Curating Neoxian.City influencers!

in #neoxian2 years ago (edited)
Authored by @dynamicgreentk

Curating Neoxian.City influencers!


While I am preparing to move to a farm where I will start to make farming content again and stepping away from curating the art community, I will curate notable members of The City of Neoxian. Most likely will continue to do so as well so it would be cool if you joined Neoxian's community on matrix chat!

These people I am curating are loyal Hivians. They align with my views that steem is not a blockchain to use or at least one where we do not copy and paste content from steem to HIVE without citation. This allows me to avoid double checking their work on steemit and constantly revisiting that immoral chain owned by Justin Sun, the thief, who maybe is as immoral as @ned who deceived most on HIVE and betrayed by driving down the price of steem to sell it, for the better mind you as we are thriving on HIVE.

The people of the City of Neoxian, especially the ones in @neoxian's matrix chat are amazing, full of love and make HIVE great content. I will highlight some of their amazing posts here. If you have in your heart please visit these friendly Pro-Hive members of our community!


Is it officially end of STEEM as Justin Sun is out of the picture

Bala, just recently created a game that will exist on both the HIVE and Wax blockchains called MuTerra. Today he created a post all about how Justin Sun aims to be another billionaire setting out to fulfill selfish desires by wasting his money on a venture to space in spite of having the money to instead help his own community, country people and the people of Earth.

Those who are on Hive from the beginning probably know what happened two years back and why Hive was born. After Justin Sun took over Steemit, he did come up with some changes to the way the chain operated. He introduced the Tron wallet and also reduced the power down period. Apart from that, some schemes were also popular on Steemit. I don't even know more details on that. I keep hearing that the new users who directly came to Hive looking for a good blogging platform might also see Steem as a fascinating investment opportunity but being very cautious is what I would like to say.


Always be welcomed to new ideas

Ferrate direct messaged me this post after I asked for content to curate today in Matrix chat and I was not disappointed in the least bit with receiving this post from him. This post is inspiring content meant to help open one's perceptions to being open to trying new things!

From ages the world have being scattered around with many different evolutions, species keeps changing from one form to the other. And I know most of us never really saw the evolution of mankind but we keep with stories around. Almost the mass goes with the story that we came from the evolution of chimpanzees and have stick to that no matter how you convince them with other stories. Same way it goes to life we live, people have no room for no new things but keep living in the old stories being told to them by certain people they trust.


SPLINTERLANDS, Tokens market watch and my thoughts

Mango-Juice is a savy investor who loves him some blockchain games and investing into them. He loves Splinterlands. In this post he gives his insights into the Splinterlands currencies like dec and even the price of vouchers!

If we take a look at the DEC prices, currently it is being traded at tribal dex for $0.00513 per DEC. The price of DEC with respect to USD is still decreasing Little by little at a constant rate and as many people are interested for the upcoming Ragnarok drop and holding liquid or staked hive into their accounts to receive more of their NFT drops. on the other hand, the price of SPS is also decreased very much which discourages them further to stack DEC to get SPS drop, maybe that’s some of the reasons DEC price is not reviving itself.


Investment 💰🏧🏦

Well what can I say about our favorite young man? He is full of life and always learning. English is not his first language and I commend him for putting such effort into his HIVE posts using English.

Here we get an inside peak into a young man's investment plans. It is interesting as he is in his mid-twenties and thinking of the future. He sees that his friend's past advice would had made him a smart investor if he followed his friend's advice. I just ask him to be cautious taking other people's advice before investing in anything and to do your own research.

The stock market is a really good investment if you have done research on that and he did a lot of research and he talked about a lot about a stock market can be made and he always recommend me to invest there. I had made the account of the stock market but have not invested in it yet but I will sure try to invest it in a few days because he didn't come and get me some stocks that are going to give a good profit in a few months if I will hold them.



With this post Beyondhorizonmm shares his weekly Splinterlands battle with us and shows us how a well done Splinterlands battle post should be created. He gives in depth analysis of his battle and even goes over the positioning of his cards!

SummonerMalric Interno+1 Melee Damage
Position 1Serpent of the FlameRetaliate, Poison
Position 2Giant RocFlying, Reach
Position 3Flame MonkeyRepair
Position 4Elven CutthroatSneak
Position 5Creeping OozeSlow
Position 6Furious ChickenNone

Battle rules are Target Practice and Heavy Hitters. I normally chose melee attack monster for this kind of battle. I want to avoid their Snipe attacks. Another reason I am doing the Sneak quest so I need to chose a monster with Sneak ability.
I think my opponent will focus on his ranged or magic attack monsters so I decided to make a frontal attack. So I chose Serpent of the Flame + Giant Roc combination because Poison can ignore Shield ability. I reinforced them with Flame Monkey to repair the armor of Serpent of the Flame.


Neoxian City weekly paper - 2021-12-26

The team at the City of Neoxian curates people from, a front end for HIVE, weekly. They show lots of support and love to their overall community weekly. Please visit this post to see amazing content that they curate from the city!

These are our picks: Please note: We only support original content here. We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarize it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here. We also take our tags seriously. So please try and use the relevant tags as we will only vote on those with them. We won't be voting a picture of your cat with SPT for example. SPT is for Steemonsters.

Thank you for making it to the end of my post meant to showcase yet another amazing HIVE artist. Please take time to say hi to the people of the city's post that I featured here and show some support to their posts!

A Fun Generalized Community on HIVE to join!

The Neoxian city is now located in Element chat

Please visit us in Element.
Element information:
The id of the man to talk to there is
Neoxian's city chat:

Who does not love NFTs?

Do you love art and want to get you some NFTs or mint them? Do not be afraid to use my referral link for @nftshowroom or just travel directly to their site!


Actually great way to really support some amazing content creators and loyal Hivian community members.

Impressive work! Very nice job.

Definitely two thumbs up and four paws as well!


Thank you man.❤️

You deserve it. Keep up the hard work!

The community here is amazing and deserves all the support they can get.

Thanks man so glad we are good. I am bring in a whole community of korean natural farmers but starting with one the community leaders she is also connected to skunk mag....

Nice!!! You know about edenbuxx? They curate gardening content too and the leader is a1spores aka liquid mike... AKA a cool cat...

i will be sure to have her travel to canna or where you are based... just getting her settled with her intro post and with @dreemsteem etc

aha, the blog looks great sir, thanks for the mention. The time you have to spend to make the great that is really amazing. 😍😎

English is not his first language and I commend him for putting such effort into his HIVE posts using English.

Indeed but we did learn many things over time, If I see my past few posts and compare them my this years post I can clearly see the difference

I just ask him to be cautious taking other people's advice before investing in anything and to do your own research.

I will keep this in mind sir thanks for the advice sir.

have a great day and week sir 😄🙏


!giphy great


only a couple of hours but yeah it can be taxing on the brain 🤫

the few hours are enough 😄


!giphy dance


There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.



PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
beyondhorizonmm tipped dynamichivers (x1)
@bhattg(2/5) tipped @dynamichivers (x2)

Please vote for pizza.witness!

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

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Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.

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Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

Much love from Vegas! Love the India community!

Thanks for curating my post. !PIZZA

No problem! Much love from Vegas1

Great post dynamo and thank you for selecting my post 😋

You are amazing bro! I love you and what you bring to the table! Go HIVE!

Love you too bro. Hive always. Community is everything indeed