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RE: A Cacophony of Birdsong Mistakes

in #nature2 years ago

I do love that winter wraps up early here. It is a trade of course, long winter for long humid summer. A lot of northerners move down here - they are flocking to my area at a ridiculous rate unfortunately - and are completely in denial about the trade. And then they cry and moan all summer, demanding we spray more crap on everything for the mosquitoes, and can't leave their air conditioned houses. Ha.

I love the end of winter partly because of the plants. I hate seeing everything brown and buckled over. I imagine snow would improve the view, but we don't do that here, winter is just sad looking decrepit browns and yellows. Too many crunchy instruments:)


That is what makes winter worse, all the brown and crunchy, which we know is only good for toast. :)

If only the dead things were bright yellow, blue and purple, instead of brown. All the brown just adds insult to the frosty temp injuries.

Like neon yellow, and Easter-lavender. Oh that would be lovely:)