Mushrooms and Snags

in #nature8 years ago (edited)

Slugs often occur on mushrooms, because they feed on them. It is not surprising that they get into the camera.

Слимаки часто трапляються на грибах, бо вони ними харчуються. Тому не дивно, що вони потрапляють в об'єктив фотокамери.

And here have dinner a couple of slags. This is a mushroom-rainbow, tincture of it - a powerful aphrodisiac

А тут обідає ціла парочка. Це гриб-веселка, настоянка з нього - потужний афродизіак.

And below another one!

А знизу ще один!

"Tasty white mushrooms, yum-yum"

"Смачненькі білі грибочки, ням-ням"



do you like eat snags?))

I love France

than you like eat frogs?))

I bet those mushrooms in the middle photos really were stinky! I know them as Stinkhorns (Phallaceae family). Once I thought an animal had died in the wall of my house. For two days it smelled so bad! Then I found a stinkhorn, outside my house, about 10 feet away from the wall. They are fun to find, as long as they aren't by my house, lol.