Breaking News - Mount Mayon Volcano in the Philippines Erupting NOW!

in #nature6 years ago (edited)


Please take care and be safe my dear friends and followers in the Philippines! Especially anyone on, or around, the island of Luzon which could be devastated if a full eruption happens.

Don't forget to ensure the safety of your pets and other animals including wildlife if possible.

Last night



Latest UK news from The Guardian newspaper;

Photo credits;
Guardian Newspaper Group Press Photo
National Geographic


Be safe to our brothers and sisters near in Mount Mayon..

Thank you @Imfao3124 for commenting and offering this prayer for the safety of all our brothers, sisters, and animals friends near Mount Mayon...I know many on steemit are sending hopeful wishes for your welfare and well being right now🙏🏽

The Mayon Volcano is the most perfect cone volcano in the world but after this eruption I don't what will be the next shape of it. People here are safe because they are all aware of what is happening right now. There re so many volcanos in the Philippines which has distinctive qualities. I just want to share it with you...

Yes, @corionersmex that's an interesting observation...indeed it will most likely be altered by the eruption...and not just the shape of the volcano...the surrounding landscape will also suffer changes too!

It is a relief to know that everyone is safe but I spare prayers and thoughts for the wildlife, trees and plantlife that might be destroyed as well.