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RE: Join me in correcting my short sighted (myopic) vision the NATURAL way & together let us make a film which changes the world!

Great idea. I hope people join in. Resteeming on Nat Med and my personal account. If you want a channel in Natural Medicine we can do that no problem.

I have fine vision - gets a bit hard to read tiny print when I'm tired these days, but refuse to get glasses. IT'S JUST COZ I'M TIRED AND THE PRINT IS TINY. And I'm not paying 80 bucks to get a test to tell me i need 500 dollar glasses. As I told my husband this morning. I'll do eye yoga instead - keep 'em strong. :P




That's a fab idea creating a channel within NaturalMedicine. Let's try and keep it all in one place. Although for now it looks like it will just be me!

Inner and outer vision are of course intimately connected, so your perfect eyesight speaks volumes ;)

Keep doing what you're doing!