Living With the Compassion

in #neoxianlast year

Hope is typically what enables us to get up and keep moving forward, even during those times that seem extremely dark and difficult.

But hope can be fragile, and difficult to hold on to. Just this week, I personally had news from three friends and acquaintances who had just received cancer diagnoses. For a while, I sat and just contemplated how there sometimes isn't much point to a world in which good people suffer such heavy burdens of bad news. They don't deserve this to happen to them!

And yet, this is how things often work out. The important thing is to not lose hope!

Of course, that may be easier said than done when you have just been presented with a potentially fatal cancer diagnosis. That said, you have a much better chance of surviving and continuing with a good life, if you approach the condition with hope, rather than hope-LESS-ness.

One of the things that can help change our perspective is to focus your attention on some small thing that does give you a sense of hope, even if it is not the main thing happening in your world.