Mushrooms- In your cupboard?!

in #naturalmedicine3 years ago

Some of you know about such mushrooms - the effectiveness is undisputed.


Magic mushrooms


Most of you know these mushrooms, of course, they are available in every grocery store.

What some Westerners do not know yet - besides effective party mushrooms and delicious for pizza toppings, there are many others that have useful qualities.

Probably your western medicine doctor has never said a word about them. In Asia, however, there have been medical treatments with mushrooms for thousands of years.


Shen Nong, Chinese ruler, testing herbs. One of the oldest records of medicinal substances is attributed to him.

The First Materia Medica: The Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing


One of the mushrooms I will briefly touch on is called Ganoderma lucidum or REISHI.

It is said to have wonderful effects and I would like to encourage you to spend a few minutes or maybe a few hours on the subject. Because, as I said, no doctor has ever told me anything about it, others probably feel the same way.

Some of the effects attributed to Reishi (source):


-immune modulating

-blood pressure lowering

-alleviate common allergies

-improve oxygen utilization

-improve liver functions

Great, isn't it? You don't have to grow it yourself or go to the forest either, Reishi can be bought as a powder or capsule. Best organic, as always, because mushrooms are known to absorb heavy metals from the environment.

This is not meant to be a medical recommendation, I am not a doctor. Research and inform yourself, as always. Enjoy.