Previous visit to the ecopark

in #naturelast year

how are you all Hope everyone is doing very well. I am also very well with the blessings of God.
First of all welcome to today's blog. In today's blog I will share some photography with you. I took these photographs from Eco Park. There was a garden called History of Bengal in sculpture within this eco park. In this garden, many aspects of the history of Bengal were presented very beautifully through sculptures. I really enjoyed visiting this park. I had friends with me who also appreciated this place a lot. In an earlier blog sharing photography from Eco Park, I had shared photography of some parts of this park. It was not possible to share the photography of all places during that day's episode. So I will share with you the remaining photographs that were not shared that day. This place is truly a place of pride for Bengalis. The proud history of Bengal was beautifully presented here. Here is a glimpse of the contribution of the great people of Bengal in the pages of history.