
We need to in order to keep the moisture in the soil... 😉 I think we're gonna get a dry one this summer. Where are you in Oz?

SA, I'm Gawler. And you?

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Gawler!! Sweet. Melbs. Right in the heart of it. Missing the wide open spaces, tbh. I have very good friends that live around Gumeracha, and regularly go visit. Haven't explored the northern parts that much.... love that part of the world though. I have seriously considered moving there.

It's a nice place. Gumeracha is great too. If you're ever over this way feel free to drop by

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Yeah, I mulch then too but I do find that sometimes the plants I'm trying to suppress can be a bit too vigorous making it hard successfully mulch them. But it does not stop me from mulching in the spring! :)