There are 2 pages

Clemson by 3

Lose by 3

then you would choose the other team and win by 3. Otherwise it will confuse the flow.
Because this is a new format, we dont have a script as yet for the app, so all comments have to be manually checked.

I see. Sorry.

win by 9

Win by 7

-- I was in a playoff game for the Bucs long ago in this stadium! When the sun goes down.... the wind from T-Bay blows in and it gets cold, and I am a Canadian lol

Clemson Tigers by 4

Win by 1

Win by 14

Win by 4

Win by 10

win by 5

Clemson by 3

tigers by 6

tigers by 5

win by 3

win by 5

Win by 7

There are 2 pages