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RE: A Cacophony of Birdsong Mistakes

in #nature2 years ago

Take heart Gin, I'm wearing shorts at the moment, not a suit. In fact, suits are not a thing at work for me anymore fortunately. Yay!

Also, don't be dissatisfied.

  • In the storm cloud I saw beautiful shapes and patterns that made me smile
  • Summer means lovely walks on the beach (where I risk sandation, the ondirion of being inundated with sand upon one's body for weeks after leaving the beach)
  • I work in transport refrigeration so broken AC gets rectified

So...There's always an upside. I'd hate for you to be dissatisfied. You don't deserve it, so I've found positive from the negative.

I still don't like the fkn humidity though.


Oh very good. I'm relieved. The scale is balanced once more. That is very brave of you to risk sandation. I once saw a man outside his vehicle at the beach slapping the backs of his legs viciously with a towel, over and over again, and then began smacking himself with it everywhere, and a part of me was wondering if someone should intervene. Maybe I ought to - was I being that person that just stands there while a person mauls...himself? And then I realized he was simply experiencing sandation. Poor guy. I have immunity to sandation - I roll fearlessly in sand.

Anyway, have a good rest of your summery day. It is winter and it is night and I am cold.

We've discussed this before...I turn slapping away sand into an artform. It's more about not getting sand in my vehicles than removing it from myself though; I gave up on self-removal years ago. No matter how hard one tries sand can still be found weeks after one's last beach visit.

Still, maybe you should have helped that fellow out, he could have done some serious damage.

Oh yeah, I figured you were a sand-roller...The way you talk about sand with such a cavalier attitude hints at it rather blatantly.

It just remembered that you are a cat person. I think of people in terms of cats and dogs. You prefer pleasant and orderly affection; I like having Big Dog's tongue slather me with all sorts of mystery bacteria. You are calculated and orderly - calm and collected; I just put 15 books on hold at the library...that I have no idea how I will read in 3 weeks. Lol. We are two very different creatures. It is good to have opposite friends. You'll be the first to know if I need advice on sandation prevention or want to carefully organize some sort of plan of attack. You let me know if you need any help grabbing a bunch of papers and just throwing them everywhere - I'm good at that ;)