
Best advice I have ever had my friend.
The power cuts are playing havoc with our lives and I apologize for the late reply.

Oh don't worry about any late replies, I think everyone understands the power outages there. Very unfortunate to have to live with.

Thank you for understanding my friend, we simply have to endure and do what we can.

I agree but the people in charge down there better figure out how to correct the problem before it gets worse and kills the whole economy!

There is now even talk about about sabotage doing the rounds my friend. Apparently someone flipped a shut off switch at one of the power stations.
They are now really in a tight spot and being scrutinized by all, so we will wait and see what happens.

wow. Well, it can't get any worse! I hope.

Hahaha, much worse is on it's way my friend.
People are eager to get to the money troughs.