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RE: Axie Infinity Crapoleo :P

in #neoxian2 years ago (edited)

I literally invested everything starting October when I first joined splinterlands, and staked it because they claimed that was how you get the most. Guess what I got. Buying in sps at .50 and .80 then staking. Over 6 weeks I paid $500 every two weeks all I could afford and lived without extra money. Only to see the sps drop because everyone sold the new players money and got out with 1000x profit. Than I unstaked and watched my sps turn to nothing losing over 50 percent. I still don't have it all unstaked. Right at this moment I am literally going to be lucky if I break even when I get it back. Over 2 grand I invested (while homeless). Money is just material. But I'm glad everyone else was able to profit off of my investment though I didn't at all. Of course I did profit and maintain. But with having all my sps locked 2500 total. All I lost in the sps drop I am barely keeping my head even with what I invested so instead of profit it's just getting back what I'm losing. No good really. But I enjoy the game so far. Right it off as entertainment and another loss. It's what I'm great at. Getting in at the end of everything lol. 😂