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RE: Making Medicine At My Home Away From Home

Wow, did not realize you are still down here, left a message and never heard back, thought you had returned back home to the farm.

Life has been tough with all these restrictions, glad to see you have found your way to creating some herbal home brews to ease the pain.

Take care!


GASP - Apologies Joan, yes I am, I read your message and then got distracted, before I knew it I had to make plans too get my daughter here for school holidays and then BAM lockdown LOL
I am so sorry that I didn't answer you.
Turns out we are quite some distance apart, however, once lockdown is over, I am SURE we can make a plan

This whole debacle has turned life upside down, glad you managed to get your daughter down to be with you. Yes you are slightly inland from us, close yet far!

Your creams and natural remedies sound interesting, I have tried some that I purchased and was impressed with how effective they are in healing properties. Not quite how we used it in our youth 😁 odd cake or two....