public of what they call "snake oil" treatments.

Especially MMS.


Miracle Mineral Supplement

The miracle cure is not complicated at all, it's sodium chlorite (a natural water purifier related to salt) dissolved in water to make a 28% concentrate. It's administered as a single drop (or two), then mixed with an "activator" either one drop of HCL 2% or (preferably) one drop citric acid 10%. Then diluted in water or juice and consumed. The acid "activator" causes the sodium chlorite to become chlorine dioxide gas (not bleach) which is purported to have very powerful anti-viral properties. Like miracle level anti-viral properties.

The testimonies of MMS's safety and effectiveness are overwhelmingly POSITIVE, dare I say MIRACULOUS. But the thought police will not allow us to question the medical authorities.

Therefore I hereby state that anyone who uses MMS is "drinking bleach" and should be mocked and ridiculed and healthy and not dead. (50% Satire)

WebMD Puts In It's Two Cents


WebMD does go on record saying chlorine dioxide gas is safe in low doses. They can't help themselves saying it's "like bleach", when the properties are only vaguely similar.

Hate to break it to these professionals, but your tap water has "like bleach" added to it in small quantities, so get over it.

FDA Steps in the Save the Day?

Since our overlords would not want us little people "drinking bleach", the FDA issued an official warning of the use of any product using sodium chlorite and acid. Even mentions MMS by name.


Interesting that WebMD says "be careful not to purchase". They are admitting up front that this is about MONEY. They then describe the process like administering some sort of back alley drug, like lighting a spoon, or smoking a rock. The FDA has warned consumers, don't use MMS.

When has the FDA ever been wrong?

Hmmm snake oil. Consider the VENOMOUS adjuvant included in the injection.

I've Never Made or Tried MMS

When there is a massive PR campaign to discredit a treatment, for me it actually lends great creditably. While there are some genuine medical scams out there that are potentially deadly (are you up to date with your VACATIONS?), all options should be available to the consumer who is responsible for their own health.

If experimental injections are mandatory by emergency use authorization, why would any possible treatment be taken off the table?

I'm still doing research on the product and method, still gathering testimonies and looking for possible side-effects. Just like any medicine, too much can have negative effects, but any medicine is like that. See what happens when too much of the supposed anti-viral remdesiver is administered into a person's veins. Too horrific to discuss here.

Anyone Here Tried MMS?

I'm curious if anyone has had any experience with MMS? Positive? Negative? I'd like to hear your thoughts in the comments below.


Z-STACK: A Product that is Certainly NOT Snake Oil

I'll be quick.

Our family has partnered with Dr. Zelenko to promote his product Z-STACK. Why? Because we don't want YOU to go to a hospital. Why? Because the hospital system has financial and political incentives to make you a statistic.

Don't become a statistic.

Your life is precious. Stay out of the hospitals. Consider Z-STACK to help combat illnesses.


I am not a doctor offering medical advice, but repeating the recommendations of Dr. Zelenko. Please do your own research for medical decisions. If you have any questions, consult with American Frontline Doctors.

Z-STACK contains four ingredients that work together to stop the virus from spreading inside your body and help you recover quickly. Quercetin and zinc, backed up with immune boosting vitamin D and vitamin C.

  • Elemental Zinc 30mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin C 800mg 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 time a day for 7 days
  • Quercetin 500mg 2 times a day for 7 days or


Do Not Live In Fear, Except in the Fear of the LORD

Fear no one, but the one above.


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of SIX (!!!) wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!



Never tried MMS.