PolySwarm Hits 24 Hour Trading Volume of $15,827.00 (NCT)

in #nct4 years ago

Sunday, January 5th, 2020
PolySwarm logoPolySwarm (CURRENCY:NCT) exchanged 6.2% lower against the US dollar during the 1 day time frame finishing at 12:00 PM Eastern on January fifth. PolySwarm has a market top of $2.24 million and roughly $15,827.00 worth of PolySwarm was exchanged on trades over the most recent 24 hours. In the course of the most recent week, PolySwarm has exchanged 7.6% lower against the US dollar. One PolySwarm token would now be able to be acquired for around $0.0014 or 0.00000019 BTC on significant digital money trades including HitBTC, TOPBTC, DDEX and IDEX.