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RE: Wild Edibles on The Canal : Bistort, Wild Garlic, Elderflower and Nettles

Plantain is starting to pop here too. My yard is full of them and dandelions, which I harvest regularly.

Our elderflowers aren't blooming yet, but when they do, we have elderberry bushes everywhere around us. I can't wait to harvest them.

I'm glad to see you seem have found your groove. Getting out of the inlaws and on your own is exactly what you needed.

Are you in a better location for exploring as well?


Somerset is incredible on the whole but the canal does add another dimension, like cycling and swimming. It's not so far from my in laws. A million things to explore in a 3 hr drive radius.

Plantain is absolutely my plant of the year. I marvel at its effectiveness and that most people pass over it as a useless weed!